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They are from statuesque miniatures I think! A small company in Scotland.



I found them online on Sunday and placed an order. They came today and Ive got one on my guard. They are really good quality

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So some background on my guardsmen and the world they come from. It's moved on a bit from the original on the front page, this is just a barebones for my marines that explains where the guards come from. Is it any good is the question!


It also allows me to field guardsmen, marines and maybe one day an imperial knight in one glorious yellow army.


Cursed founding


- Sent out to the Eastern Fringes as a fleet based chapter. They recruit as they go ad hoc. 


- Get a reputation for being poor and disdainful allies to non marine armies and are incredibly arrogant. They are perfectionists and look poorly upon those they don't see as worthy compared to them.


- Gets chastised by another chapter for shelling retreating guardsmen in a joint campaign. When asked they point out that retreating guardsmen weren't worth saving as they had already failed their duty. 


- Their recruitment slows down with few worlds grateful for their effective help. Similarly replenishment becomes more difficult.


- Eventually ends up in their future home system. When arriving they find a tyranid wave assaulting multiple planets. The system is dominated by a manufacturing world, an already overtaken colonial world, a heavily populated mining world from which the raw materials are taken for production and a sparsely populated agri world which feeds them. 


- The mining world is taking the brunt of the assault, the cobbled together mix gender PDF having lost alot of ground and the marines aren't keen on defending the world, rather thinking about bombarding it to hell before finishing the tyranids off. The only plus is that the reluctant but desperate PDF are well stocked, but ill trained with gear made for the destroyed colonial world being re-appropriated and given to them.


- The manufacturing world is desperate not to have the world destroyed as it would cripple their output capabilities. The only way they can get the marines to fight to save the mines is to begrudgingly bribe them. In exchange for their help and future protection they would be allowed to settle in their system and provided with sorely needed equipment.


- Deploying all remaining marines to the system they commit the majority to the mines suffering increasing casualties. Whilst serving on the barricades they have a begrudging respect for the PDF as they are forced to fill the gaps with their allies troops. Several veterans are redeployed to drill and train the plucky people.


-  With the marine support the tyranid waves begin to loose momentum and the combined PDF and marines push them back, after years of constant warfare it becomes a rout and a clean up. The end casualty rate leaves the chapter at only three active companies. But the fleet remains intact and the gene seed stores are still significant.


- Taking their reward the marines declare rights over the agri world. A move that gives them free reign over the food supply to the sector and room to expand. To solve the population issue they take those of the PDF who are willing along with their families and volunteers to the planet ignoring the compliants of the factory world.


- The culture of their new homeworld is changed by the massive influx of now experienced soldiers. The chapter builds their new world into one devoted entirely to the pursuit of perfection in warfare. The humans are settled and a network of  military academies are formed, the population has mandatory service from early childhood and the best young men are chosen and inducted into the chapter. Those who are not good enough to be marines (or can't because of their gender) are put into the human auxiliaries, those who show little talent at all are sent to be farmhands. There are large numbers of female officers due to the best males being taken.


- The marines field the auxiliaries alongside their own troops as standard, armed with equipment from the factories. Failure in battle is met with harsh judgement from their marine overlords but the quality of their infantry can't be denied.


- When they are fielded outside of their home system both the humans and marines are both extremely arrogant as a result of their worlds new culture, even the guard are deemed unreliable, but are outside of the guard command structure.

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