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Honest to the God Emperor courage! Brimlock 7th "Warthogs"


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After a long and careful deliberation, and even temptation to once again join the greater good, I have decided to go for a Astra Militarum army. (that can be easily reinforced with my Knights Exemplar Space marine Chapter).

I wish to bring judgement and heavy artillery barrages to the enemies of the Imperium, and my local area is crawling of worthy xenos and heretics.

I already have a Commissar, a squad of Tempestus and a Taurox prime, and instead of going for a pure Tempestus army, which will lack heavy support, I will use them as elites instead.

Since my Birthday is rapidly approaching, I will buy a Cadian Defense force!

Tempted to go Catachan but, those models :/

Now what would be a good starting 500 points list?

I will make an army composed of veterans mainly, and will use the Tempestus as elite probably deep striking with meltas.

Any help will be apreciated.

Welcome to the Guard! There are a lot of new recruits, myself included, reporting for muster! Glory to the Emperor! Since you're going for a veteran formation here is a suggested starting point.


CCS - Chimera, melta-bomb on commander

2 x Vet squads, 2 melta-guns, chimera

5 Militarum Tempestus - melta-gun

500 points


That gives you the mandatory troop and HQ and a good base for expansion.

Welcome to the fold, Sete! I would offer you refreshments and a party but this is the Guard. You'll be lucky to live fifteen hours let alone time for recaf and ration packs!

The Cadian Defence Force is a great buy, in my opinion. You get a little of everything. Happy early birthday, as well smile.png.

Wulfgar, I might be wrong but to include Scions don't you also have to take a Tempestus Command Squad? I'm talking about from the AM Codex, not the MT Codex.

Again, welcome to the Imperial Guard. I'm sure the Lord Commissar will be around shortly.

Yes, welcome to the Astra Mil... I mean Imperial Guard.


The Defense box is a nice addition for what you already have.


Unfortunately, the Commissariat requires photos of your force at the earliest opportunity to prove your commitment to The Emperor and the Imperium. Do not dissapoint Guardsman. The Emperor expects! ;)

I have a Tempestus command squad and a MT codex.

Will get the AM one next month.

Unfortunately, my main enemy will be Tau, and he has a nasty habit of fiting a riptide even in 500 points list so I need a bit of firepower.

Are bunkers worth it with a icarus lascannon?

Can also shoot down some deepstriking Crisis Suits maybe.

I was thinking a plasma gun each squad, command and veterans, one veteran with lascannon heavy team and the other more mobile with a chimera.

Also command squad on a bunker with icarus lascannon.

Photos will be added shortly.

Astra Militarum (496pts)

+ HQ + (89pts)

* Company Command Squad
Carapace Armour
* Company Commander

Bolter, Carapace Armour Refractor Field, Warlord
* 3x Veteran w/ Lasgun
3x Frag Grenades, 3x Lasgun
* Veteran w/ Plasma Gun
Frag Grenades, Plasma Gun

+ Elites + (80pts)

* Militarum Tempestus Platoon
* Militarum Tempestus Scions

* Tempestor
Bolt Pistol, Carapace Armour, Close Combat Weapon, Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades
* 3x Tempestus Scion
3x Carapace Armour, 3x Frag Grenades, 3x Hot-shot Lasgun, 3x Krak Grenades
* Tempestus Scion w/ Meltagun
Carapace Armour, Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades, Meltagun

+ Troops + (237pts)

* Veterans
Flak Armour for Squad
* Chimera
Heavy Bolter, 2x Lasgun Arrays, Multi-laser, Searchlight, Smoke Launchers
* Veteran Sergeant
Bolter , Close Combat Weapon, Frag Grenades
* 8x Veteran w/ Lasgun
8x Frag Grenades, 8x Lasgun
* Veteran w/ Plasma Gun
Frag Grenades, Plasma Gun

* Veterans
Flak Armour for Squad
* Veteran Lascannon Team
2x Frag Grenades T, Lascannon, Lasgun
* Veteran Sergeant
Bolter (1pts), Close Combat Weapon, Frag Grenades
* 6x Veteran w/ Lasgun
6x Frag Grenades, 6x Lasgun
* Veteran w/ Plasma Gun
Frag Grenades, Plasma Gun

Fortifications and Stronghold Assault

+ Fortification +

* Imperial Bunker

Gun Emplacement with Icarus Lascannon


I also have an inquisitor in terminator armour, and 3 tac Squads, a rhino and a captain for SM allies.

This is the colour scheme i intend to use for the army.


Why does the Commissariat need to be the buzz kills....



I mean I love the Commissariat and all it does for morale.


Welcome to the Guard and happy birthday. As the local tread head let me be the first to say, 'Don't forget the tanks!' There's a lot a Leman Russ Punisher or Demolisher can say that an blob of squishies cannot.

Guard is all about Combined Arms.

That's a good looking force. My recommendation was just based on an all comers approach. If your meta has a particular threat then by all means you must account for that. I think you have a good base for 500 points.


@Mehman - a MT command squad is not required. The codex states that you must include 1-3 squads and may include a command squad. Pg 99 Codex: AM

Are Veterans made from the normal infantry models? If so do they have to be distinguishable in a particular way to normal infantry? Sorry if its a silly question but I haven't worked with Guard yet and like Sete I'm thinking of starting a Guard force

You can make Veterans from any Imperial Guard model, be it GW or Forge World. Maybe even throw-in some Warhammer Fantasy Battle bits for some flair. Painting can really divide the troops, too. Look at Kierdale's thread for some inspiration.

Remember: there are no silly questions- only silly people asking questions msn-wink.gif!

EDIT: Added link

Are Veterans made from the normal infantry models? If so do they have to be distinguishable in a particular way to normal infantry? Sorry if its a silly question but I haven't worked with Guard yet and like Sete I'm thinking of starting a Guard force


Strictly speaking, using normal infantry is fine. GW doesn't make specific models for Veterans so there is no commitment needed to using anything but basic infantry.


However, most opponents would be grateful if you did something to differentiate the Veteran squads from the normal infantry, especially in an infantry heavy army. Otherwise they can't tell what's shooting at them and what they're shooting at and have to take your word for it (which unscrupulous Guard players take advantage of).


There are lots of ways of distinguishing your Veterans. Easiest to do would be with the colour scheme, doing something like adding coloured stripes to Veteran's helmets or shoulder pads would be enough (just don't use white, as that's widely recognised as the colour for Conscripts). If you just wanted to stick to painting but go a bit further you could give your Veterans unique squad markings. There's kit-bashing and conversion options as well, everything ranging from a simple head swap (giving them all Scion beret heads for example) to weapon swaps (shotguns as only Veterans can use them, or a unique looking las/autogun from a 3rd party manufacturer), adding way more kit to the models (extra pouches, boot knives, backpacks etc), mixing kits (Catachan parts on Cadians for example) right the way up to complicated conversions involving all of the above plus sculpting extra armour plates, changing poses, adding stuff like eye patches, bionics and scars. Your imagination is the only limit and as long as you and your opponents are having fun you can do as little or as much as you like to differentiate those Vets.

I use normal infantry models for my vets but I paint them differently. I'm patterning my army very loosely on WWII German uniform concepts. Vets are in camo smocks, line infantry wear khaki and green, armor crews wear black and artillery crews will be in gray.

Im basing my tempestus steel legion drab, then amour will be caliban green.

Since they will be all veterans... I probably wont add anything.

And got my list ready. With a god damn bunker with a void shield. Want to see those filthy blue xenos taking that.

Another soul saved from the blue space monkeys! Welcome to the original and best shooty army :tu: I like your colour scheme and you can't go wrong with a nice infantry heavy list - it's a true test of mettle too as it can be quite a few models ;) I look forward to seeing your army come together :D

Order is trough just waiting on them. They seem fairly simple to assemble and paint.

While I wait will work on the Tempestus squad.

I just noticed that the cadians shock troops dont bring plasma, just GL, flamers as specials. I will use GL instead of plasma. Not the best thing ever but will have to do.

Now I have some doubts.

The vox casters? Are they worth it? How should I use them?

Im planning on having the command squad inside the bunker with the lascannon squad on top, they should be protected by the void shield. And the chimera will push foward and the tempestus will deep strike behind enemy lines.

Im giving all the army 4+ Save aswell. I still have some points that I could use, maybe a psyker for divination?

My answer to Tau cheese is Leman Russ spam.  "Oh you brought 5 shield drones?  Pask in his punisher says DENIED!!!!!"  "Oh you brought a longsword (or whatever they call their plasma tank) My Vanquisher sees you across the table and says auf wiedersehen."


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