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MSU Spam for CSM


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Hello B&C, I am putting together an 1850 list for a regional tournament and have been kicking around a few ideas. I have a decent collection of chaos but the one thing I have in abundance is marines and rhinos. The newest idea is to attempt to completely fill the force org chart with MSU marines in rhinos with each squad carrying a special weapon of some kind.
My logic is that there will be so many scoring units on the table (12 ob sec) that I can play the objective game and hurl 3-4 units at any large threats. With that in mind I am looking for any advice or previous experiences with this kind of list.
Thanks in advance!

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Seems reasonable, but make sure you carry something that packs a real punch as well. With the proliferation of Rhinos on the board, maybe this is one of the cases where a Helbrute Mayhem pack will shine, as would Heldrakes, Vindicators and Forgefiends.

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I've tried it and found that it works great against some armies and terrible against others. I still prefer Nurgle Biker lord with Nurgle Biker retinue, PM + NCS + NOblits + MF. That is very well rounded for what it can threaten, is durable, and can get into assault fully on turn 2. Then again sometimes that list gets owned by things like invisible centurion stars and such.


With MSU spam you are just playing for objectives and hoping you don't get tabled in the process. I would definitely pay for the nurgle marks if you do it though.

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It's one of those things that I envy Loyalists for more than ATSKNF-combat squads.  Six Tac Squads in Drop pods when they land they become 12 discrete units that can work together or independently.  Just awesome.

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Other Marine armies do it better unfortunately. (Cheaper marine units with better rules lol)


That being said: If the rulespack favours it, go for it, could surprise people as not many are playing Mech MSU at the moment.

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Maybe consider black legion so those veterans become troops? Slightly more expensive, but 2 or more special weapons per rhino may be nice.


BA get 5 assault marines in a rhino with 2 plasma guns for 115pts.

Chaos get 5 marines in a rhino with 1 plasma for 115 also. Add a sergeant with combi plas, a combi plas on the rhino, a spare combi bolter on the rhino, and a havoc for laughs. 152pts and puts out a fair amount of shots - 4 bolts, 1 plasma and the havoc at 24", then 6 plasma, 2 bolt, and the havoc at 12".


I still think chosen squads with 4x specials would work best, though. Add Huron to get D3 squads within 18" of the enemy, or 12" rapid fire range of 5 plasmas....

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In my book 5 Berzerkers in a Rhino are good. They are not an expensive unit, they are not a killer unit but I have learned two things about them. First, people are afraid of them (reputation mostly) and second thing, when you pit them against mauled squads they shine. That turn of charge can reliably kill depleted tactical squads, scouts, wounded creatures and so on... 


My setup is the following:


- Melta Bombs

- Power Weapon

- Rhino

- Dirge Caster


Points permitting they get Veterans of the Long War and the Dozer Blade on the Rhino. 


Be conservative with them and use them to bully or intimidate (in short, make a show of them) by killing weakened units. Being Fearless and quite good in combat, they can surprise you with their exploits. 

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Here's a link to a great battle report MSU CSM vs. AM. Probably a good starting point for such lists. It's 1500 pts but can be beefed up easily. I personally would put the socerer on a bike, but otherwise that list is pretty good. Have look and decide for yourself:

Its a great battle report I watched it the other day

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In my book 5 Berzerkers in a Rhino are good. They are not an expensive unit, they are not a killer unit but I have learned two things about them. First, people are afraid of them (reputation mostly) and second thing, when you pit them against mauled squads they shine. That turn of charge can reliably kill depleted tactical squads, scouts, wounded creatures and so on... 


My setup is the following:



- Melta Bombs

- Power Weapon

- Rhino

- Dirge Caster


Points permitting they get Veterans of the Long War and the Dozer Blade on the Rhino. 


Be conservative with them and use them to bully or intimidate (in short, make a show of them) by killing weakened units. Being Fearless and quite good in combat, they can surprise you with their exploits. 


question is: how can you assault from rhino? :)

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You can't and I never said that you could but a Rhino is a great way to gain inches on the board, to shield your Berzerkers when they get out of the vehicle and it can help you a lot with contesting objectives. I usually keep my berzerkers in the Rhino the first two turns and wait for my opponent to spread a bit around the table. Following I deploy from the Rhino in turn three and then leapfrog my Berzerkers and my Rhino in sync the next turns. I aim to charge wounded units which I can reliably kill and I always keep the Rhino close (if it is still alive) to guard a flank of my berzerkers. Usually this tactic helped me to stop some shooting heading my way when my berzerkers are on foot an exposed. 


Still MSU Berzerkers are a good call, not stellar and not OP but reliable and that is a rarity in our book. 

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Thanks for the feedback folks. I have always loved the humble Rhino. For its points it gives you amazing battlefield control in the form of mobile cover and now scoring. If only we could assault out of them. Also a fun trick I thought I would point out. If you have disembarked marines popping off their bolters and a rhino is nearby, you can flat out the rhino after shooting with your marines to block los on their target.

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