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Least Used so Far


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We've had three months so far to play with our "new" Codex. What in your collection have you yet to use and why?




For me, I have yet to use the following:

  • Death Company Dreadnought - It's magnetised between the other two which I've been primarily using
  • Terminators (both Tactical and Assault) - Yet to build a suitable list with them in
  • Land Raider Phobos - Not fielded any Terminators and my HS slots are otherwise full
  • Sanguinary Guard - I lack any other jump troops bar Death Company (they are also blu-tacced)
  • (Aegis Defense Line) - It's not painted.


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Mostly characters, I havnt used Corbulo since the new dex. Or Asteroth. Or Dante (but thats only becuase the model looks so wimpy next to the SG).


I havnt used my DC dread yet, which is a shame becuase its one of my best painted units.

I've got a second Stormraven thats painted up DC style, but I've never felt the need to take more than one Stromraven.


Oh, and my Terminators, I've got two squads of base-painted regular Terms, but I cant see me ever using them.

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My list would be huge for unused stuff.  Of course, I've only played 5 games so far.


Unused of things I currently have (so no Tycho or Seth as I don't have them):






Any Terminators/Terminator Characters


Command Squad



Land Raiders

Death Company Dreadnoughts

Regular Dreadnoughts

Land Speeders


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I have not tried out my termies yet (I might eventually use the assault ones, but not tactical ones), and I probably won't run scout bikes again. All my land speeders have gathered dust, and I think that my chaplains are only with my army to look cool.
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Astrorath, Tycho, the Sanguinor, landspeeders, death company dread, rhinos, and my landraiders. I think there's a case to be made for landspeeders used in conjunction with Dante's trait, but I just think they're too fragile. Landraiders can be quite good in the right spots, but melta is everywhere for me. I haven't brought out my tactical terminators in a very long time, but I will be using a 10 strong squad at the Adepticon friendly tournament coming up in March.


Rhinos. I don't endorse a rhino rush/spam tactic, but I think there's probably a very good list that incorporates two with combat squaded tacticals in them. That being said, they are gathering dust right now because when I've used them recently they wrecked on several occasions due to lucky lone lascannon shots. Strangely when I play against them they seem to never die. So, I don't really have a good reason, I'm just annoyed with them at the moment.


I think it's high time to dust off the old jump packs and get those assault marines ready. My 7-pod drop pod list, though surprisingly hard hitting just before the new codex, has just fallen flat on its face. I now plan to orient towards a concentrated assault army. Actually, come to think of it, I haven't used my non-jump pack death company since the new dex as well. 

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Surprisingly for me it is DC Dread and DC as a whole. I spam so many Tacticals and Furioso's with drop pods everywhere, plus two Stormravens every game, I just don't have the points left to spare.\


And very sadly for me, I have not been using my Libby Dread :(

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Drop pod assault  termies T1 , nasty distraction...works for me


To be honest, this is something I think I'll be trying sooner rather than later. I normally use a Fragioso but I'm not really feeling it anymore.

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I never did like the Fragiouso as much, did die most of the time right after he dropped. On 



Drop pod assault  termies T1 , nasty distraction...works for me


To be honest, this is something I think I'll be trying sooner rather than later. I normally use a Fragioso but I'm not really feeling it anymore.


I did not have much success with Fragiouso as well, he did usually die after after T1; rarely made it into CC T2,as  it didn't took as much to get trough its AV10.


On the other hand, nothing screams "shoot at me" more than 5TH/SS in opponents DZ. Did play test them and they are solid; 2+/3++ can take a lot of punishment, although I do suggest to get the DP a Deathwind launcher to get some shoots on massed infantry (bane of TH/SS termies).

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I played with some Thunder Hammer Termies in a pod last night.




It was a relic match against a really awesome all Nurgle list.


They took out two beast of Nurgle and then Hammered a Soul Grinder to dust with only taking 1 wound. Unfortunately the Soulgrinder blew up and against all odds killed 3 of the Terminators! The final Term then spent the rest of the game running across the board to make a final death or glory style charge into a huge pile of Plague Bearers. He was obviously very, very dead after one turn, but he took a few down with him, and that’s what playing BA is all about.




As a first time experience I would say that I liked using them, but I don't prefer them to my usual tactic of Flamer/Frag Dread.


They are both very scary to drop in your enemies face turn 1, but you cant really expect either unit to last very long, so for the cheaper cost and the ability to get a few shots off first, I would probably stick to the Fragioso.


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I've only played 2 games with the new book. The list of units I haven't used does not include tactical squads, rhinos, predator destructors, multi-melta attack bikes, and land speeders. I'm a rather simple man in approach to BA.

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I can't see myself running Terminators in the near future. Tactical squads aren't looking too hot either unless I invest in a heavy flamer or two.

I've been using 2 tac squads, both with a heavy flamer.  Thinking of dropping 1 to try out scouts.

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I can't see myself running Terminators in the near future. Tactical squads aren't looking too hot either unless I invest in a heavy flamer or two.

I've been using 2 tac squads, both with a heavy flamer.  Thinking of dropping 1 to try out scouts.



You really should, I think you'll be pleasently surprised.

I took a squad of 10 c/c scouts and with bonus S & I from BSF and RT, they ate through a Grey Knight Purifier squad and most of a squad of terminators.

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Yeah I've now played just 2 games with 2 scout squads but I'm really liking them. My ccw scouts have well exceeded expectation both games and I only just realised I was cheating my snipers by not also counting the precision shots as AP2; so while they've [snipers] been underwhelming I think the AP2 might have made a big difference as I was shooting at terminators a lot.


Next I want to try the Blood from the Skies drop out of a SR with ccw scouts.

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Yeah I've now played just 2 games with 2 scout squads but I'm really liking them. My ccw scouts have well exceeded expectation both games and I only just realised I was cheating my snipers by not also counting the precision shots as AP2; so while they've [snipers] been underwhelming I think the AP2 might have made a big difference as I was shooting at terminators a lot.


Next I want to try the Blood from the Skies drop out of a SR with ccw scouts.


On the very rare occasion that I take two Storm Ravens, I find putting a 5 man c/c scout squad in each to be an amazing late game point scoring tactic. Zoom your flyers across the board at the end of the game and dump the (I think) Move Thru Cover Scouts out useing Skys of Fury (or whatever the rule is called).


Alternativly, if theres a weak unit holding your opponents back field objecting, slip into hover mode and assault the St5, Int5, 3 attack scouts into them.

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I haven't played yet (and probably won't), with the techmarine, scout bikes and whirlwind.

The reason is, that there are way better options in each FOC slot. I mean come on, who would really choose a techmarine for a HQ choice, or even a warlord?

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