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40k history in 'Epic' form


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Hoy, all. 


A while back I made a bit of verse covering imperial history, and posted it to deviantART. It did well, And I was given an idea to do 40k history in "Homer's Oddessy" style. I'd start from the war the necrontyr had with the Ancient Ones.


I want to take it up, but I'd like feedback as to whether of not you guys will at least look at it. 


Here's the original poem (God, I hate the word): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aZawTPcO_E1Vvv1VE8EOpsK-Ca1eqc9g0OO4C3w46JA/edit?usp=sharing


Let me know how you feel, I appreciate input.

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I liked the epic. I think you encompassed the broad strokes Homer paints alongside the finer details of heroic battles. If I had to offer criticism at all, I would say "internal dispute" is not very epic in its description, but that really seems like trivial nitpicking at a well written verse.
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I liked the epic. I think you encompassed the broad strokes Homer paints alongside the finer details of heroic battles. If I had to offer criticism at all, I would say "internal dispute" is not very epic in its description, but that really seems like trivial nitpicking at a well written verse.

Keep in mind, the Mechanicus has always been indifferent to the Echlisiarchy.

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