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Honest to the God Emperor courage! Brimlock 7th "Warthogs"


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  • 8 months later...

And after a long break, moving, wedding planning, and sorting life out, I have a kill team game this weekend.

And ofc I will take Imperial Guard.

We will be using Heralds of ruin kill team.

I have about 20 minis to paint, tomorrow ill post the updates. Even tried a small kit bash for my commando. Nothing fancy. Just to serve as Tempestus.

Don't forget pictures, we need to see more of your Guard ;)


My meta has taken a shift towards MEQ which is unusual for us, not sure how long it'll last but my Guard are making the most of it - not many can boast as much AP3 as us :P Give them an introduction to the Guard they won't soon forget! :D

Well it was a short night. So managed to do this basic scheme, and im quite happy with it. Yes i know, its basic, but im a terrible and lazy painter.


This afternoon ill take some pics and try to make a proper battle report ;)

Honeslty I think im going to leave it as it is. Kinda looks good xD

Its growing into me. Well I could always try some darker and brighter spots to do camouflage on the clothes. Need to check some tuturials.

Also I think the Chimeras and tanks will lookd good in that color.

I'm back from the battlefield! Bloodied but unbowed.
Today was a trial of fire for my Warthogs.

I faced the Vaunted First Legion. The first 2 games, ravenwing was deployed. and it was tough. Won the 1st game because of relics that i was holding, with my Commander gloriously holding 2 Ravenwing bikes in close combat on top of a relic. One squad managed to kill 3 space Marines and held another relic. Second game, was a siege type mission. with 4 marines surrounded by my troops and ravenwing deployed from reserves. i was completely destroyed, my commander Holding the Line to the bitter end in turn six surrounded by the dead bodies of his comrades under the archway of some ruins. He died standing.


3rd game was the doomsday device mission.  My opponent used full green-wing list, Won by the second turn with some good rolling, managing to escape with the relic.


4th game, same mission (a rematch), My Comando uncovered the relic but soon was shoot down by 2 space marines. My Commander ran to the ruins while his squad held the line and managed to claim it. By the end of the 3rd turn, my brave guardsman had already killed 6 Space marines.
Final score 3-1 for the Hammer of the Emperor.

 I must say, heralds of ruin is fun. A space marine bike can easily destroy a squad of 5 guardsmen. A single space marine approaching your gun line can be problematic.

What have I learned?
I have learned to hate lasguns. The bikes were almost immune to my fire. The grenade Launcher fared a bit better, using the krak version. And I also learned the felling of winning with a serious disadvantage. And its glorious. And last but not least... The Emperor protects!

Will start working on my regiment Flag and add the deserved battle honors. 

Pics incoming. As soon as dropbox finishes maintenance!

Well done :) Bikes are very strong in KT, the speed and resilience they have is hard to stop so you were definitely the underdog there. In larger games you can bring the fire power to teach them who's boss ;)

The 250 Points Squad.


A force Commander, a Sargent, 3 5 man squads with GL, Flamer,Melta, a medic and a Tempestus Scion ( My Commando)

I faced 4 Ravenwing Bikes with and Attack bike with heavy bolter with 4 Space Marines, one with plasma gun. His Team leader had twin-linked plasma.


My comando deepstrike away from the main force and was immediately hunted down by his Leader and another bike. He survived a round of shooting in the open, bolter and plasma shots, and killed the attack bike that was trying to pin my Leader squad down. he died soon after this pic.


My commander squad with the medic. The medic, the 6+ FNP was usefull, and managed to save 4 guys.He was worth his points. Here a ravenwing bike approaches in the distance. My GL did his job here.


Here you can see the SM hiding in the distance waiting for the Ravenwing to flank me. By the end of the game one the Commander and 1 grunt where alive on top of the relic, completely surrounded.

Unfortunately, i need to train on taking pics, and need to remember take some more.

  • 1 month later...

All hail the Victorious Guard!

Today had another 2 HoR KT games! and my Brimlock 7th performed brilliantly!

Both games faced 2 enemy teams! a free for all competition. 

1st one was against necrons and deathwatch.

here are the highlights!

1st turn my scion sniper shoot down a flayed one with a 6.  It was a great opening.

One tough necron with some kind of spear killed one soldier but soon took a melta to the face. he didn't get up after that one.

special mention to my veteran Sargent!  Took down a necron lord with a chainsword and las pistol. after flaming other 2 flayed ones, half the necron team was down. 

Then moved to face the space marines. Unfortunately the heavy bolter made short work of the first squad, and a few sniper rounds took down other 2 valiant guardsman.

I opted to stay out of sight and in cover with both remaining squads.

My scion sniper was shoot down as well after trying to snipe one Marine.

Last turn 2 space marines charged my commander, and after taking one wound he brought down one of the SM with his power sword.

Since it was a deathmatch i won by sheer number with 8 Guardsman on the board. 

Medic did wonders saving a lot of comrades with his 12 radius fell no pain.


Second game faced nids and Space wolves.

I was surprised by the nids awfull movement and he was charging turn 1. 

Managed to bring down a filthy 3 wound creature taking off one wound in over-watch and after my squad failed the LD test, my melta soldier Bob melted the beast face.

the second and third creature (including his team leader) were shoot down by a barrage of lasgun fire. on the other side of the table space thunder wolf and wolves made short work of them too.

I reformed my gun line and awaited for the storm to come.

My sniper shoot down a Thunder wolf cav, and my shooting and over-watch took all the wolves down. Only his team leader and a bike remained. 

the bike was shoot down by my grenade launcher, and his Thunder-wolf Commander with mark of wolven destroyed a squad.

after a round of failed shooting he charged my Commander that dueled him until the end of the game. 

Again i won by the sheer number of models on the table.

It was a harsh lesson for them. The Guard was underestimated, and they payed hard for that mistake.

I'm not familiar with the HoR rules, but I doubt they permit a first turn charge unless they went first? Not sure about 3 would models either. Good results though, well done for showing them who's boss :tu:

  • 6 months later...

I have returned! With a question and possibly a request.


With Deathwatch on the loose, I plan to expand my AM a bit. One more squad, a Tank, and ally them to the DW and an Ordo Xeno Inquisitor.

But I wanted to do a proper bodyguard for him.

So the Valkyrie set has 2 gunners right?

Do they both bring Shoulder pads?

Since their gear is a bit diferent im thinking on using a couple of them as Inquisitorial StormTroopers.

With my awesome google fu I managed to find some but its very expensive, so I ask you guys if you have an extra head with no rebreather and shoulder pads from the valkyrie set I would appreciate if you could offer or sell it to me.

Im going to buy a valkyrie either way so I will have a couple of bodies.

Welcome back :) I don't think the side gunners have shoulder pads, but I can't quite remember - it may have been I saved them for other use. Their pose is very static though, so they'd be best as a standing/guarding style model.


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