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Need some help with picking a color for my BA Successor


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I'll cut to meat of the issue. I'm having problems deciding on a scheme for my guys. I'm wanting my guys to look a bit different on the table as in not like other SM in my meta. So no dominate silver(grey knights), black(iron hands), and I want to say red simply because there's a red IF successor in the group. Now I will give into the red but another stipulation is that I don't want gold Sang. Guard. I would prefer a bright silver or bronze/copper. Also the name I currently want to go with is Blood Ogres/Sanguinis Orcorum if my latin is correct. Reasoning behind wanting to use the term Ogres is simply because they are considered cannibals and eaters of humans which I thought would fit with a darker chapter. Some of these won't scream blood ogres but that's fine seeing as the name isn't final. Now the schemes I done up so far. 


spacemarine (9)


spacemarine (10)



Yes pink. I've grown for the color. Painting pink horrors can do that to you.


spacemarine (11)

The idea I got with this one that's a bit different is to use the helmet stripe signify tac/as/dev instead of using the entire helmet.


Anywho guys and gals. Thank you for looking. Any C&C or reworkings is most appreciated.

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Hey Vanerk!


I think its awesome that you want to make a Successor BA chapter! Why don't you tell us a bit more about them and how you would like them to look on the battlefield!


I've always been impartial to the Blood Angels Chapters all being different shades of red. Maybe that could be something to work with?


As to my personal fave of your four options. The last one.

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Hey Vanerk!

I think its awesome that you want to make a Successor BA chapter! Why don't you tell us a bit more about them and how you would like them to look on the battlefield!

I've always been impartial to the Blood Angels Chapters all being different shades of red. Maybe that could be something to work with?

As to my personal fave of your four options. The last one.

Well I really want them to have a Flesh Eater feel to them. Seeing as should I do any fluff for the chapter. I would have being a chapter destroyed by the flaw. I want them to be good guys but not really look like it. But that would be more of a modeling thing. I honestly would like for it to be a bit striking as far the colors go. Like there would be no confusion as to what was coming to the table.

One should always consider orange as a color option biggrin.png

I would be most willing to join the cult of orange.

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Yeah the Orange scheme looks good, and yep the blood part might need to be dropped. You could go with vermillion ogres, since vermillion is an orangish red color. Or so,ething completely different. Hmmmm.


Death Ogres

Imperial Ogres

Magma Ogres

Iron Ogres

Steel Ogres


Seriously having a hard time coming up with a name without a bit more background on them, not to mention keeping ogres in the name makes it a bit trickier. But that orange and silver scheme is pretty sweet so definitly stick with that scheme.

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Well I have given up on ogres. Can't seem to come up with something tied to it that I like. So I'm thinking of perhaps doing Sons of Og or Scions of Og. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Og 

I can use that as a starting ground for a homeworld and the peoples on it as I fluff out my chapter. Plus recruiting from a race of "Giants" doesn't seem too bad of an idea. Thoughts? Also Goliath would end up being my current chapter master. I've always liked that name..

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What about this one? I seem to really rather like it.




I would maybe need to change the blood part of the name but that is completely fine with me.

I like that one.  And i like the name "Sons of Og".  Maybe take some of that background and change the names around a bit like they always do when referencing human history in the fluff.  Like spelling Golyath etc.

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I too like the orange color. I tend to think of orange signaling a blend of red (blood angels) and yellow ( Imperial Fists). You'd think an ogre would be orange since they are stalwart and marauders a blend of red.. and yellow.  

I'm not liking the name Sons of Og. It sounds like something from Monty Pythons's. Or you have a bunch of caveman astartes. ( Ya might as well dubb them the Knights of Ni ;) ) 
Maybe Sons of Orcus per Wikipedia The word ogre is of French origin, originally derived from the name of the Etruscan god Orcus, who fed on human flesh."


source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ogre

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