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True-scale every chapter ...eventually! Now with Knight


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I've posted these guys before but can't seem to find my own topic. It as been a while though so I'll just start a new one!


Project outline: I've come to realize that I probably won't ever create an entire army since I grow tired of painting the same style over and over again. However I do enjoy creating special characters and the like so I just decided to create a true-scale marine represntative of every chapter including characters from books. Eventually I might even create entire squads.


I've sculpted a plain true scale armor including legs and created a cast from it. It's not the best cast but it serves its purpose since I add ornamental stuff later anyway.

First marine up is a Death Guard Plague Marine champion with power fist and plague knife











Next one up is a World Eater Khorne Berzerker





Thanks for watching =)

  • 1 month later...
  • 2 years later...



So, it's been a while! Two years and 8 months to be more precise. I went traveling, moved around and sired an offspring. But, then I dug up that Wolf Guard I was working on. I got some new paint, rescued whatever I could of my old paints and got back into it. Here's the result:




I have a few details to work on and will have to finish the base. I will be add fake snow to the rocks. I've already experimented with the PVA + baking soda method and will be using it on the base.

  • 2 weeks later...

I finished the Wolf Guard! I just need to take some pictures of him...


In the meantime I have started other projects and have cast a few more true-scale legionnaires.




The next one is a Night Lords Raptor Lord. I also have another Plague Marine on the go and have started an Iron Warriors Warsmith. I started out giving him power armour but then decided that he should have terminator armour. So now I have to sculpt some true-scale terminator armour ;)


I've been working on the Night Lords Aspiring champion and am reasonably happy with how it's going.

I want him to be standing on a taller rock of some kind. However, I have not decided what theme the base will have.

Initially I planned to have a Nostromo or Tsagualsa theme going but I can't quite remember the look of those. Guess I should read the NL Omnibus again.

I seem to remember it's some kind of dusty desert world though, is this correct?

The alternative would be to just pick a ruin/battlefieldd theme. Either way, it will probably have to be ruins since I have a lot of cork :dry.:


The casting quality looks good, are you using a pressure pot? Looking forward to see what you come up with. :smile.:

Cheers :)  Nah I don't have a pressure pot. It has taken a few trials and errors to get it right. I just chose the slowest curing casting material I could find (still only 5 minutes) and then shake/tap etc to get any trapped air bubbles out. I pour it into the well on the side so it rises up in the wells with the parts in them and thereby push out the air.

It's not prefect obviously! I always tend to get an air bubble on the pelvic part haha

  • 1 month later...

Some really cool true scale! The space wolf is my favorite, but that new Night Lord is looking really sinister too! Looking forward to seeing more!

Cheers man, more will come eventually :wink:


Here's a tiny bit of progress. I positioned him the way I wanted and filled all the gaps etc. Now I will have to make a a bit more night lord-ish by adding spikes, armour trims, skulls and so on.



  • 3 months later...

It's been a while again but there's been some overall progress though. Here's another plague marine I've been working on. He's based on a flawed cast and it turns out that my mediocre greenstuff skills work quite well with nurgly things. Any last words of advice before the primer seals his fate? I think I'm going in the death guard pre-heresy colours.

The night lord raptor is almost done as well and I'll post pictures when the last details are finished. :)





  • 5 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I recently acquired this knight for some variation. I never planned on getting one but I gotta say this miniature is pretty sweet!




I used a mammoth head I just had laying around. Initially I wasn't sure if was was married to the idea so I magnetised the head to keep my options open.


I'm not entirely sure in which direction to go from here. I think it could be both nurgle or khorne affiliated but I'm more tempted to make it some free company knight possessed by a machine demon. Also, I don't like painting reds :P


Does anyone wanna way in here with some constructive criticism and/or inspiration?

How about black feet and a yellow hunchback, the area between the bottom and the top of the model shifting from darker shades of red to yellowish shades (orange), so the Chaos Knight looks like a self-propelled lump of coal that's on fire?


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