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So the question now is will we see a Primaris verson of the honor guard/ command squad. It would make sense that the command squad is a company’s honor guard/ captain body guard.

I think the Primaris equivalent of the Honor Guard is known as the "Victrix Guard."

So the question now is will we see a Primaris verson of the honor guard/ command squad. It would make sense that the command squad is a company’s honor guard/ captain body guard.

I think the Primaris equivalent of the Honor Guard is known as the "Victrix Guard."

Nah, Victrix Guard are a special unit for Ultramarines specifically.


We haven't seen the full "Command Squad" for Primaris Marines yet. We have an Ancient and Apothecary, but not the other ones.

Hoping that’s just a matter of time, but not too much time. I’m also excited to see more info on this judicar. Is he going to be filling a champion like position? If we get a champion as well, how will the judicar be different? So many questions. In the mean time, let’s work on something Dorn will approve of!








It’s amazing how far I’ve gotten with so little idea of what the hell im doing. I’ve boarded up all the windows and cracks with either plasticard in a few places and card board behind the heavy bolters so that when I spray it the spray paint doesn’t eat the foam (I’ve seen that once when I was a child, it probably still happens) I’ve posted in the Questions section for ideas on how to get a level floor that has support for the big courtyard, it was a pain in the ass for the lower firing positions. Should come up with a name for them. Should come up with a name for the outpost too. At some point I need to come back to these lower doors and do some more decoration. They look, basic.


I’m also contemplating making the tower one level higher than the courtyard, or two. Benifits to making it only one higher, it’s about 100$ cheaper. Making it two higher might give it better importance?


Checked all the boxes and found out three of the kits had faulting filling on the same short wall piece. Crazy.


I’m going to go get a knight and see how it looks next to this bad boy!

Ok, took a picture with a knight to compare the tower portion having one extra level, or two. I also added my newest Intercessor squad (squad 5) to show them off and for a smaller comparison.




  • 2 weeks later...

@Dracos is this your first time visiting? Thanks, we like toys.


Alright, update time. With 9th on the way, there’s lots of new models for me to be building and painting. Which means I need to finish a lot of old models. Currently there’s a whole apocalypse box (30 intercessors and a redemptor) and the vanguard Marines. I also bought a box of infiltrators so I could use some of the heads for the vanguard box. Also about 230 guardsmen/chapter serfs, but with the points increase I will most likely need to restructure them, so they are on hold as of today.


My plan is to add the vanguard forces first, so that I have more available to me for choices to play with. An extra 5 intercessors just means I can play 35 intercessors, but a squad of suppressors means I have a whole new unit available to me. So I’m starting with the eliminators, then I’ll do the suppressors and the Phobos characters. After that, assuming the new goodies aren’t here (Emperor willing I can work faster than that) I’ll do some infiltrators. Hopefully all 20 before the crusaders are available. I’d like to squeeze the second redemptor in there somewhere, because it seems like they are going to be awesome in 9th. I’d also like to get a third repulsor, some impulsors, an invictor or two, and more eliminators; but there’s no way there’s time for all that.



On to the update.


Pretty standard right? I added the chapter symbol to the sergeant, not sure what I’ll do about painting a name on him, I’ll probably just have to forgo it or hide it in the cloak. I’ve got the blue based and shaded, and the cloak is going to be very similar to these guys below. I’m not exactly sure what the logic is to the camo cloak and the blue armor with the white and the gold, but I think it will look good.



So these guys were a little bit of a test trial for the camo cloaks. In the end, I like how they came out, but the pattern is going to be slightly different for the Marines, more in line with how I painted Rightious Indignation. But these guys weren’t the only addition to the 75th this week, In addition to this command squad, I also finished a special weapons squad, an astropath, and my second company commander.




I don’t like the commanders hair.... I might rip his head off and replace it. I painted his base red so that second platoon can be different from first, though in the end they’ll probably all end up intermixed. I’m not worried about it.


So that’s all for now. I’ll probably also get around to finishing the last layer of the outpost this week or next, depending on when the shipment of parts comes in. I need to get around to selling my old space wolves, and writing out all of my paint recipes so I don’t loose them.

I like the camo cloaks on the guardsmen. Are the Marines' camo cloaks from Games Workshop, Forge World, a third party, or did you kitbash them?

Those are the eliminator models sold in the shadow spear box. I need to get some more at some point. The guardsmen kneeling I had to cut a bit of his cloak and green stuffed it to look like the excess was falling to the ground.

  • 3 weeks later...

Excellent work on the Eliminators and their camo cloaks. How will you decorate their bases?

I’m glad you asked....





Now they are done.

I think I’ll add skulls when they take out characters....

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Progress has slowed a little, as I’m getting ready to move. Also haven’t cracked into the indomitus box yet because Im waiting to see what the codex changes. Spent about two maybe three weeks on this one, should have been able to do it faster, but new baby and stuff, so it is what it is. Hopefully GW slows down or I speed up so I can one day get on top of all this unpainted plastic. Anyway, here’s the new addition to the team, a second Redemptor Dreadnaught. Hope we get an venerable or ironclad version someday.









  • 3 months later...

I’m working on my bastion fortress again, and I’ve got three problem areas that I need some ideas on how to fix properly. I was hoping I could post the pictures here and get some feedback. Anything helps.



So putting the floor down, it did not come out level i. This section. I don’t know how I managed to get the rest of it flat, but here it’s a visible problem. I was thinking I could put some rubble here, but it’s right in front of the door, so it’s not just an issue of people doing a bad job cleaning up, it’s sabotage!



Same issue as before here, everything kinda slopes into that corner. Going to have some serious issues with leaking in the common area bellow. I was thinking I could put an ammo box in here and call it a day, but none fit. Maybe rubble would work here? But then I should probably add more to other areas so it doesn’t look out of place. But that raises a question, where is this rubble coming from?



So yeah.... but of a gap. I started filling it in with greenstuff, I can keep doing that, but i don’t know how well that will come out, any other ideas would be great.

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