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The Angles Blade WIP UPDATED 9th March


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Hey all,

I have been away from the hobby for far too long. Now that I have a real job and steady income I have decided to pick up the knife and paintbrush once again!

The Angels Blade is a Dark Angles Successor chapter with a colour scheme that only deviates slightly from the standard DA green and Deathwing Bone (mostly for trim, helm and shoulders to designate rank, OCD forced me to do it)

I havent got much of a backstory thought out yet but as i do not play the game and only model/paint i will be using the standard SM codex for the majority of the weapon load outs and selectively DA codex entries for Deathwing terminators (I suppose they could count as allies) with the odd rule breaking here and there for looks.
So by all means do not expect this to be tabletop legal tongue.png

I had a few marines painted, but since they were painted by my younger self I decided a repaint was in order, I will keep updating this as iI paint and finish the project and hopefully be motivated enough to finish the force off.

I have a few finished already and uploaded to the gallery so I will post what I have at the moment, but there will be plenty to follow WIP wise once I get the camera out again

So far:

Vanguard Veteran Sgt Squad A :

Vanguard veteran Squad B :

Sternguard Veteran Sgt :

I will post pics of the colour scheme for each squad later today (thankyou B&C painter msn-wink.gif)

Let me know what you think
Here is the colour Scheme I have chosen
I have gone with a slightly modified DA colour scheme with bleached bone trim on the shoulder pads for non veteran marines.
Sergeants with bone and SW grey trim on the right pad with SW grey helm.
assault marines wit yellow helms and devastators with red helms, all veterans will have SW grey helms and trim. will probably leave the non sergeant termies with bone helms
"Greenwing" Marine
Album with most squads sorted out

Any feedback is welcomed smile.png

WIP Pics of some Terminators and a converted Dread

Term Sgt 1

Term Sgt 1


Term Chaplain

Tactical heavy 1

Term 3 Assault Cannon

Tactical heavy 2

Term 1 Cyclone

For the company master and the command squad I decided to go with pre heresy style shoulder plates and got stuck into some plasticard (never used the stuff before)

Company master

Company Master 2

Company Master 1

Command Sqd Champion


Assault Sgt with plasticard SS

Assault Sgt 1

Assault Sgt 2

Assault Sgt Hammer

I saw the new forgeworld dreadnought and thought I would have a go at a conversion smile.png
Dorito class Dreadnought

Deathwing Dread 3

Deathwing Dread 2

Deathwing Dread 1


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