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Andrew does the stuff. Black Templar and Celestial Lions wip

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Ok I'm starting up a little wip thread to document my progress with the Augustus' Arena event (and eventually probably some other stuffs).

I've been challenged by Lucio here on the boards to complete and paint a counts as High Marshal Helbrecht and a 5 man command squad. Since I'm a cheapskate I've magnetized the arms so I can change the configuration later. Now for reference the actual Helbrecht model is.... well stupid looking:


Why they didn't make him... well... doing anything at all I don't know, but I do know that the High Marshal of the Black Templars is not going to be casually strolling around the battlefield. So with that in mind here we go:


I started the build off with a basic set of running legs. I'm not too worried about their plainness since I will be adding a tabard. The rest of this is a selection of bits from the Sternguard box, BT upgrade box, and general bits box stuff. You can also see my take on his head,. The original model's bare head is not something of beauty, but it is pretty well known as his head so I didn't want to just grab a different bare head. I decided on a GK kit helmet with some fraking wings. Cause wings! Actually because I'm a big fan of the Avenger Helm from Diablo.


This shot shows off the details on my "Sword of the High Marshals" which is based from some vehicle upgrade bits, some sprue, and greenstuff and Helbrecht's combi melta which is borrowed from the sternguard box. I also dug around and found a bionic arm, signifying that my Helbrecht is after his run in with Imotekh.


The backpack is a basic one with a BT upgrade bit added and then a couple candles added with dowel and greenstuff. The candles are a bit of a nod to the original model and also a bit to appease brother Firepower a bit if he sees this since he has mentioned not seeing enough candles being used. laugh.png


The last shot right now shows the arms detached. I built the weapon arm so that when I'm not taking Helbrecht I can remove both weapons with ease. The original model has the combi melta attached to the back of the model. dry.png The lantern is something of a signature item for Helbrecht so I've replicated it here, but in more of a thrusting pose then the "I'm trying to set my cape on fire" pose the original model has. Shout out to Lucio and Badaab for their input on how to get the chains looking decent!

I wouldn't say Helbrecht is casually strolling. In fact, it looks more like a very purposeful march, but I always like to see people do their own version of a special character.


kudos on the scratch built candles....that'll make firepower happy


I don't think anything makes Firepower happy.

Thanks guys. My work has been getting in the way of my hobbies as usual, but I did manage to get the tabard put on and I got the backpack tacked on.





The completed model from a table view overhead shot.




This one is a better angle on the model so you can see the greenstuff work on the front of the tabard. I went for a front/ back split on the tabard instead of the more common side split (that I've seen on Space Marines anyway). This was more of an ascetic choice then anything else so it didn't look so much like a dress wrapped around him, but the riding split may come into play at sometime in the future if I decide to build a biker version of him... It's not the best shot, but you can also see that I've chopped up the backpack exhaust to get rid of the balls and make them vent straight to the sides. This was an ascetic choice in that I wanted it to resemble the MK2 armor a bit more like the original model, but it's really more that I'm cheap and didn't want to scrounge the interwebs for the correct bit. Either way I like how it came out and I'll try to get better shots of it when I start painting it.




This last one is just a little bit of fun because I'm having trouble getting a shot that emphasizes just how far forward the lean is on him as he's running forward. This shot still isn't perfect, but with a standard straight standing model next to it you do get a little better idea of just how much more motion is portrayed in this pose. 



Alrighty then, I've got another small update which should be the last build update as I'm moving them to the spray booth at the moment. Of course there's no telling what else might pop up that I just have to tack on too.... laugh.png


I was informed that he was lacking in bling so I added some more chains and the purity seal + skull on the kneepad (under the tabard of course).


The other half of this challenge which is the command squad. No Apothecary since I realized I don't have the bits for it rolleyes.gif and I didn't want to delay this for an order. A couple of these guys are actually ones I picked up just recently in a lot from another frater here so I've only made minor alterations to them. They're probably not the best of layouts in terms of weapons either (1 Champion, 2x CCW/BP, 1 Power Axe/BP, and 1 Plasma Pistol/ Power Sword), but I like them well enough and I'm sure if they don't work out too well I'll still be able to find them spots in different units eventually.

Thanks for taking a look everyone and please feel free to add any criticism or thoughts on how to improve!

The boltgun on the marshal looks a little low, wondering if the more common position of under the rebreather pack or alongside the rebreather pack (as featured on the DV Dark Angels Captain and DV Aspiring Chaos Champion models accordingly)


The Command Squad looks good overall, and liking the squad sergeant very much. You might need to twist the axehead down a little for a more natural pose as the weight usually drifts to fall in line with gravity.

  • 2 weeks later...

Ok so i guess I need to update this! :P sorry for the poor quality on these shots. :D oh and thanks for the input! I adjusted the tilt on the axe head and I fiddled with the bolter some, but it's hard to squeeze it in back there and I want to keep it attached to the arm so I can pop it on and off to swap between Helbrecht and other options.


First up we've got the High Marshal's current progress:








And next up the current progress on the command squad:







  • 1 month later...

Boom, STUFF! and the stuff and stuff.... Templar Neophytes, straight outta boot camp and ready to shield some deserving Initiates from incoming fire. So... eye don't care for painting the eyes huk huk huk... I also did decals for the first time (wanted to try them out and to save some time since the deadline is coming up!) I think they came out ok, but one of the decals ripped on me. Oh well, it saved me much time painting so I'm willing to overlook the little problems. :D Thanks for looking folks!





















  • 2 weeks later...

A little preview of my first vow for the ETL a 10 man Crusader Squad with Power sword Swordbrother, Flamer, and Power Maul plus an Assault cannon Razorback. Hopefully I'll snag enough time to knock these out pretty quickly so I can move on to something a bit more meaty. Thanks for looking.








Just a little bit of an update on the Razorback. I've finished the interior and I'm ready to move onto the exterior. In the meantime I've got the Crusaders highlighted also and after a butt ton of clean up rolleyes.gif rolleyes.gif I'll get some images of them up too.



Ok so the Razorback is done! Well... it's as good as it's going to get anytime soon! Half way there, just got to get the Crusaders finished up!

















The badge on the side is my attempt at doing the BT forum's Crusade of Wrath badge which this model joined in on near the end.




Big fan of the weathering effect on the razorback cover,

the burnt barrle of the flamer is way cool,

and i really like the glow effect on that mourning-star too!

i feel like the the chapter symbols could be tidied up a smidge, though, but kudos for free-handing them instead of using transfers, takes guts. laugh.png

Thanks Argent, I appreciate the feedback! I've been working on crosses for a while now and while I've been steadily improving it's a slow process. dry.png On my next vow I'm probably going to do another 10 Initiates (heavy weapons and maybe some more power weapons masquerading as Devastators...) and I'm brainstorming a different way of tackling those shoulder pads that will hopefully clear up my lines and give a more consistent result. I wasn't sure about the flail since all I've done the power effect on has been blades so it's nice to know the effect came out looking well. I'm going to do another one at some point, but probably with a smaller head since I don't have another Mace of Absolution bit to work with, of course it might look better with a smaller head anyway since this is right at the point of being too much as it is! Maybe I can scrounge up a couple bits and make a double headed flail like this guy...

Edit: Dangnabit I have avoided jumping into diablo 3 all this time and now that I see they have Crusaders I'm feeling my restraint faltering. Zeal demands I smite the unworthy demons of Sanctuary. Frak. Oh wait, it says magic... magic is heresy, wallet saved... but for how long :/ I should never have searched up that image :P

Sigh... Well I started working on my second vow tonight, clipping all of the passenger compartment bits for my Stormraven so I can get the interior painted before I glue it together and I ran into a miscast...


dry.png So I guess my rear door won't be opening on this model... Which is fraking annoying furious.gif I don't mind on my landraiders when everything doesn't work since they're ebay rescues and I knew for the prices I paid (~$50 for both of them) that I would be getting some issues, but on a brand new kit I really would rather everything worked when I'm done... Ok rant over, back to the priming... grumble grumble old man complaining grumble.

  • 2 weeks later...

Ok so it's been a hot minute since I've posted an update since work has been beating me to death. So I took my day off yesterday and knocked out my Stormraven. Next up should be the Landraider then just some guys to work on!






















Edit: Another small update here, I got the Landraider reassembled (ebay rescue) last night and painted it up today! I had picked up this tank in a half painted state on ebay about a year ago and just haven't had the time (ok plenty of time but not much motivation till now) to get it stripped and painted so I'm really happy to have been able to tackle it! As another of my participants in the Crusade of Wrath I painted up the side door crusade badge with that and left the front open in case I ever decide on a personal badge. I also tagged the antenna mast topper with the ETL IV name. 


















Just a teaser of the marines. I've got a lot touch ups and some final details left, but they're nearly there. I really didn't want to paint these guys and that's probably going to come through in the quality, but I don't care at this point. I'm ready to shelve these and tackle a couple projects I'm actually looking forward too.






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