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Legion vs contemptor dreads


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Iv always wondered what other peoples opinions are on this, a list for instance:


Contemptor, kheres, ccw

Contemptor, chainfist, melta gun




Legion dread, mm, chainfist

Legion dread, mm, ccw

Lwgion dread, chainfist, meltagun, ccw.


Both come to the same points value, but which is best? Having not used legion dreads in hh, are they durable enough to warrant 3?

Contemptors seem fairly durable to a13 and invulnerable.

I guess it's a trade off, you can have a higher damage output with legion dreads but run the risk of losing one or more slightly quicker.

FYI, I'm thinking of having this as a flanking force, turn 2, that will be their purpose. Smash tanks and armour primary, and kill infantry is secondary.


What do you think?

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Why not both? :)


I'm using them depending on the situation. Contemptor-Mortis with twin Kheres can scare any opponent, Contemptor with double meltagun goes well with my Orbital Assault, but they do not have Armoured Ceramite, which means they are vulnerable to melta. Legion Dread is 50pts cheaper, and can take Flamestorm cannon and Heavy Flamer, can wipe out almost a full squad of 3+ on turn 1.


In my gaming group, most people have one Contemptor and one normal Dreadnought, but everyone uses them differently.

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Obvious, but should be mentioned. Contemptor is AV13 which puts you out of range for crack grenades damaging. So if you plan on using htme in your battle line, they are likely better. 


If you use dreads as long rnage flankers (I'm looking at you mortis auto cannon dreads), then save the points. You want them vulnerable so people chase them off in the corner.

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Legion Dreadnought, additional CCW, 2x Graviton Guns, Dreadnought Drop Pod = 220pts


As a Contemptor Dreadnought, that costs 270pts.


Comes down, causes 2 near guaranteed hull points in damage, has a 5+ Cover Save, then next turn fires 2 more near guaranteed hull points in damage, followed by a charge if necessary. The opportunity cost is really quite low, if I'm honest. If you're using Dreadnoughts, especially Drop Podded ones to kill MEQ's, I personally think you're wasting points. 


Remember that Dreadnoughts require Dreadnought Drop Pods (seems obvious, but worth saying).

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Then Graviton Gun Legion Dreadnoughts still. AV12 weakness? Pah, that's 18 Krak Grenade hits, which hitting on a 4+ means 36 Krak Grenade attacks. With hidden powerfists, you only need to direct your attacks against said model and hope that said model fails Look Out Sir, while against Meltabombs, you're equally screwed as a Contemptor; AV13 and 5+ Invulnerable don't really help that much and shouldn't really factor too much in survivability. You're effectively paying 50pts more to gain perhaps another hull point against a Meltabomb attack. Sure there are other S6 weapons, but if your opponent is firing S6 into your AV12, then he's doing it wrong. What it does mean, however, is that things like Rapier Las Destroyers have an easier time killing you; but it's about a 17% swing; not exactly too much in their favour. Meanwhile, you're saving 150pts.


I'd also leave the Mortis stuck in your lines; or preferably, take a Deredeo with Autocannons+Aiolos. The Mortis' 24" range is ridiculously little. It was only "good" before the Deredeo because it was the best at a bad job. It's more relevant in none 30K games, however, with AV10 and 11 vehicles being more prevalent, but when the typical AV of units is 12 or more, S6 Rending without AP2 is looking very, very weak. A Deredeo meanwhile is putting out more accurate fire, can kill over the course of a 6 turn game around 15 marines (+150pts to your side, effectively) and the autocannons not only force even Legion Flyers to go into Snap shot only mode (4 shots, BS5 TL = 4 hits, 4+ with reroll to glance = 3 Hull points in damage).


A Kheres with Havoc is 205pts IIRC, a Deredeo with Aiolos is 220pts. You spend 30pts more for the pair, but gain ~400pts out of free kills from the Aiolos; that's 370pts in your favour.

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