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Andrew does the stuff. Black Templar and Celestial Lions wip

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So with a new challenge up in the BT section I'm hoping to get my transports I picked up... a while ago... completed.



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  On 4/10/2016 at 5:48 PM, Firepower said:

Gotta go post the WIP in the vow for your 'before pic,' along with a specific number ;)

I updated my post on that thread to "clear up the vaugeness" ;)

Update on the Rhino. Now to work up a little something extra for it and on to the Razorbacks.



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Edit: Slapped this little guy together. Just a bit extra to poke some fun at our former brothers turned to Chaos. Totally a 15 min job so it looks terrible, but for this purpose I wasn't going to put a lot of time into it and it comes right off (blutack) so no worries about it looking stupid when I play with it. :D



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Okay so no new progress on the Razorbacks yet, but with ETL V quickly approaching I've made some additions to the Crusade's to-do pile :P. Picked these up from a local guy looking to downsize some of his stuff and while it's all rather rough this actually helps me round out some of my force with a third speeder, third LRC, 3x "Ironclads" and some more extra stuff I doubt I'll use (Terminators...) and second Stormraven. Plus I got a bnib set of the marine cards which is cool since now I can use the marine specific cards and use my old generic pack when people forget theirs :D. Now the bad news is the Stormraven body is in rough shape, I just finished pulling it apart so it can get a nice soak in some brake fluid because whoever primed it... Well just check out the photos, ouch. Also one of the Ironclads ended up being a Venerable with hurricane bolters and a... we'll call it a missile launcher I guess... going to have to figure out what to do with that one :/. I can't complain though, the good part is it was only a hundred bucks for the lot so for sure on top once I get the raven cleaned up and the raider finished, those alone were worth the price and the rest is just gravy.

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Going to call these done for now. Far from my best, but they're table ready and I need to focus on ETL prep right now.


Just about done prepping the Stormraven too, no photo at the moment, but I'll be finishing the cleanup on it tonight and hopefully get it mostly assembled (less the cockpits and from weapons, which we're regrettably the only bits missing...) I got those and a seismic hammer for the Ironclad on order from Horde o Bits though so should have those in the next week.


That messed up primer was a real pain in the butt on the Stormraven too... Sat for a good 30 hours in brake fluid and it didn't budge at all. I ended up taking a hobby knife and sandpaper to it to scrape it off, it was at least a solid 1/16th of an inch on there. Craziness, probably still going to look bad once I get it reprimered thanks to knife slips, but it's bound to look better then that crazy rubbery crackle crap that was on it.


Thanks for looking!

As bad as the storm raven parts caked in primer looked, I would have said that the effect on the hull looked pretty interesting, almost like cracked volcanic rock. Then again that sounds like it was a hassle to get rid of, you've got more patience then I have in that regard. I probably would have scraped it and made some wreckage out of the parts. It'll make the machine spirit of the Raven feel better when it's painted up knowing how it looked before.

It was interesting, if the whole model had been the same look I probably would have ran with it and tried to pass it off as intentional, but they changed primer for half of it so it was just the hull like that with the wings and tail smooth which is what made it look bad.


As for the machine spirit we'll see how she feels with a fresh coat of primer. I may still have to skim it with some liquid green stuff to correct any issues I made. Hopefully it's passable though :P


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Stormraven is reassaemled and primed. The gouges didn't turn out too bad after all so it looks like I'll be leaving it as is and moving on to preping the dreads and Landraider next!


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Ahhhh!!! So much stuff.... ETL is shaping up nicely though. I got in the seismic hammer for the Ironclad and the front weapons for the Stormraven today so they're done and ready to go. I also got my Sternguard, Honorguard, and Vanguard preped today and started working on my JP chaplain (little peek at the wip on him right now, I see I still have some greenstuff work to finish on the helm now that he's primed.


Thanks for looking!



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Little refinement on the helmet, the crusader helm face plate feels a bit large, but I think it's workable.

Haha, thanks! True enough on the table, luckily I got it all cleaned up before my wife got home from work and chewed my behind over it :D


I'm still working on the vanguards and once I get them situated how I'd like I'll get some more stuff up. I did take today to add a few more things to the Chaplain though, some chains on the jump pack and around his neck plus some of th long scroll like seals for the front that look a bit like a stole (though I only did them from the waist down and not the whole length around the neck). Also made up a chapter symbol/ rosarius which I placed on the blank shoulder pad rather then as a necklace (since it ended up being quite large :D). I'll try to get some pics of that up in the morning as an edit to this post.

  • 4 months later...

Wow it's been a hot minute since I posted here! Sadly I missed the ETL this year, but fortune is with me since the IF guys are putting on an event biggrin.png Seeing as I'm all IF successors.... Oh yeah. So I dusted off my Chaplain and got some paint on him that I was planning on using for ETL to test out my freshly healed hand and here it is:

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  On 9/13/2016 at 2:52 AM, Kisada said:

I'm really digging that base

Thanks, it's actually pretty simple too which is nice since my hand was starting to hurt a bit. I went with the same ship decking theme as the rest of my Templar. I basically just painted the base grey, lined out some "deck plates" then painted on rivets and scratched it up then highlighted the scratches. The buckled plate is a bit of card cut to fit the base and then pinched the corners up to form around the fist.

Okay update on the Stormraven for my Celsetial Lions. This sucker is going to look wrecked when I'm done with it... :D I don't really do weathering on my Templars do I'm going a little overboard on this trying to make it look like it's been through hell and back, but they just don't have the time or resources to do anything about it... So probably somewhere not long after the events on Armageddon as far as time frame for this one. Anyway enough rambling.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Ahh!!! Life's been crazy so I haven't had a minute to really do anything to the Stormraven in the past couple weeks. I did however get my birthday present to myself in the mail today :D



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Yeah son, nothing like a big ol box of new sprues! 6 Rhinos, 2 Tactical Squads, 2 Assault Squads, and 4 Devistator squads. Guess I'm building a Gladius at some point and amazing buy at just over $50 US, found a guy who got it all and decided he really didn't want to play. So if nothing else I am alive and there will be more progress... Eventually! Thanks for taking a look.


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So I did a little more work to the hull. I finished blacking out all the lines on her, added a couple details like the squad roundel and intake warnings, then blacked out the rest of the details like weapons and lights which I need to color still. Oh and I weathered the fresh paint back in line with the rest of the model... For what it's worth :D, I'm about ready for this one to be done! I had a feeling the model would be a pain with all the damage it had on it to start with and it hasn't disappointed, at least the weapons are all clean so that part should go a lot smoother. Thanks for looking.

Okay I'm leaving it alone now :D. I just need to work on the base for her now. I'm working on a small Acadia tree for the base, I figure since the base is so large I need something to pop out on it since I haven't really been in love with my previous attempts at flyer bases.



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