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Arming (literally) an Ironclad Dreadnought

Dorn's Arrow

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First ever post, so please forgive any rookie errors!

I'm trying to work out how to most effectively arm my Ironclad Dreadnought and in doing so I can't help but think that the Dreadnought power fist is entirely useless...

Run with me...

The left arm of the Ironclad Dreadnought has to be either a seismic hammer or a chainfist.

The right arm of the Ironclad Dreadnought has to be either a power fist or a hurricane bolter.

The question is, why would it be beneficial to put a power fist on the right arm?

Both the seismic hammer and chainfist are specialist weapons. So to add the power fist on the right arm would not grant any extra attacks as it isn't a specialist weapon. Thus what is it's point? As far as I can see, the only use of having the power fist at all is that it allows you to couple on a heavy flamer or meltagun instead of the hurricane bolter. But this still makes the power fist itself redundant as a weapon...

Please someone tell me I'm wrong or am missing something? blink.png

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A powerfist is a specialist weapon so you get an extra attack. Also as you stated you get the melta or HF options plus if the hammer or chainfist is destroyed you can still smash stuff with S10 AP2

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A powerfist is a specialist weapon so you get an extra attack. Also as you stated you get the melta or HF options plus if the hammer or chainfist is destroyed you can still smash stuff with S10 AP2


Very helpful, thanks! Had been reading stats for the dreadnought close combat weapon when I should have been reading stats for the powerfist... Wouldn't the power fist be S12 AP2?


Also, when calculating the three attacks, how are they split between the powerfist and the seismic hammer? Are they resolved at the weapon with the highest strength?

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Very helpful, thanks! Had been reading stats for the dreadnought close combat weapon when I should have been reading stats for the powerfist... Wouldn't the power fist be S12 AP2?

Basic rule: Stats cannot be increased past 10.


Also, when calculating the three attacks, how are they split between the powerfist and the seismic hammer? Are they resolved at the weapon with the highest strength?

Unless specifically stated otherwise, a model will use only one single weapon in close combat. They can gain bonus Attacks for having extra melee weapons, though, but you cannot mix and match their rules. If you choose to use the Power Fist, than you cannot use the Armourbane of the Chainfist, for example, but you do gain +1 Attack for having both a Power Fist AND Chainfist.

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