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So, welcome to my 2015 hobby thread. I don't have a major project like my terrain set for this year (well, other than my Orks, which are hardly board appropriate) but I do have some things on the go for my Marines.

I posted the following image as a teaser for a Predator Executioner gun a while back, so this is where I'll start:


I knew that I wanted to fill the space between the gun and the mantlet with something, but I was having a hard time finding something that would fit into the existing tubes/holes. So I ended up cutting them off and replacing them:


I leveled the tubes out a bit, and grabbed some leftover electrical wire and bent it around to give me the little arc seen here:


Here, I've added some more wire arcs:


And here, we have the full set, along with the turret proper (it's magnetized to be swappable):


Not sure how I'll do the heavy conversion beamer variant, but it'll probably involve the autocannon turret in some way.

Do let me know what you think!

You'll also note that the tags on this thread include Predator Infernus - this will be a rather more straightforward conversion of the Baal Predator. Here we have the Flamestorm cannon (stock, though I will scrap off the Blood Angel symbols):


And here we have a Magna-Melta turret:


There is some green stuff work to be done on the magna-melta.

  • 1 month later...

So, a quick update today. I've done some work on my Blood Ravens between other things over the past couple months. Here's how the turret conversion looks at present:


I think it needs something in the space on the gun, maybe some purity seals? Thoughts?

I also found an unopened box of Assault Terminators, and I run a Chapter Master/Captain in Terminator armour often enough, so I figured I'd build the most common version and paint him up:




I also decided that these metal Sternguard had waited long enough to get painted - they're done with the new Blood Raven colour scheme from the How to Paint Tactical Marines ebook GW released for free. Rather darker than my previous scheme, but I like it more, I think. My new Blood Ravens will get done this way from now on:


Yeah! When I saw the Land Speeder Vengeance, I knew that was how I was going to build a predator executioner turret. Luckily I have a friend who plays Dark Angels and built one of each speeder, so he gave me the spare set of plasma cannons.


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