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2500 point Legion/Knight Allies


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So I've done a new and improved list for what I plan to run against my regular opponent; looks a little threadbare, but can hit pretty hard.


2500 1st Legion:



Champion (135)




10 cataphractii terminators (385)

+Plasma Blaster, Reaper Autocannon, paired LCs, LC, chainfist, 7 power weapons


DT Spartan Assault Tank (330)

+Flare Shield, Aux Drive


Contemptor Dreadnought (185)

+plasma cannon


2 Rapier platforms (110)

+Laser destroyer arrays



10 tactical marines (190)

+ additional ccws, vexilla, AA sarge


10 tactical marines (190)

+ additional ccws, vexilla, AA sarge


Fast Attack

3 Jetbikes (165)

+Melta Bombs, 1 Plasma Cannon


Knight allies



Paladin (420...blazin )

+Seneschal upgrade



Cerastus Castigator (380)


I have 10 points left to throw around so I appreciate any good ideas the Champion is a cheaper alternative and more risky, but I got bored of the praetor deadlock I've had before. A master crafted thunder hammer at WS6 should be scary enough. He hops in the Spartan with the termie crew.


I will be facing off against a Fellblade, 2 Deredeos, and two javelins as my main threats (plus 2 tacs, a command squad, and 10 culverins).


Thoughts? Comments? Suggestions?

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Perhaps switch the Knights around so the Castigator can benefit from BS5? That way you could throw the Paladin headlong into the Fellblade like a giant nuke. If it reaches it, it has a D weapon to carve it up.


You could use the new Delegatus Consul if you want to unlock a RoW but be cheaper than a Praetor. But that would shake up your list.


Perhaps drop the melee upgrades on the termis, change the aux drive to a dozer blade and give the tacs a rhino. That Fellblade can put out a lot of hurt to exposed infantry. That's if it's not shooting the Knights. So likely not a huge deal. The best use for those points would probably be to upgrade your Rapiers to thuddguns. 8 S8 sunder shots plus the Castigators cannon can help shred up those Deredeos supporting the Fellblade. Those will chew up your Knights quickly.

Other than that there's not really any glaring things that stick out. Seems sufficiently DA with all the plasma. Without more indepth legion rules or a RoW it's hard to say what might be better for what.

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Perhaps switch the Knights around so the Castigator can benefit from BS5? That way you could throw the Paladin headlong into the Fellblade like a giant nuke. If it reaches it, it has a D weapon to carve it up.


You could use the new Delegatus Consul if you want to unlock a RoW but be cheaper than a Praetor. But that would shake up your list.


Perhaps drop the melee upgrades on the termis, change the aux drive to a dozer blade and give the tacs a rhino. That Fellblade can put out a lot of hurt to exposed infantry. That's if it's not shooting the Knights. So likely not a huge deal. The best use for those points would probably be to upgrade your Rapiers to thuddguns. 8 S8 sunder shots plus the Castigators cannon can help shred up those Deredeos supporting the Fellblade. Those will chew up your Knights quickly.


Other than that there's not really any glaring things that stick out. Seems sufficiently DA with all the plasma. Without more indepth legion rules or a RoW it's hard to say what might be better for what.

Pretty much for home brew rules I've been running rerolls for gets hot on plasma and +1 WS and LD when outnumbered in cc. They seem like huge buffs, but barely ever get used. Kind of situational.


I just thought the added +1 to the shield and BS/WS would benefit the paladin the most as the Castigator has a an auto hit/sweep attack in cc and has twin linked for the bolt cannon. As the Pally is gunning straight for the Fellblade, it would need to be more resistant and be sure to hit stuff with its battle cannon shots (less scatter...about 2" deviation instead of 3").


So should I set my priorities as thus?:


1.) point majority AT weapons at Deredeos, leftover shots can go towards javelins


2.) take out the Fellblade in cc ASAP with MB bikes and Paladin


3.) mop up using contemptor, terminators, Castigator


4.) have fun


My list does feel a bit all or nothing. Either he takes out my two knights and Spartan and I'm screwed, or I take out his Fellblade and Deredeos and he's screwed.

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Doesn't seem OTT to me.

True about the Knights. A 3++ will certainly make or break the Knights charge across the field.


Yeah those Deredeos can pump out a staggering amount of solid AT fire and take some punishment too. Depending on the javelins armament they can be deadly too. Priority will probably depend on the situation per phase as to what you target.


When you have that many superheavies at this points level it can often be all or nothing.

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