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Hullo! I'm currently working on some guard to act as allies to a Space Marine army I have and am going to finish off! The idea being that they are closer to Ultramar in organisation in that the marines control the auxiliary forces and their own. I love the stories where the guard are forced to fight the horrible gritty wars and then the marines fall from the sky to save them heroically. So the idea is that the guard will be gritty and worn down by wars and the marines will be contrasting and clean. 


The army will basically be this - Commissar commander, infantry platoon of three units with the command, 3 chimeras and a valkaryie to go with and then 2 sentinels. So basically everyone is mobile! The marines are 2 tactical units in pods, a dread in a pod, terminators deep striking and a commander. 


Oh. I'm also a glutton for punishment so they will all be in yellow! Please bare in mind nothing is finished and the bases in particular are going to be redone. The sentinel is from a previous incarnation of himself!





The tank is barely touched. I'm struggling on how to keep it from being way too yellow.


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Welcome to the Guard, this is a great start! The battle damaged look is good, as for too much yellow that can easily be rectified by more battle damage and weathering. Mud, scorches and more plus you can break the colour up with some transfers of regiment and/or squad numbers :)

Great concept, and very brave with the yellow. Credit to you though as it can look very good when done by someone with more ability and patience than myself.


As for the chimera, maybe some black on it to tie in with tge infantry? Maybe the top half of the chassis would look good?

yellow, yaykes! you're a brave man indeed! I must say I like the colour sheme! have you considered some browns to help with the weathering (paint scraped off the schoulderpads etc). from the look of it you're basing is goijng to be snow orientated? have you considered using snow weathering powders? imo those could help with applying some snow powder into the crevasses.

going by your avatar i'm guessing your marines are yellow too? Are you not affraid you'll get bored of painting the same colour over and over again?

either way, i'm looking forward to what you'll make of these! also kuddos on that striping, it looks ace!

I second that brave with the yellow. You've done a great job so far. You could help break the yellow up by adding a camo pattern with your second colour, or there is no rule saying your tanks colour must match your infantry colour. I have done something completly different for my armour in comparison to my foot sloggers.

Thanks for the very positive comments! Yellow is just a patience thing since the heavy pigment paints came out and I think i'm making up for 10 years of not being able to do it! There is already some black weathering on the armour and I do have some MIG pigments for black and brown which I will use. I mostly play fantasy so the whole weathering thing is new to me! Not sure how to do snow weathering.


It's unlikley I'll get bored! I painted the marines a few years ago so it's not straight after. Plus yellow is so ridiculous it's brilliant! I could camo the tank but it'd look a bit bizzare I think, what is it going to hide next to? For a company organised by Marines you'd think they'd not pretend to hide. I'll probably paint their shoulder pads with stripes to indicate unit or something as it will break them up! I think I'll need to buy some stuff for bases, my 40k bits box is pathetic and has no real help!


I'm surprised no one commented on the missing eagles or the shin pads! I think that's a good sign that the shins can be left. Always thought it was ridiculous that they don't cover their crotches but cover their shinpads!


Some iphone shots of the pre weathered tank!






Here's a rough 750 point army I'm working towards.


Brotherhood commander/Lord Commissar (There are two names I've considered using for the marine army, either the Brotherhood of Lions or Angels Decendant)
Platoon Command - Banner, Apothacary, Flamers Chimera
2 x Infanty, Autocannons, Flamers, Chimeras
1 x Infantry, Flamer
Valkarye Lascannons
Armoured Sentinel Autocannon 
Armoured Sentinel Plasma Cannon 

Thanks!! It is a homebrew chapter, it's close to the Marines Malevolent colour scheme but not! 


I'm thinking about that at the moment. I did previously write some fluff but I'm going to start over. Personally I'm always sad about SM fluff as I prefer the traitor primarchs as better so I'd consider a cursed founding chapter potentially so I could use Logar or Fulgrim but I do find it a bit overplayed when the traitors are used! Similarly I've always wondered what would happen if they used traitor seed but didn't tell the chapter. It would be a nature vs nurture thing, they'd have some of the primarchs traits but never get the upbringing that caused the problem. 


I figure Word Bearer seeds wouldn't make them super religious. It would make them dedicated to their beliefs in the extreme and difficult to sway from their path. Emperors Children seed would have arrogant but skilled marines. It was Fulgrim who was obsessed with perfection not the chapter before he got to them. Even the World Eaters would be normal if it wasn't for the brain destroying chips they put in.


As for loyalists, the ones that make the most sense are below:


Salamanders/Vulkan - Would suit the employs humans responsibly theme but not big on flamers in the army, though do have a fair few meltas!


Ultramarines/Roboute - Again already have Ultramar garrisons in their army so is a pres indent and most chapters are supposed to be from them. On the other hand, my least favourite chapter ever and I don't enjoy it as an idea. 


Raven Guard/Corax or White/Scars/Jagahtai - Mass drop pods and assault scream assault orientated and both are very much so.

The reason I ask is because it could affect how you play your guard. I roleplay my armies to an extent. With my Space Wolves I'm direct and agressive going right for the throat, and I shoot until I can get my guys stuck in. With my Tau, I use fire and maneuver. I move in hit hard and find cover. I use combined arms tactics, and high damage outputs. I use their range to my advantage. With my Dark Angels (whom I admittedly almost never play) I prefer to get in and output hellacious amounts of firepower. With my Tempestus, I'm thinking more of a mix between my dark angels and tau philosophies. Which will compliment my space wolves nicely. 


So I sort of get into character and play the way I think the commander would do it. So with space wolves, I'd be using the move through cover to my advantage, and get the Scions in position to dump fire at the target, while the wolves do the same, and then the wolves would assault it. They'd be working in unison, playing off the other's strengths, and covering down on the other's weaknesses. 


Whereas with a traitor origin, say the emperor's children, you might not see the guard being used as a force multiplier. They might simply line them up ahead of the main SM force and use the guardsmen as meatshields. 


That's me though.


As for origin, I really like the ultramarines. They're probably my second favorite chapter. In the lore, they're respected and held up as an example for what humanity can achieve. I don't like the Matt Ward fanboy drivel, that they got, I remember them from way back in 3rd edition, and the example of what an ultramarine was always supposed to be is Captain Titus. That is what I remember the Ultramarines being, and on the tabletop, they're one of the most flexible chapter tactics you can get. 


That said, I do like the Raven Guard. Their Chapter tactics are great fun. Giving scout to almost everything, and advancing up the field faster is just awesome. I like that they were pretty much the SpecOps of the Astartes Legions. They did the tough missions that required finesse and precision better than anyone else. I'm actually thinking pretty hard about using those chapter tactics with my dark angels, since the DA are kinda poop. And that would be an excellent compliment with my Tempestus. 


One you could consider, that would work very well with guard is Imperial Fists. Though they might suffer from the same overplay that the Ultramarines get...

To be fair I haven't actually got any plans to play at all yet! I've only played 40k three times and once with each of my armies! (Marines, Guard and Tyranids with no guns) So really the decision is nearly entirely fluff based!


I can't see my chapter being from any of the big 4, as in Ultra, Dark, Wolf or Blood. They stifle the fluff too much and make the little chapter a bit of a dodgy clone of the big one. I've been reading through the loyalists and can kinda limit the ideas down the the following:


Raven Guard - Masters of subderfuge and lightning strikes. 


Iron Hands - A successor chapter that has gone completely the other way. Rather than hating the weakness of man and trying to fix it through augmentation they are instead trying to make humanity stronger and use guard to fight for that end. Or something.


Salamanders - Live in humanity, fight with humanity, set fire to aliens. 


The Salamanders and the Ravens make more sense but I do like a odd hook! With that in mind the alternatives are:


Cursed founding suspicious seed!


Emperors Children - Uses guardsmen to pin their enemies in place whilst they defeat the enemy with brutal precision. The guardsmen are trained to a high standard and have considerable expectations, which in turn creates an arrogant populace on their homeworld and in their legions of human aux troops. They look down upon the regular guard armies as their own ones are trained personally and in their opinion - significantly greater. Others strongly dislike them and they are known for poor tactics when it isn't their guardsmen as the troops are just fodder. 


Word Bearers - Great orators and leaders the legion take hordes of conscripts with them on campaign and use them to soften up the enemy. In return they make huge inspirational overtures about how good their guard allies are, including propoganda films and such glorifying them to inspire others. Playing down the religious side and making them proud and strong in their convictions regarding humanity to the point that they often get themselves killed saving humans leading them to be weaker as a chapter and need more guardsmen to fill the gap they create.


Night Lords - Use the humans as fodder. They come in and issue the brutal death stroke. 


Anyway, on another note for those who just look at pictures! Some weathering progress. My first proper attempt. Need to add snowy bits and take it further.





I have to say that your take on the way the Emperors Children and Word Bearers is pretty interesting. 


Alternatively, you have used the "Caution Tape" motif of the Iron Warriors, and they were well known for being siege breakers and drowning the enemy in corpses, all the while hammering them with the biggest weapons they could find. Not subtle at all, but that could be a fun way to play. You could find a way to work that in...


An effective strategic basis, is to put pressure on the enemy, driving a wedge into them, and then using some precision you hit the stressed weakness and cause everything to crumble.

I'm favouring the Emperors Children the more I think about it. I like the idea of arrogant guardsmen supporting arrogant marines who don't have to answer to the military might of the guard.


I like the stripes of the iron warriors but whilst I have used it, it wouldn't link to the legion. They wouldn't actively link the evil nasty traitors with the new 'lets not tell them they're secretly evil' marines.


...I do quite want a Basalisk though..

Some progression! Squad two is quickly getting the colours blocked in. I've also put an order in for some female heads! After reading a few Caiphus Cain novels I want a mixed regiment. 


I'm starting to run low on Averland something yellow which will slow down the second stage of colouring. Whilst I did drop into GW I had no cash on me and they wouldn't let me spend under £5. Which made it a bit of a matter of principal then as I wasn't going to spend double what I needed to and there was no cash machine locally. 






Yellow Valkarie!



Chapter One


As discussed, please find below the requested file. Commissar Barison wrote the following for his autobiography which in itself is intriguing as he was reported MIA in all records three weeks after the first entry begins. Unfortunately for him it will never be published and it has been kept under lock and key by several parties who would rather some of the details never become known. Fortunately for us however, my clearance allows me access higher than said parties and it has been some illuminating information. It elaborates on quite how a supposedly sparsely populated backwater agricultural world has become a military power and bizzarely an Astartes homeworld. I have annotated some areas of interest for your perusal and amusement.


By the time I arrived at Whiltshine it had been utterly destroyed for over fifty years. To say it was a surprise was an understatement, after all the civilian cargo ship 'Turbulent' (1) wasn't particularly slow and there had been none of the freak warpstorms that the astropaths always babbled on about in their utterly incoherent way. But as it turned out the entire trip was one ginormous administrative cockup. I suppose no single person was to blame, the Imperium is a massive place after all and anyone who has traveled off world can tell you that communications can be a bit sketchy at the best of times. So to arrive at your new assignment to find that an angry fleet of massive space bugs had appeared and eaten their way through nearly the entire planet and it's hive world populace (2) and my new regiment caught me a bit unawares I have to say. 


Our little fleet had been assigned to deliver the latest equipment fresh from the manufactories to the Whiltshine 305th regiment and I had been sent to fill the newly created Commissar role. Thousands upon thousands of weapons, body armour and canteens sat in the hold ready to outfit a unit that not only wasn't actually founded, but probably lived in the stomach of evil space vermin. It felt like a bit of a joke at the time. A dozen years of brutal preparation and the better part of seven boring months on deck doing largely nothing (3) for pretty much nothing. The captain at least had the decency to be embarrassed that he hadn't known though it clearly wasn't his fault. The great engine that is the Emperors realm had just turned like they always had and no one had remembered to mention that one of the gears had fallen off. So, for a few perplexed hours I waited whilst the other officers argued about what the devil they were supposed to do with so much unclaimed armour and weapons. Though mostly to me it appeared that they were more concerned about what their superiors would say when they revealed that they hadn't noticed an entire planet was missing before they left port. (4) It's hard to forget their discussion. Their ideas ranged from selling the goods on the black market to not returning at all, not to mention my least favourite option - slinging the gear, tanks and all, out to space and forging a delivery note. An idea that was growing increasingly in buttock clenching favour (I was legitimately concerned that I might be thrown out to space along with it) before fortunately the argument was interrupted by a picket ship, a comms screen and a cheerfully happy woman. 



1. There are no records of any ship named the Turblence ever having left the shipyard at Parcial Prime however a midshipmen once published a series of popular erotic novels based of his increasingly unlikely career sailing on a ship named 'The Unshakable Grey' in which he constantly refered to the ship instead as 'Old Turby' so perhaps it was some sort of ironic nickname used by the crew.


2. Around 6 billion of the 6.6 billion populace died before the evacuation to the local agricultural world where the Tyranid assault finally burnt out. 


3. Gambling most likely. His personnel records suggest that this assignment and his apparent subsequent death had handy repercussions on his Parcial Prime debts.


4. Despite Barison holding no naval rank being quite literally the only vague officer on the ship representing the Whiltshine 305th he seems to have been invited to the meeting to discuss what was to be done. He was quite right to be concerned about what their superiors would say. If the captain failed to provide proof of delivery their entire seven month trip would have lost its pay and bankrupted the firm - and by extension them.



The full guard compliment for the force! So far I just have to repaint that orange chimera! I also have totally lost all the bolters/flamers for the chimera... I am also looking at ebaying some tanks, not sure which ones to get though!

Indeed, you can't really go wrong with a Russ or 10 :D Maybe Hellhounds might fit your army too? The army looks brilliant and it's not even finished yet! Keep up the excellent work and you will soon be parading a fully painted army :tu:


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