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Hail Brothers and Cousins of lore,


I am Noctem Cultor,

I normally lurk around the Chaos and Forge boards so this is a first time visit here for me.

My Night Lords are known as the Warband Of Eviscerated Truth, they are a pure remnant of the Legion untouched by the foul stench of Chaos.




I am a poor writer due to my dyslexia and incorrect use of grammar. But I do have plenty of good ideas that just need a sane writer to Translate into decent writings.


My Warband blog and finished models are in my signature if interested people want to see what my Warband looks like.

But here is a breakdown to what I currently have an in the order I want to translate my stuff.


First Post breaks down the characters of my warband.


Second Post Is all about the Warband as a whole from their start as Praetor Zaqar from his forced exile from Axemaster Kriegs (Tainted) Warband to the warbands post 13th crusade war with the Sons of Russ.



Warlord/Praetor Zaqar Kal Druaga The Untainted

Leader of the Warband of Eviscerated Truth.

  • Nickname Zaqar The Pure or Zaqar The Templar by his mocking Brothers due to his Zealot like nature concerning Chaos.
  • His blade is an Exorcised Slaanesh Daemon Blade which he gained when slaying a Slaanesh cult and exorcising the Daemon within the Blade as it attempted to lure Zaqar to its whim.
  • Zaqar used to reside in The Night Lord Krieg (Now Daemon Prince) Warband but discusted with his fall to Chaos all 'in the name of Fear'. He was humiliated and exiled to a barren planet with 3 suns by Krieg as an example after disobeying the Axemaster to many times.
  • Zaqar is adept with Night Raptor assault tactics and has his own jump pack.
  • During the Eye of Terror campaign suprisingly Zaqar flocked to the Prophet Decimus banner and followed his plans without question. After the Ulwthe were left devastated by the VIII Legion and the Night Lords with the Warmasters forces going their separate ways, Decimus told Zaqar his fate was on the Easter Fringes of Imperial space and with his new followers Zaqar left without any more information than blind faith the Prophets vision is true.
  • Zaqars fame/infamy as a Warlord/Praetor grew with each campaign of Terror where he ousted corruption in both his own forces and his prey.
  • The warp does not forget as Zaqars face is scared blinding him in one eye during a duel with a Ulthwé Warlock. While singling out Xenos witch during a raid Zaqars hatred of the Warp spawned powers of Psykers led him to attack head on where he received a warp lighting attack to the face before he decapitated the Warlock whos helmet know adorns his blades hilt.

Warship of the Warband 'Fates Shadow'

Destroyed in orbit by a Fleet of Space Wolves pursing Skyrar's Dark Wolves.

(This starts the Warband's current campaign)


Champion Ninu R'ta The Lion of Nostramo

  • Ninu was captured during a Dark Eldar raid on his old broken warband, his brothers slain he was taken to arena pits in the webway.
  • He was 'forced' to slay other Astartes in the most brutal combat of their blood sports. Becoming a favourite due to his inherited talent for murder and lack of feeling for his 'brother' Astartes.
  • Ninu gained his signature weapon a DE gladiatorial weapon which he fashioned into a Nostraman Man Catcher in these fights.
  • His armour repaired by slave creatures of his DE benefactors is a mix match of armour with a unique appearance. It has been repainted bronze with Midnight blue wings adorning his helmet and a Black cape.
  • During the celebrations his captors after a successful fight Ninu killed his guards and snuck on board another ship leaving for realspace. Once in realspace Ninu revealed himself and took over this ship and those DE surviving the attack were tortured and flayed while he drifted in space sending out a distress signal he hoped his brothers of the 8th would get.
  • It was the Warband of Eviscerated Truth who came across Ninu's Signal and after being boarding by the Shadow Hawks Huntmaster Ukur voxed Zaqar and after a tense discussion in which Ukur expressed his desire to leave the Xenos tainted Night Lord to drift Ninu was taken aboard 'Fates Shadow'
  • Since joining the Warband Ninu found no place and was not excepted by any claw, Zaqar decided to issue an open challenge that any of his Warband could challenge Ninu to a Murder Duel removing him from the Warband or giving him place in that Claw. It was Huntmaster Ukur who accepted the challenge, annoyed at the way Zaqar over ruled his want to leave the outsider to drift previously had left a bitter taste in Ukur's mouth. The Warband already convinced that the Warbands Honour guard Huntermaster would seal Ninu's fate gathered to see his blood spilt. As the duel began a change in posture took over Ninu instantly and he was back in the Arena's his Man Catcher slamming into Ukur's Chain glaive and sending it flying. Ukur shocked by this turn of events was then sent spiralling when an uppercut connected to his jaw, landing on his back Ukur found himself pinned by Ninu's weapon at completely at his mercy. Ninu ready to end his challengers life decided a fate more fitting and left Ukur pinned to the floor as he walked out of the duelling cage.
  • Impressed with the fight and the sheer arrogance was left with the decision of what to do with Ninu as due to him not killing Ukur he had not gained the right to join the Shadow Hawks. He decided that by besting his Huntmaster that Ninu would serve the Warband as his Champion and bodyguard a role he accepted.
  • His time with the Warband has not helped Ninu gain any acceptance in the warband, his position has if anything increased the hostility from his brothers. Zaqars trust in Ninu grows as does Ukur's hatred it is only a matter of time until the two will need to end the feud permanently.
  • Another example of Ninu's posistion is the title bestowed on him by his Warband's Brothers, The Lion of Nostramo while outsiders would see this as a title of honour it is merely to mock his Terran birth unlike many of his VIII Legion brothers hailing from the Night Haunter's home planet.

Altramentar Vul Gesh Bearer of the Standard of Vindication

(An bitter terminator who blames the demise of the Legion on its weak and corrupt, with no desire to lead he helps mould Zaqar into the leader he thinks the VIII needs)

He joins the Warbands Terminator honour guard into battle.


Night Lord Pilot Hellscream

(A member of the Warband out of need than choice. He buts heads with Zaqar often and spends most of his time repairing and customising his stolen Dark Talon Jet fighter)


Night Raptors the Shadow Hawks

(Disciples of the teachings of the Talon Master Zso Sahaal, they are Zaqars honour guard)


  1. Huntmaster Ukur
  2. Meltagun Raptor Alû Nusku
  3. Raptor Sulak
  4. Raptor Galli
  5. Raptor Lazule


Squat slaves

(The Thunderfist brotherhood pledged an oath of service when the Warband accidentally killed an imperial extermination force killing their people.The serve as the legions Mechanics)


Belet-Seri The keeper of Souls (Apothecary of the Warband)

(He maintains his job of an Apothecary wearing his robes of flayed skin, he is arrogant of his position and is followed by no members of the Warband.


These are my minor scribbling's of where I want to focus. I am grateful for any help so if anyone wants to be my official scribe or fancy's taking one of the above let me know so I can supply you with more details on said subject.



Edited by Noctem Cultor
Fixed tags

Hopefully my additions of bullet points for fluff and points of interest on:

Warlord/Praetor Zaqar Kal Druaga

Champion Ninu R'ta


I have made a few other tweaks such as adding the Night Raptor Claws names and the Previous Warship of the Warband.


If anyone has ideas that would help or expand on what you see please let me know, I am after any help not just a complete write up.




The Warband of Evicserated Truth stems from many Fragments of the VIII Legion. Its Warlord/Praetor Zaqar originally served in the 3rd Company under Captain Krieg Acerbus before the Legion splintered apart. It is thought that many of the warbands Terror Marines also orginate from 3rd company.


Current engagement:

The WoEt followed the Prophet Decimus Words to "Head into the furthest reaches of the Eastern borders of Imperial Space where you will find Legacy of the Legion that will be its future". Upon arriving at the Dead World Doton at the Eastern Fringe of Imperial space, the warband found the Ice planet to be inhabited by Imperial Forces.

As they Descended onto the planet they found a depleted (likely due to the 13th Crusade pulling resources from this sector of Space) Astra Millitarum staging force, The Warbands Terror Vanguard upon systematically destroying communication and chances of Imperial Forces getting off world the Warband had a shock of its own. A Small Fleet of Space Wolves appeared over the planet and upon arrival destroyed their unmarked ship Fates Shadow. Surprised by this turn of events the Night Lords ventured though the Night to find a place to contact is remaining forces and regroup.


It was when Zaqar and his Night Raptors found a Astartes Facility that they had their biggest shock, when Apothecary Belet-Seri arrived along with the remainder of the Warband he confirmed that the Facility was a Astartes Geneseed vault with means to start the creation of a new Space Marine Chapter. Knowing that the Imperial Astartes were stretched thin this was of no surprise and Zaqar ordered Belet-Seri to conduct tests to see if the Wolves had come here to train a Successor chapter to guard the Imperial border from the Xenos threat known as Tau.

While no attack has yet come the Space Wolves fleet remains in orbit as if searching for something (They are actually searching for Skyrar's Darkwolves seen in the area and are unaware of what lies on the planet). Upon fortifying and turning the facility into a strong hold Belet-Seri returned with confusing news, the Gene-Seeds origin was that of the VIII Legion. Databanks in the facility show that stocks of loyalist geneseed with low mutation rates were running out and it was decided that select 'Traitor' gene-seed should be used in small forces if low in taint like that of the Night Lords, this new Chapter would benefit from the lack of light in the sector and without the influence of a corrupt home planet and leader they could be trained into an effective loyal chapter.

Enraged that the Warp cursed Imperium would dare use their Fathers gene-seed to create warriors to fight against the VIII Legion, Zaqar ordered Belet-Seri to prepare the Facility to begin the creation of a new generation of Night Lords that would follow the true path that Night Haunter intended for them. Zaqar believing he had found the Legacy that would be the Legions future began terror raids on the Imperial forces on the planet leaving only those that could be used to create new brothers alive.

After weeks of Raids Vul Gesh approached Zaqar with council that soon the Sons of Russ would detect their presence and make landfall for war. With them land locked they have only the choices to flee and lose their prize or to fight in which they could lose everything, upon musing over this point Zaqar raised that their was a 3rd option which could be more disastrous than the first two and that is that the send signal to the Legion and risk their corruption passing on to the next generation...


Command Structure:

  1. Warlord/Praetor Zaqar.
  2. Altramentar Vul Gesh (Zaqar's Hurscarl and Kyroptera Member).
  3. Other Kyroptera Members: Huntmaster Ukur, Champion Ninu R'ta, Terminator Miri'dus and Headsman Gansis Of 5th Claw.
  4. Astartes Pilot Anshar Kur Hellscream of the Dark Talon 'Ascalon's Ruin' (He answers only answers to Zaqar mostly reluctantly)
  5. Headsman of 3rd and 4th Claw respectively.


Unlike most Warbands where Leadership is constantly under threat and goals varying The WoEt are loyal to Zaqar and follow his beliefs and goals. Having each joined the Warband out of choice these outcasts believe that Zaqar's Vision is the best chance to fight the Long War as true Night Lords. 

Zaqar is mentored by his Hurscarl Altramentar Vul Gesh who helps Zaqar with his knowledge and experience where Zaqar lacks. When issues are bigger than that he himself can decide or he needs a broader view than that of Vul Gesh Zaqar calls upon his trusted Brothers of his own Kryoptera to discuss options and thoughts.

A anomaly among the Warband is its Slaves, the warband happened to luck upon a Guard regiment following extermination orders upon a Squat Stronghold. Unknown to the Night Lords when they attacked the weakened Imperial forces that this Abhuman race was being destroyed and thus their interaction had saved what was left of the Brotherhood Of Brynjar Thunderfist. Upon the Imperial forces destruction the Squad Engineer Guildmaster pledged an oath of service to the Night Lords in payment for their aid, amused by this turn of eventsZaqar took the Squats as Slaves using their mechanical knowledge to surprise and confuse his enemies. When the Kryoptera meet a silent Legion C.A.T joins them so Zaqar can relay any technical part of the plan to his Engineer guild to make sure that it will work or to see if the resourceful squats can improve on the plan. A Terminator of the Warband is always stationed outside the Squat barracks in case any Brother feels the murderous need to spill blood in the absence of fair prey. 


The Warband of Eviscerated truth is a growing warband and its exact size is unknown but confirmed members include:

  • Praetor Zaqar
  • 11 Terminators (1 Altramentar)
  • 5 man Night Raptor Claw (1st Claw Shadow Hawks)
  • Slave Squat Engineer Guild (1 Engineer Guildmaster 4 Automated Exo Armour and several Mechanics)
  • 3 working Termite Drop Pods
  • 8 man Volkite Charger Terror Claw x2 (3rd Claw and 5th Claw)
  • 8 man Heavy Chainsword Terror Claw (4th Claw)
  • 2nd Claw Tactical Claw confirmed fallen in battle
  • Vindicator Tank
  • Deimos Pattern Predator/Whirlwind
  • Stolen Dark Talon Ascalon's Ruin
  • Rapier Team

(Haven't bought and built)

Unconfirmed units include Tactical Claws and a Recon Sniper Claw, Squad Heavy Exo Suit and Termite Transport Carrier




  • Most of the Warband follows the beliefs of its leader Zaqar that the Legion is tainted and it is only by cutting of this limb that the Legion can grow again.
  • The WoEt will not stand for the corruption of Chaos in its forces and several Brothers have been executed for carrying its taint.
  • Believing that staying in the warp invites corruption Zaqar since taking command of his warband has spent most of his time keeping his warband in realspace although inviting danger he had originally stayed close to the Eye Of Terror.
  • The Warband like many have fallen under the sway of the Prophet Decimus who's visions have led them to their current quest. It is unclear if Decimus has sent them on a fools errand to be rid of the Chaos hating warband or if he see's them as useful allies.
  • The Warband follows the teachings of Zso Sahaal that Fear is the Weapon not the goal and use it to fight the Long War.

Combat Doctrine

The Warband is diverse in its attack to what best breaks its prey fast and with the least casualties, this has lead to two main forces in the warband. First is the fast hard hitting Terror Doctrine force using Raptors, Drop Pods/Termites full of Terror Squads and a Customised Dark Talon for heavy support. 

The Second is the Warbands Terminators and heavy Tanks (Whirlwind and Vindicator) flanking the enemy to create an iron wall of slaughter.


c. 005-007.M31 Thramas Crusade

First instance recorded of Zaqar a Legionnaire of the Night Lords 3rd Company recorded disobeying a direct order from Captain Krieg Acerbus

Edited by Noctem Cultor

First of all, welcome to the Liber Astartes subforum. I'm glad you took my advice to post it here.


All I'm really seeing right now are characters of the warband. They're interesting individuals, but they only provide glimpses into the character of the Warband, which is what the Liber most concerns itself with. 


Now, warbands tend to be cults of personality, with their character defined by their lord, as opposed to Chapters that can be defined less by their current lord and more by their extensive history. So having more fleshed out characters is not a bad thing for warbands. My own Eyes of Tivan are defined by their Chaos Lord's relationship with their patron god, a lesser daemon of Khorne. So this is a good start, but I think what should be next is what the warband itself is like. How do these characters interact with each other, how does the warband grow under their guidance and influence. If you're not sure on what kind of structure to use, or how to begin building it, you can look to the traditional Indices Astartes layout. They are based off of GW's own Indices Astartes, nearly half of which were about Traitor Legions, so they can be appropriate.


What I would do is take the many different headers, like Origins, Beliefs, Organisation, Combat Doctrine, and so forth, and make some bullet points for each of them detailing not just the characters but the over-all warband. Feel free to post it here if you'd like input during this stage. Then you can work on filling them out more, fleshing them out. You might find the structure inadequate to your desires in the final product, but the exercise and effort put into it might help you clarify your own thoughts and feelings about your warband, making it easier for you to go with what you do want.

Okay so I have made a start and second post has fleshed out alot more about the Warband as a whole, I aim to build that timeline up to the current day War with the Sons of Russ and Skyrar's Darkwolves on Dead world Doton in order to preserve the future of the Warband and maybe the future of the legion.


As I said before their will be gaps in knowledge and my grammar will suffer for my Dyslexia so if any changes no matter how minor are apparent please let me know.


I have a couple of things to discuss: One, the use of the gene-seed vault. As far as I know, there is no precedent to move the gene-seed away from a major repository to form a new chapter on a world somewhere in the galaxy. Now, that's not to say it cannot happen but it does beg the question of why do it like this rather than raise the first generation within Sol and send the fledgling chapter on its way? 


Two, I think, with this backstory, you must begin at the beginning (to quote Lewis Carroll). You say the leader, Zaqar, was exiled from his former warband. This is, pretty much, the genesis of what story you have from my perspective. Following up on this might lend weight to his own personality.

Forgive me, I don't have the time to do anything more than a brief skim right now, but I'll try to do something more thorough tonight. I just wanted to respond off of my brother Moderati's post.


He has a good second point, that I think you should explore their Lord's exile/banishment from his former host. It seems like it'd be something integral to his personality and approach to command. And more, I think it could become a blanket characteristic for many within his warband, as you define it as being formed from many different fragments coming together. Like a lot of Warbands and the Legions of old, their character looks like it'll be a reflection of their leader's.


I'm going to disagree with his first point though, on the grounds that there isn't much precedent for anything in relation to how that all works. What we know is that it requires a High Lord's decree, supposedly due to communion with the Emperor himself, except when it doesn't, and that the Mechanicum is heavily involved. While both of these Imperial command structures are headquartered in the Sol system, I don't believe it is ever stated one way or another that Sol is involved beyond that. The general assumption is that Foundings are confined to the Sol system until a newborn Chapter heads off to make their own mark, and this assumption does have merit and the weight of popular agreement. But for all we know, the actual process could be entirely dissimilar, and possibly in line with how depicted above. Perhaps gene-seed is stored at Mars primarily, but perhaps only as a last resort batch or for experimentation, while the gene-seed utilized for creating new Chapters is a responsibility shared by many other Martian domains. There are gene-seed vaults, as the Badab books show, so an assumption could be made that they are involved in more than just storage.


That said, the timing seems a bit off. It's mentioned that the gene-seed is intended for a Chapter that will aid the Imperium in assaulting the Tau. However, the most recent Founding, the 26th Founding, is 738.M41, while according to Lexicanum . . . Huh. Apparently, it's possible. I'll have to verify against its sources before I take it at its word, but Humanity's first contact was during the tail end of the Second Sphere of Expansion, which took place M39 to 700.M41. Maybe it's new lore that hasn't gotten around to making its mark on the Liber, or maybe the writer of this article made an error. I'll post my findings in the Liber Surgery.

Thanks for the points guys.


Good news is point two is tomorrows next step as the time line expansion starts there!


On the gene-seed vault issue I was going for a it would be self sustaining for a chapter so far from home. I'm not going to lie that part popped into my head today so is still fresh. I needed a reason for them to stand their ground and give them the dilemma of working with the legion brothers they despise. Originally I was going to hint at finding the trail of Sevatar or Zso Sahaal but I wanted something less cliche.



So I am open to ideas on a way to make this work or another angle to go with.

Edited by Noctem Cultor

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