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XIth: Wardens of Light - Destined to be forgotten

Go to solution Solved by MikhalLeNoir,

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Oh thx, I try my best. And the blingy will be reduced thx to Combat damage.


As Gwal would say: always remember the price you have to pay , if you go to war.

Edited by MikhalLeNoir

The next update is incoming for those few who are interested.


Je presentare le Lùth de òganach. Death comes from the sky.


Don't forget to click on the pictures to get a bigger one.


Let's start with some group shots










Here is a close-up from the Warden Sentinel, who is the Squad leader.


Ahh, look on Arngrim, I love him.







Actually they are with Arngrim, who has a new resting place for his right foot.
Rulewise, they could have taken Tonfas for the fight, but I thought the Dual Sabers look so damn good^^
The bases are not final, need some enemies, and it will be a snow theme. What you will see, is the last stand of the Wardens of Light.
Edited by MikhalLeNoir

As teasered, here is the Death from the Sky, the Lùth de òganach.


For bigger pictures, click on the images.






The Hateful Five, the sixth takes a nap in the background^^


Druss, wanted to steal the show, so he decapitated a poor traitor on the way home.




If you want to see more, just visit my WIP-Thread

Edited by MikhalLeNoir

After long absence, new pics of Gwalchavad. I reworked his shoulderpads and finally found a suiting jump pack for him. Next i will go for the blades. As I like the ones i have given him, I will only do marginal changes, but you will see.



Thx mate. And because of your reply, the 100th reply os mine :wink:

And to celebrate the 100th reply, I will post in n0 100 a small surprise. STAY TUNED;) (for a few days)


Gwalchavad, the Avatar of Light -  Forgotten son of the XIth Legion "The Wardens of Light"
Thx to the wonderful and talented D1sarmon1a this visual stunning piece was drawn. You can find here works here:http://http://d1sarmon1a.deviantart.com/ and if you want to contact her for a commission, just write her here: https://www.facebook.com/d1sarmon1a?fref=tl_fr_box&pnref=lhc.friends
Here another glimpse on here work. The ICONOSTASIS
Edited by MikhalLeNoir

Props for having a Primarch in headgear - wish Forgeworld would offer that option, ornate helmets can be as effective at communicating personality, if not even more so.


Good use of bits going on - de-Chaosed Chaos Marines/Warriors, 3rd party stuff, a bit of Blood Angel and those long, flowing parchments. Tying together disparate bits gives 'em a unique feel.


The blue faceplates in particular are a great touch - when you're working with the simplicity of a Legion-style colour scheme it can be difficult to stand out, but those faceplates fight against that. Makes them feel different from the Celestial Lions and the later-released Stormcast blokes.


Digging the Mortal Kombat reference - I feel like there are a fair few parallels of tone between MK and 40k, despite the differing visuals and scale.

Props for having a Primarch in headgear - wish Forgeworld would offer that option, ornate helmets can be as effective at communicating personality, if not even more so.


Good use of bits going on - de-Chaosed Chaos Marines/Warriors, 3rd party stuff, a bit of Blood Angel and those long, flowing parchments. Tying together disparate bits gives 'em a unique feel.


The blue faceplates in particular are a great touch - when you're working with the simplicity of a Legion-style colour scheme it can be difficult to stand out, but those faceplates fight against that. Makes them feel different from the Celestial Lions and the later-released Stormcast blokes.


Digging the Mortal Kombat reference - I feel like there are a fair few parallels of tone between MK and 40k, despite the differing visuals and scale.

Yeah, I thought so to, and I don't think Even a primarchs Head is hard enough to Counter a bullet Or Plasma attack

 Flow is the style behind my Legion. I Love These moving parts.


Ist is Not easy to stand out, Even if you wear Gold and get the bling.


Just you weit for the other Mk Characters in Some Form. ;)

Thx to the wonderful D1sarmon1a, a dream became reality. If you want to contact her, just look in my WIp-Thread










Gwalchavad 7 5 6 6 6 5 6 10 2+


Unit Composition[/font]

  • 1 (Unique)
Unit Type
  • Jump Infantry (Character)
  • Mask "mwgwd ddi-rym"
  • Tonfas/Ellbowblades "Grandfather" & "Peacekeeper"
  • Armor of Light "trealamh gréine"
  • Hidden Blade
  • Jump Pack
  • Frag grenades
Special Rules
  • Primarch (Independent Character, Eternal Warrior, Fear, Adamantium Will, Fleet, Fearless, It Will Not Die, Master of the Legion)
  • Sire of the Wardens of Light
  • Wisdom of Ages
  • Very Bulky
  • Battle Meditation "The Eight Gates" (Na hOcht Gàidhlig )
  • Battle Meditation "Whirlwind from Beyond"(cuaifeach ó thar)
  • Battle Meditation "Dance of Death" (rince na marbh)
  • "Speed of Light"

Sire of the Wardens of Light

  • All models with the Legion Astartes: Wardens of Light (LA:WoL) special rule gain +1 Ld (to a maximum of 10).
  • Any unit with the LA:WoL special rule gain +1 to their Combat resolution results as long as they are within line of sight of Gwalchavad.
Wisdom of Ages

Gwalchavad always allows his foes to strike first, in order to better judge their fighting ability and see their true intent.


Gwalchavad gains +1 I per Round. This effect starts in Round 3. And cannot increase over a max of I 9 in Round 6.

So he has in round 1,2 I5->Round 3 : I6->Round 4: I7 ->in Round 5 I 8 and finally in Round 6 I 9.



Battle Meditation "The Eight Gates" (Na hOcht Gàidhlig)

If Gwalchavad is severely hurt, he performs the Battle Meditation "Eight Gates Form" (Na hOcht Gàidhlig). He focus entirely on the battle and releases the hidden powers which sleep deep within.


Gwalchavad gains additional Statbonusses for every 2 Wounds he receives. So if he gets down to 4 Wounds he gets WS + 1 and if he drops down to 2 Wounds he gets WS + 2 and S +1 If he heals a wound and rises above 2 Or 4 Wounds, then his Stats are reduced in line to his remaining wounds.


Battle Meditation :„ cuaifeach ó thar (Whirlwind from Beyond)“:

Instead of making normal attacks, Gwalchavad can instead choose to whirl himself spinning around. If he does so, Gwalchavad inflincts exactly one single automatic hit, with no additional bonuses from other special rules, on all enemy models in base contact. Declare whether or not if Gwalchavad will perform a „Whirlwind from beyond“ before any blows are struck.


Battle Meditation „rince na marbh ("dance of death")“:

Although he hates violence, Gwalchavad is an amazing fighter, trained for centuries in the art of close combat. If Gwalcahvad finds a hole in the defense of an enemy and wounds him, he instantly unleashes follow-up attacks and try to overwhelm his adversary with a barrage of attacks.

For every unsaved wound caused by his ellbowblades „Grandfather“ or „Peacekeeper“ in close combat, Gwalchavad immediately makes an additional attack. These extra attacks can generate further additional attacks in the same way, until no further unsaved wounds are caused, or all of the enemies are slain. Attacks conjured this way ignore any FNP-Special Rule.



The Mask "mwgwd ddi-rym": Givien to him by the lady of the lake to let him control his pariah powers, this archaic device is capable of focusing Gwalchavad's powers into a coruscating blast of energy which rips apart the target at the atomic level resulting in complete disintegration.


It has the following profile:


Range Strength AP Rules

Mask 12" 1 2 Assault 1, Piercing Gaze, Life Drain, Aetheric Blast


Piercing Gaze: All shots with this weapon are precision shots.

Life Drain: When used against a Psyker this weapon gains the Instant Death special rule.

Aetheric Blast: This weapon has a to wound roll based upon the Mastery Level of the target hit. ML0: 4+ to wound, ML1: 3+ to wound and ML2+: 2+ to wound.


Finally Gwalchavad may unmask himself and let his nature run rampant. He may choose to unmask at the beginning of any of his turns at which point he may no longer make use of his mask as a ranged weapon, but gains the following benefits. These changes last until the end of the game:

  • All fear checks caused by him are at -2 Ld
  • He may re-roll any failed Deny the Witch rolls.
  • Any attacks he makes in close combat cause Instant Death on a 5+ and gain the Soul Blaze special rule.

Ellbowblades "Grandfather and Peacekeeper":

Given to him by his brother primarch Daer'dd, Gwalchavad mastered the use of these in no time.These paired weapons are precisely balanced to enable Gwalchavad to unleash a barrage of strikes on his enemies, whilst protecting him from harm. Built inside is a H'rud entropic field which let Opponents who were hit age in mere seconds and reduce them to atomic dust.


Range Strength AP Rules

Tonfas - User 2 Melee, Rampage, Rending, Counter-attack, Two-handed, Blind, Murderous Strike



"The Armor of Light" (trealamh gréine) : This artificial primarch Armour was given to Gwalchavad by his father to support him in his swift combat style.


The Armor grants Gwalchavad a 2+ save and Hit and Run


Speed of Light: Despite his size, he's too swift for some eyes to track.


Gwalchavad has a 4++ Invulnerable Save that can be re-rolled on a 5+.


Jump Pack: Hammer of Wrath (D3), Turbo-boost (12")


Hidden Blade: A model equipped with a hidden blade may make an additional single attack per turn as well as any they would normally be eligible to make. This is done using the weapon profile shown below:


Range S AP Rules

Hidden Blade - User -1 - Melee, Unexpected Strike


Unexpected Strike: This attack comes from an unexpected angle leaving opponents little chance to defend themselves. When rolling to hit for attacks with this special rule the target counts as having -1WS (to a minimum of 1).


The attack with the hidden blade doesn't count for the "dance of death" special rule.

Edited by MikhalLeNoir

Beautiful Artwork Mikhal! He looks striking and good natured, a perfect reflection of the Fortune Tarot


It's really funny, I actually approached  Disarmonia last wednesday (after seeing her Iconoclast Project) to see if she could do a Portrait of Icarion in her style. 


I can't remember and I can't seem to find it anywhere, but were you placing your Wardens of Light in the same Universe as the Lightning Bearers? I could have sworn that you were but for all I know, you decided not to do it.


I'm wondering because I was working on a piece of fluff about when Icarion meets each of his Brothers.

Woah, thx. Two genius, One thought;)


Yeah, she did an awesome Job and even visualized the bling ;)


You thought right. The initial Plan was to Place the Wardens in the Same Universe als the Lightning bearers and this Never changed. Even if the Brothers Never Met, but the connecting Piece is russ, who is in my Time defined bei icarions death. That was the plan all along.

But it could ne altered that the two actually Met. When exactly was the purge of the Second?( sorry more than 800 replies Are a bit much to remember all)


When disarmonia has finished your Portrait i habe something in my mind, but that is only for our Personal use and can't ne published

Edited by MikhalLeNoir

Follow-up on the rules;

-Dropping Eight Gates would be a solid way to reduce the number of variable modifiers, but it'd be quite reasonable to boost his base WS to 8. Improvements to WS and I are a bit less impactful at higher values, after all.

-Wisdom of Ages could make a good substitute Battle Meditation. Perhaps streamlined to "Gwalchavad's Initiative is equal to 4 plus the number of the current Game Turn"? Allowing him to reach I9/10 in Turns 5 and 6 isn't a huge advantage (how often will he be in a situation in which I9/10 is significantly better than 8 in turns 5 and 6?) but would make a fun extra.



-It's an interesting concept, curious about the fluff behind 'em. It's hard to review, though, being quite different from most units involved in the Heresy! In terms of cost, I'd lean towards lower rather than higher, due to the smaller role Psykers seem to play in Heresy games (although that could vary quite a bit regionally).



-Not sure how the Battle Meditation is applied - is it referring to their Parry rule?

-Instead of Psy-hunters, perhaps just give them Psyk-out Grenades? Maybe those weapons are a contribution the Wardens of Light made that survived the purging of the Lost Legions.



-I might have been a bit overzealous in saying the unit's superfluous - it has a level of deviation from its standard equivalent that seems typical of the Heresy legions. Still, applying Blast/Large Blast with a blanket rule, equally affecting Autocannons, Lascannons, Volktite etc strikes me as a bit awkward. Applying Barrage is the strong point of these rules, thematically, conjuring the image of the centered Doininn making impossible shots through cover.

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