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Aspiring Champion Loadouts


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I'm running two 10 man squads of CSM, one with 2 meltas and one with 2 plasmas, how should I kit out the aspiring champions for both? 


My immediate thoughts are to go with just the corresponding combi weapon (combi plas for plas squad etc) and nothing else, but I am not sure if I should I also equip them with power swords or lightning claws? Imo unwieldy weapons are a waste on a 1 wound model and a power maul isn't worth it just for its lack of AP3 so that leaves just the lightning claw or power sword, but are they worth the points or should I stick with a good old fashioned chainsword?


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Standard combi-bolter on the plasmagun squad, adds a little to the bolter fire without costing a lot.

On the meltagun squad, a lightning claw to help out in the assault, and if you have the spare points, a combi-flamer to give some anti-infantry firepower.

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Yeah I have a bunch modeled differently, and I'm not a huge fan of crushing any enjoyment out of a list for maximum statistical effectiveness.. so I usually go with a LC and a plasma pistol.  The LC is pretty effective, and the plasma is.. well plasma is one of those where I roll a dice and say "big numbers". 



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I run all my all my ACs in shooty squads with the corresponding combi and a that's it. If their squad is going to take ccw too, then I take a lightning claw with it. If they're an assault squad I take a power sword and either a combi flamer or melta, depending on loadouts. I've been experimenting with power axes and power mauls, the extra strength is actually sometimes worth the risk or loss of ap3

Edit: Somehow, triple posted in one post.

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I run all my all my ACs in shooty squads with the corresponding combi and a that's it. If their squad is going to take ccw too, then I take a lightning claw with it. If they're an assault squad I take a power sword and either a combi flamer or melta, depending on loadouts. I've been experimenting with power axes and power mauls, the extra strength is actually sometimes worth the risk or loss of ap3

I run all my all my ACs in shooty squads with the corresponding combi and a that's it. If their squad is going to take ccw too, then I take a lightning claw with it. If they're an assault squad I take a power sword and either a combi flamer or melta, depending on loadouts. I've been experimenting with power axes and power mauls, the extra strength is actually sometimes worth the risk or loss of ap3

I run all my all my ACs in shooty squads with the corresponding combi and a that's it. If their squad is going to take ccw too, then I take a lightning claw with it. If they're an assault squad I take a power sword and either a combi flamer or melta, depending on loadouts. I've been experimenting with power axes and power mauls, the extra strength is actually sometimes worth the risk or loss of ap3

or be Thrice-damned!  Nah Jk. 



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LCs generally appear to be the statistical way to go.


I do obviously like to mix in Power Fists etc. as I have the models - and they look awesome, irrespective of effectiveness.

Seeing your profile picture I read the rest in Mr Smith's voice...

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LCs generally appear to be the statistical way to go.


I do obviously like to mix in Power Fists etc. as I have the models - and they look awesome, irrespective of effectiveness.

Seeing your profile picture I read the rest in Mr Smith's voice...


That is the sound of inevitability...

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When killing MEQ ...

PS with 4 attacks = 2 hits = 1 Wound

LC with 3 attacks = 1.5 hits = 0.75 +(0.75/2) = 1.125 Wonds


And for the next round when you don't get the charge ....

PS with 3 attacks = 1.5 hits = 0.75 wounds

LC with 2 attacks = 1 hit = 0.5 + (0.5/2) = 0.75 wounds


Got Rage?

PS with 5 attacks = 2.5 hits = 1.25 wounds

LC with 4 attacks = 2 hits = 1 + (1/2) = 1.5 wounds.


How about being challanged by something big and bad?  Say WS 5 and T 5?

PS with 4 attacks = 2 hits = 0.66 wounds

LC with 3 attacks = 1.5 hits = 0.5 + (1/3) = 0.83 wounds


Now the other way.  Say you are killing guards or other WS3 T3 units.

PS with 4 attacks = 2.66 hits = 1.77 wounds

LC with 3 attacks = 2 hits = 1.33 + (0.66*2/3) = 1.77 wounds




Conclusion: Lightning Claw >= Power Sword

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If the squad is a melee squad, LC/Axe or the popar "fistyclaws". Maybe a combi weapon to prelude the assault.


Normally I stay away from melee squads except in my Kharne centred list.


For general purpose I stick with a combi-weapon and meltabombs, maybe a LC if there are points just laying around. But maybe not any of this stuff.


Aspiring Champion supports the squad, and should be loaded to do that. A lot of times I end up deciding that the best support he can provide is to let his squad have his points. Maybe I give a power weapon for cheap assault protection. Maybe I give him anti-armour weapons like combimeltas or meltabombs or powerfists if the whole squad is going armour hunting. Probably I let him deal with his bolter and chainsword so someone else can carry an extra plasmagun or can upgrade a heavy weapon.

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 or should I stick with a good old fashioned chainsword?

You should indeed! That and/or a combi-plasma/melta.


The reason as to why you generally really want to avoid spending points on a melee weapon for him is the dreaded Champions of Chaos rule. Even though it's less punishing in 7th edition as a whole, the champion itself is still severly handicapped because of this rule and will often just die.

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When I play MSU squads it is quantity over quality so they get Melta Bombs. I save on Power Weapons to field one more squad of CSM in a Rhino. 


When I go for quality it is usually a Power Weapon and a Combi-Weapon, usually the same weapon as are the two specials in my squad.


When I go for a JOAT squad, it is Combi-Melta/Flamer and Melta Bombs. I find the Melta much more reliable, deadlier and more effective. 


In general I tend to be quite minimal on loadouts for my unit champions since they are rarely on par with the ones they are to duel to the death. I think that Melta Bombs are mandatory since nowadays everything that can reliably knock off a hull point from a vehicle and has a bonus on the table for Vehicle Destroyed is golden, and like it or not the CSM usually end on the bad side of a charging vehicle or are close to charge one... 


I dare say that the Power Weapon is useful only in the hands of an Aspiring Champion with Mark of Khorne for he has enough attacks to make the investment worthwhile, on everyone else I cannot but feel that the points are wasted.


All in all there is no answer to the question and all depends on what your CSM are meant to do. Mine are usually harassment and gang units which prey on depleted enemy squads, charge wounded vehicles or are there to sit on an objective and shoot their guns. 


One thing I agree with though, the best upgrade is actually a Combi-Weapon, the Combi-Flamer being my favorite one for it is golden when you are charged or perfect to precede a charge with its template. Simply it is mathematics, the more models I can affect, the better and being a template weapon a Combi-Flamer can be quite an annoyance. Whether it kills someone or no is of no consequence, the important part is that you force your opponent to roll dice, more dice than a combi-plasma or melta would force. 

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For various aesthetic and narrative reasons, my actual models vary from this, but from a tactical perspective I've come to support:


MSU squads: a combi weapon matching the squad's special, nothing else.


10 man bolter squads w/ dual special: just meltabombs if points are tight.  If spare points are available, combi matching the specials.  If more points are available, lightning claw.


Anything with T5+ or a 2+ save that means to end up in melee: power axe or fist.  Combi melt if spare points.

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