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I just want to show my Imperial Fists 3rd company so far:

2 Tactical squads,

2 Devastator squads,

1 Scout sniper squad,

1 Sternguard squad,

1 Company standard bearer (First dude in my command squad)

1 Captain with some sort of shield and power fist. 


Imperial Fists 3rd company

In the background you can see some Flesh eaters and a Dreadclaw belonging to my 30K Emperors Children. 


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It looks like a nice army Snejk. I like to see massed marines.


Just one suggestion ( and feel free to ignore it ). Maybe you could take a couple of close up photographs so we can see the various squads a bit better - the marines in the rear ranks are hard to see

I have been working on some extra bodies for my Dev squads today. So now they are both full 10 man squads, but there is still some work to do. Weapons to be painted, eye lenses to be done, squad markings on the knee pads etc. Now I do how ever have something that is a fighting force, but they need transports. I'm thinking Drop pods and Rhinos. And maybe a Thunderfire cannon or two. 


Here are some close ups:


Imperial Fists 3rd Company

IF 3rd 1

IF 3rd 2

IF 3rd 3

IF 3rd 4

Nice looking models!
I use mostly rhinos, they are working good as "extra health" for the troopers, and even when they get wrecked they are good for cover and blocking line of sight.

Drop pods are on the opposite very offensive and work well with the rules from Sentinels of Terra.

If you want quick matches then Drop pods are good. Either you kill alot with your alfa damage, or else you die.
Rhinos are a bit more cautious. And if a rhino survives, then you can still use it as a transport.

Rhinos work well combined with tanks like land raiders and vindicators, since they can give each other cover, and draw enemy fire.

Stormravens woul'dnt I use much for a transport, atleast not for expensive things. I would personally mainly use it as a gunship.

Edited by Armfelt

I have played CSM before and used Rhinos, but my advesary (IG) has a lot of artillery, fliers and tanks, so that didn't really work out too well. But from what I understand is that a Sentinels list bo have some nice bolter rules (extra from the IF bolter drill), which could come in handy taking care of his infantry platoons. And I'd like to try Drop Pods. But then again, I do like tanks as well. Both Predators, Land Raiders and Vindicators.


I'd like to add a couple of Dreadnaughts and try a Stormtalon or two, even though they do look damn ugly. .

Could always go both? Have some pods for some games, and when you feel like rolling a lot for armour, then go for massed Rhino/tanks. Does sound though that you are leaning towards pods, which is not a bad thing. I personally don't have the SoT book, so I am ignorant in that particular area.

Drop pods are awesome against IG, and a very iconic transport. I would even add some locator beacons and assault marines, they shine against IG. :) When I started playing during the 5th edition, I had a vision of a list with bolter and close combat scouts and 5 drop pods with sternguards, dreadnoughts, tigurius (then for rerolling reserves) and terminators. A nice looking strike force. ^^

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