Olis Posted April 5, 2015 Share Posted April 5, 2015 If this keeps up, I may have to branch out next year and make it Forum wide Should you need the support, brother, feel free to give Team Liber a nudge. Grand Master Belial, Conn Eremon, Interrogator Stobz and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/304699-brotherhood-of-angels-2015/page/3/#findComment-3998828 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand Master Belial Posted April 6, 2015 Author Share Posted April 6, 2015 (edited) On to the next Fortress WIP ... ANGEL GUARD by Chronophague GENE-SEED (PREDECESSOR): Dark Angels FOUNDING: 23rd Founding CHAPTER MASTER: Archyel CHAPTER WORLD: Radenna FORTRESS MONASTERY: The Bastion MAIN COLORS: Divided Bone and Black Scheme SPECIALITY: Guerilla BATTLE CRY: "He is sovereignty in flesh! [/size]We are inevitability and destruction! [/size]Everything must return to him!" CURRENT STRENGTH: 224 Battle Brothers KNOWN DESCENDANTS: None ORIGINSThe Angel Guard was founded around M37 and is one of the more recent of the few chapters that have succeeded the Dark Angels. The chapters geneseed was stocked at Hydra Cordatus, recently sacked by some unknown Chaos force, part of the turmoil of the pre black crusade that now torments the imperium. During the creation of the chapter, there was a incident concerning geneseed anomalies, which caused the genitors to study the geneseed for, and bumping the chapters creation backwards for a few decades. Thus the chapter was founded as the 986th chapter to be founded. The chapter left for their designated homeworld in order to set up their recruitment program. The chapter was strongly influenced by Caelis Bellator, the First chapter master of the Angel Guard. He set down many of his ideals as concrete rules for the chapter, even going against the Codex Astartes at times. Being a Dark Angels successor gave the chapter some leeway as they were allowed to use the same organization as their predecessors. Many of Caelis teachings are part of the everyday lives of the battle brothers, the routines and transactions with the normal population. Caelis did not want the Angel Guard to be venerated as distant gods, but as a group that is part of the society and normal life of the population of Radenna. Hence, the Angel Guard is much like the Ultramarines, in that they find it easy to communicate with normal people, and do not look down on their non-enhanced kin. The Angel Guard has still retained the rather cynical view towards others, and they especially loathe abhumans and mutants, seeing them as no better than Chaos spawned monstrosities. This can often cause problems if they are dealing with Guard regiments, with auxiliaries such as ratlings or ogryns. The chapter has thus far tolerated their existence after multiple warnings from other commanders, that it would be heresy to kill the emperors subjects. The Fallen have thus far eluded the Angel Guards search attempts, and co-ordination with other Unforgiven has been shaky at best, as the events surrounding the Eye of Terror stretch the manpower of most chapters. One fallen was captured by the Angels of Vengeance with the aid of the Angel Guard, whose strike cruiser had been shadowing a shady vessel to a planet famous for harboring outlaws and whatnots. HOMEWORLDRadenna is in the northern parts of the Segmentum Obscurus, close to Cypra Mundi. The world is virtually covered with mountains seas and huge pine forests. The people who live on Radenna, pump oil from beneath the sea, and harvest wood for surplus income, with the main production of the planet focused on mining the various minerals found in the mountain ranges. The main export product of the planet is Adamantium and Iron Ore, to the nearby forge worlds. The Angel Guard have set up a rather smallish bunker type complex on the northern pole, which leads deep underneath the ground. The areas surrounding the bunker complex is studded with automated gun turrets and ditches. The main purpose of the bunker is to buy time, and distract any possible opponent. The underground bunker does not house a monastery or any barracks, other than a small area for a watch of 10 marines, and their servants. Lying deep beneath the rock, is a Massive teleportation device, which is used to transfer the troops up to the hidden base on the moon orbiting Radenna. Gustiar, as the moon is called, is home to the Angel Guard, and their subterranean fortress monastery is built into the second largest mountain on the moon. The moon is studded with hidden lance batteries, and torpedo launch bays, to defend the home world, and the chapter in case of an attack. Caelius Bellator, the chapters first chapter master decided to build the diversionary base on the planet, and build the fortress monastery on the moon orbiting Radenna. His tactical insight would prove a very useful in the following millennia. Gustiars rocky surface and deep caverns, hide the launch bays and repair workshops for the chapters smaller craft, the largest of the bays able to fit a strike cruiser, though it requires opening the surface doors at the location, for the craft to land. The larger vessels are repaired in orbit, or on the surface of Radenna, at the capital spaceport in the nexus of the planet, the city of Angelus(renamed as a accolade to the guardians the world received) PRESENT ACTIVITES The chapter is currently back at Radenna, amassing forces to take the fight back to the chaos overrun regions close the Eye. Recent battles with the Iron Warriors Sixth Siege Company has left the chapter depleted in manpower and equipment. The Angel Guard has vowed to annihilate the Sixth before the war is over. And it would appear the Angel Guard will have a lot of time on their hands, since Abaddon’s latest crusade has hit harder than any previous attempt. BATTLE HONORS The Defeat of the Angel Guard The Angel Guard had made planetfall on a single planet hoping to root out the entrenched foe before moving on to another target. Instead they found a foe who had layers of defenses on not just one world but several worlds in several systems with infernal means of transporting between them all. Every victory against the Iron Warriors were hard fought and in some cases fleeting as reinforcements would appear as if from nowhere to reclaim a conquered position. It wasn’t until veterans from several companies for an elite unit strictly to find out how the Iron Warriors were transporting around. This unit of Sergeants from almost every company was able to discover the infernal devices and neutralized three of them before the receiving the order to withdraw. The surviving Sergeants returned to the chapter and most are serving in either the First or Tenth Company and are training their warriors in preparation for their return and to once again take up arms against the labyrinthine siege fortresses of the Iron Warriors. The Purge of Armageddon After the defeat of the ork warlord Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka, the cleansing of the world began in earnest of any orks that could be found. The Angel Guard were tasked with helping purge the lesser populated areas of the planet. In particular, they worked with the regiments from Catachan in purging the equatorial jungles along with brothers from the Salamanders chapter in purging the Fire Wastes. Often working in squads of no more than five, the stretched thin Angel Guard were able to claim several notable victories and have been able to defeat several of the hidden forces of Orks. Though losses were heavy, the chapter served with distinction and honor and when the Dark Angels faced off against the warlord at Piscina IV, the Angel Guard mobilized their forces to assist in the defense of Armageddon a second time. CHAPTER ORGANIZATION As far as following the Codex Astartes laid out by Robute Guillman, the Angel Guard pays homage to who they see as their lord and master, Lion El Johnson. They have taken the Dark Angels chapter organization to heart, with slight alterations. The Deathwing as it is called among the Dark Angels, has been united with the Ravenwing, to something called the Angelwing. It's typical for the Angel guard to mount attacks with the Angelwing, using the high speed Landspeeders and bikes, and to make a co-ordinated attack supported by teleporting terminators. The Angelwing is also the Angel Guards initiation into the secrets regarding the fallen, and the legacy of Lion El Johnson. The current chapter master Archyel is organizing the chapter to reform and replenish the losses suffered in the battles surrounding the Eye, as the chapter has received a hammering fighting against the orks. Another character of note, is techmarine Seraphos, who has long been working on optimizing the functions of the teleport bays on both Radenna and Gustiar. His long service seems to regrettably be at an end, approaching 400 years of age, he is the chapter’s oldest member not entombed in a Dreadnought. If a dreadnought were to lose its occupant in battle, then the honor of continued service in one would go to Seraphos. FLEET ASSETS The Angel Guard took serious losses at the hands of the Iron Warriors. They have brought back three battle barges to full operation and have been working to build a fleet of escort ships in an effort to have a fleet capable of taking the fight back to the Iron Warriors. RECRUITMENT There has been an aggressive push to recruit new members into the chapter. The few remaining chaplains have visited the nearby systems in an effort to find any potential recruits. Likewise, several of the brothers have taken to revisiting their own places of recruitment in an attempt to foster relations and see if others are willing to become recruits to the chapter. Even the penal system of those worlds are visited in the hopes of finding young enough recruits to begin the implementation of the zygotes to make a marine. The aggressive recruitment has had the consequence that many of the ritual recruitment contests are not being performed. As such, the quality of the new scouts is lower and requires longer periods of training and testing. CHAPTER COLORS At the Founding, Caelis was inclined to used a split scheme similar to the Angels of Redemption. But instead of Green, black was chosen to reflect the battle cry of the chapter. In Caelis’s teachings to the new chapter, he emphasized that the Angel Guard were the boundary between the Emperor’s light and destruction. While the first chapter scheme was white and black, the lighter side was muted later as most brothers when on the home world would come back to the chapter with caked dirt in the various crevices of the armor. BATTLE STANDARDS OR CHAPTER BANNERS Many of the Company Standards have been cased until there are sufficient brothers that they may take the standard into battle and still have enough brothers to hold it aloft. Currently only the Chapter Banner and the Company Banners of the Third and Tenth Company are held in formation when the Chapter gathers. BATTLE HONORS, RELICS, DECORATIONS AND AWARDS The Angel Guard are renowned in their ability to preserve histories of their battles and even their foes. Within their bastion on Gustier are halls based on the various campaigns and all the victories, honors and even their failures are displayed for any member of the chapter to see and study. Many of the Chapter’s scouts are found within those halls with a chaplain nearby to test the scout’s knowledge and skills at studying the battlefields of old. One vault that is getting a lot of attention by even the brothers of the chapter is the Hall dedicated to the campaign against the Eye of Terror and the areas surrounding the Iron Warriors Sixth Siege Company. COMBAT DOCTRINEThe Angel Guard favor a rapid deployment warfare, in which the goal is to either overwhelm a tactically important objective, and/or launch a surprise attack on many fronts at the same time. The Angel Guard has been noted to use underhand tactics in war on several occasions, angering many allies with their actions. The largest feud is between the Angel Guard and the Ice Fangs chapter, since the Angel Guard did not support the Ice Fangs main assault, but instead proceeded to use the diversion to launch a teleport attack into the rear of the enemy army. The battle was won, but the Ice Fangs lost a unnecessary number of battle brothers because of the Angel Guards negligence. The Ice Fangs have never forgiven the Angel Guard for their actions, nor have the Angel Guard agreed to even listen to any demands. BATTLE CRY"He is sovereignty in flesh!We are inevitability and destruction!Everything must return to him!" LOCAL RITUALS Even within the Chapter, there are secrets and chambers only accessible by a few. Each Company has their own secret areas to train and gather that is only accessible to them. There is always a ceremony when new brothers are inducted into a new Company and the Chapter. It is not uncommon for a secret to be hidden in ordinary sight. This has influenced the brothers to never be truly open with those outside the chapter or in a lower company. It is not unknown for the Angel Guard to always keep a secret even when amongst the populace for a casual excursion. BELIEFS The First Chapter of the Angel Guard, Caelis Bellator, set forth a doctrine for what would become his new chapter. Cereals had become paranoid and skeptical during the incident with the geneseed stockpiles. In the decades prior to the creation of the chapter, Caelis had time to reflect and document his plans for the chapter. He was able to visit the homeworld and even designed the bunker complex and the hidden fortress on Gustiar. He developed the doctrine of keeping the Angel Guard’s presence on the battlefield small but significant using precision strikes from a quick reaction force. While Caelis would eventually warm up to the populace of Radenna and embrace an open relationship between the chapter and the population but the Chapter Master always wanted to keep the primary fortress to any outsider. The chapter would later keep up the open relationship with the populace of the Imperium but they will always have a secret that they keep from them. GENESEEDThe Dark Angels CHAMPIONS OF THE CHAPTERWIP Edited April 25, 2015 by Grand Master Belial JeffJedi and Master Sindiferous 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/304699-brotherhood-of-angels-2015/page/3/#findComment-3999508 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Master Sindiferous Posted April 7, 2015 Share Posted April 7, 2015 (edited) I added this as an edit to my original post, but figured I should add it here if others like me check updates here first. Please leave any thoughts you mat have good or bad. My opinion is ever DA waivers a little (save for Asmodai) and sometimes they need a lace to refit and return with a vengeance. Enjoy the post.. ▪ GENE-SEED (PREDECESSOR):- Dark Angels ▪ FOUNDING:- [M.41] ▪ CHAPTER MASTER:- Master Sindiferous ▪ CHAPTER WORLD:- Unknown ▪ FORTRESS MONASTERY:- None, Fleet Based ▪ MAIN COLOURS:- Caliban Green, Bone White, Scarlet, and Black. ▪ SPECIALITY:- Quick Strike, Direct Action, Surgical Strikes, Hammer Blows ▪ BATTLE CRY:- For the Lion, The Emperor, and Terra! ▪ CURRENT STRENGTH:- Unknown “See History below..” Sentient Angels “The Lords of Conscious” Sentient Angels “The Lords of Conscious” – Made up of those veteran Dark Angels who initially lost their way upon having been intentionally or unintentionally being exposed to the Dark Angels hidden truths. Once they have come to accept the deception and outright lies, they exist to expunge the perceived stains the Dark Angels have brought upon them by placing the Hunt above all else. The Sentient Angels maintain the original values of the 1st Legion as established by the Emperor himself. The Chapters armor maintains the scheme of the original chapter to match that of the original Deathwing save for their helmets that are now painted bone white and their gauntlets a deep scarlet to represent the blood stains left on their souls by putting The Hunt above all else. They are also easily picked out of a group by their black shoulder board with the winged sword logo repainted scarlet red to match that of the original black armor worn by the 1st Legion Dark Angels. Grand Master Sindiferous leads the Sentient Angels with his unflinching loyalty to the Emperor of Man and his tactical wisdom and knowledge gained over the millennium. Master Sindiferous was the first to escape his demons. After being tested in battle beside Ezekiel as a member of the 5th company while leading a squad of Space Marines. Sindiferous helped carry Ezekiel to safety after he was wounded. He later rejoined the battle at Ezekiel side to help claim victory over the Ork commander Groblonik and his Waaagh! Sindiferous actions and his aid to Ezekiel gained him recognition and a deep trust of the Librarian. With the recognition gained assisting Ezekiel and his long standing in the 5th Company, Sindiferous was thought to be ready for induction to the Deathwing. Upon introduction to the truths that were held from him for so long, Sindiferous was lost within himself becoming disillusioned with the revealed truth. With hidden assistance from Cypher, disguised as a Company Master assigned to a Dark Angels Successor chapter, Sindiferous finds his souls true convictions. He makes a vow to restore the honor and integrity of the Dark Angels by following those truths and missions given to him as a recruit on Terra by the Emperor of Man himself. Sindiferous gathers other like-minded, disillusioned, but loyal Dark Angels to his group and provides them with guidance and purpose. After gathering over 100 Dark Angels to his group Master Sindiferous reveals himself and the others to Ezekiel. Although initially uncertain of how to take this group, Ezekiel searched the depths of Sindiferous soul and those who followed him. Ezekiel then convinced Grand Master Azrael and the Dark Angels leadership to maintain the group as a way to utilize these wavering souls by rehabilitating them through this Chapter. Some would return to their respective Chapters, while others would remain to defend mankind from Xenos threats thereby founding the Sentient Angels. The one requirement placed on the chapter by Grand Master Azrael is the required presence of several Librarians throughout the Chapter to ensure their loyalty to the Emperor. Each Company is led by a Librarian hand picked by Ezekiel himself with a mastery level of the arcane knowledge of the warp. These librarians serve in place of a Company Master. The Librarians select one Company Sergeant as a second to lead in their stead over the other squad sergeants and assist in their training. Ezekiel’s minions make certain the Space Marines that arrive broken are helped to emerge from the depths of perception with an iron will unmatched by any other Dark Angels Chapter. Those unable to be helped are set free of their burden by the Chapter’s sole Chaplain known only by a whispered name as Destiny’s Servant. Secretly the other Dark Angel Successor Chapter Masters as well as Asmodai, Belial and Samael, all argue among themselves about the validity of the Sentient Angels. Many believe they are no more than the Fallen they vowed to hunt down. Only Master Azrael and the guarantee of Ezekiel keep them in check. The most boisterous foe of the Sentient Angels being Asmodai, keeps Master Sindiferous on edge and ever aware of those around him. Even though the Chapters own Chaplain came to them of his own free will, Master Sindiferous charged him with maintaining the Chapters values and convictions set forth by the Emperor himself. Together they are always searching for anything that may lead to a heretic space marine or a spy for Asmodai. To date, none of these rejuvenated souls have been found wavering. Instead they display an iron will and desire to defend the human race at all costs. Sentient Angel’s Companies (Members of the Sentient Angels are considered Veteran Space Marines.) Ezekiel and his Librarian Conclave oversee the Chapter leadership of the 6 Companies yet defer to Master Sindiferous’ tactical knowledge and martial skill. Other Dark Angels Chapter Masters rotate through from time to time to witness the rebirth of Space Marines sent to the Chapter for healing and repurposing of those whose souls have rebounded from the traumatic knowledge of the lies held by the inner circle. Sentient Angels are all considered veteran space marines by virtue of attaining the knowledge and hidden truths of the inner circle by happenstance or planned initiation. The 1st Company- (Numbers unknown.) Company Librarian: Micah Armed with Force Axe and an ancient Plasma pistol that can be fired repeatedly without fear of overheating. Company Master SGT: Brother Cane May Choose Power Sword or Axe and combi-plasma pistol or may Choose to carry a heavy weapon at no additional cost. The 1st company is comprised of Space Marines who utilize terminator armor to deep strike into the heart of the enemy. These fearless Space Marines fight through pain and fear without falter driven by the knowledge that forced them into the chapter. They are determined to protect mankind and uphold the tenants of the 1st Legion set forth by the Emperor himself when he stood up the Dark Angels on Terra. Made up of ten man teams: Teams may break down into split teams of 6 each after initial deployment. (May deploy in 3 man teams as needed.) Dreadnaughts may be assigned as 1st Company troops as needed via drop pod or Storm Talon. Assault Teams 1- Terminator Sergeant 2- 3 (4) Brothers wielding Thunder Hammers and Storm Shields (power fists or chain fists and storm bolters with no more than 2 missile launchers) 3- 2 Brothers with Storm Claw 4- 2 Brothers bearing heavy weapons (Assault Cannon/Plasma Cannons/Flamers) 5- Optional 1-2 Dreadnaughts or Venerable Dreadnaughts Various Load out for Assault in Lieu of 1-2 brothers bearing TH/SS Weapons Teams 1- Terminator Sergeant 2- 2 Brothers bearing heavy weapons (Assault Cannon/Plasma Cannons/Flamers) 3- 7 Brothers equipped with power fists or chain fists and storm bolters with missile launchers (may take Thunder Hammers and Storm Shields) 4- 2 Dreadnaughts or Venerable Dreadnaughts Various Load out for fire support in Lieu of 1-2 brothers bearing power fists and storm bolters 1st Company troops may use Storm Ravens or Land Raiders for deployment. Retain Dark Angels Death Wing special rules. Due to arcane knowledge gifted from Cypher the Sentient Angels may conduct precision deep strikes when deploying with Master Micah or Brother Cane and drop pods deployed with those teams are gifted with the same rule. The 2nd Company Fast Attack (Numbers unknown.) Company Librarian: Master Lukas - Armed with an ancient Force Sword with special properties. Lukas is also gifted with a grav-bike similar to Samael’s own from the armories at the rock upon request by the chapter’s Tech Marine: Brother Montovani. Company Master SGT: Brother Logan – on Bike or grav-bike, may choose Power Sword or Corvus Hammer, bolt pistol and Plasma Talons The 2nd company is comprised of fast attack elements that include land based biker formations and aerial squadrons. Bike squads may have a minimum 3 bikers and a maximum of 6. Bike squads may split to a minimum of 3 Bikes per split unit. Bike squadrons can be made up of 3-10 bikers and must include one land speeder and one attack bike. Bike squads and squadrons may utilize Storm Ravens to deploy onto the battlefield. Ariel squadrons can include not only Dark angels flyers, but also Storm Talons and Storm Ravens. 3rd Company- Battle Company (Numbers unknown.) Company Librarian: Master Ishmael Company Master SGT: Brother Gregar 3rd Company is comprised of 5 squads of Veteran Tactical marines, 2 fast attack squadrons with bikes, and various land speeders, 2 assault squads, and 2 Devastator Squads. May use Rhinos, Predators, or Land Raiders as support and transport. May use drop pods for deep strike assaults. 4th Company- Battle Company (Numbers unknown.) Company Librarian: Master Zachariah Company Master SGT: Brother Cassius 3rd Company is comprised of 5 squads of Veteran Tactical marines, 2 fast attack squadrons with bikes, and various land speeders, 2 assault squads, and 2 Devastator Squads. May use Rhinos, Predators, or Land Raiders as support and transport. May use drop pods for deep strike assaults. 5th Company – Heavy Support (Numbers unknown.) Company Librarian: Master Sintas Company Master SGT: Brother Kael Tech Marine: Brother Montovani on bike with Las rifle. Comprised of 1 Tactical Squad, 4 Devastator squads, Dreadnaughts, and Imperial Knight Master “Blue Jack” Warprider. 6th Company – Assault and Scouts. (Numbers unknown.) Company Librarian: Master Tellion Company Master SGT: Brother Quintus Comprised of 5+ squads of tactical marines, 2+ squads made up of a fast attack squadron with bikers, speeders and /or assault squads, 2 Devastator Squads. Devotional Squad – Recent transferees/ New Members (Numbers unknown.) Company Chaplain: known only as Destiny’s Servant. His name is known only to Ezekiel, Azrael, and Sindiferous. Squad Master SGT: Brother Hypierion This squad can be as big as a company, but is only managed by the company chaplain and his selected Master SGT. The squad as it is called allows time for those sent to the Sentient Angels to adjust and to verify their loyalty to the Chapter and the Dark Angels as a whole. If found lacking this conviction they are terminated from the retraining at a time deigned by the Chapter’s Chaplain and Master Sindiferous. All others upon approval are moved to the 6th company for training prior to moving to their final stationing within the Chapter. Sentient Angels 1st Company http://bolterandchainsword.com/tsms.php?hdt=cc0000&hdm=cc0000&hdl=cc0000&ey=265711&er=cc0000&pi=cc0000&nk=FCE3B8&cht=FCE3B8&ch=265711&abs=FCE3B8&bt=FCE3B8&btd=d3d4dd&cod=FCE3B8&ull=FCE3B8&lk=FCE3B8&lll=FCE3B8&lft=FCE3B8&url=FCE3B8&rk=FCE3B8&lrl=FCE3B8&rft=FCE3B8&sl=0a0a0a&sli=FCE3B8&sr=0a0a0a&sri=FCE3B8&ula=FCE3B8&lel=FCE3B8&lla=cc0000&lh=cc0000&ura=FCE3B8&rel=FCE3B8&rla=cc0000&rh=cc0000&eg=d3d4dd&sk=d3d4dd&rta=FCE3B8<a=FCE3B8&lhd=CFCFCF&rhd=d3d4dd&ct=d3d4dd&cts=d3d4dd&camh=FCE3B8&camb=FCE3B8&cams=FFFFFF&caml=37A138&brc=d3d4dd&rb=d3d4dd&gr=d3d4dd&bg=1AD7E8& Sentient Angels 2nd Company http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/smsbeta.php?bpe=030303&bpj=030303&bp=030303&bpc=030303&hdt=CC0000&hdm=CC0000&hdl=CC0000&ey=265711&er=CC0000&pi=D1CFCF&nk=030303&ch=265711&eg=D1CFCF&sk=D1CFCF&abs=030303&bt=030303&cod=030303&ull=030303&lk=030303&lll=030303&lft=030303&url=030303&rk=030303&lrl=030303&rft=030303&slt=D1CFCF&sli=030303&srt=D1CFCF&sri=030303&ula=030303&lel=030303&lla=CC0000&lw=D1CFCF&lh=CC0000&ura=030303&rel=030303&rla=CC0000&rw=D1CFCF&rh=CC0000&bg=1AEBEB&rb=D1CFCF&gr=D1CFCF&wg=true&cloak=fce3b8&loin=fce3b8&chps=CC0000&darkangelpad=CC0000&rkg2=CC0000&bpr=000000&pws=true Sentient Angels 3,4,5th Companies http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/sm/bpe=265711&bpj=265711&bp=265711&bpc=265711&hdt=CC0000&hdm=CC0000&hdl=CC0000&ey=265711&er=265711&pi=D1CFCF&nk=265711&ch=265711&eg=D1CFCF&sk=D1CFCF&abs=265711&bt=265711&cod=265711&ull=265711&lk=265711&lll=265711&lft=265711&url=265711&rk=030303&lrl=265711&rft=265711&slt=D1CFCF&sli=030303&srt=D1CFCF&sri=030303&ula=265711&lel=265711&lla=CC0000&lw=D1CFCF&lh=CC0000&ura=265711&rel=265711&rla=CC0000&rw=D1CFCF&rh=CC0000&bg=1AEBEB&rb=D1CFCF&gr=D1CFCF&wg=true&mk6=true&cloak=fce3b8&loin=fce3b8&darkangelpad=CC0000&slips=CC0000&rkg3=CC0000&pws=true&/spacemarine.jpg Sentient Angels 6th Company and Devotion Squad. http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/sct.php?b62c=@h36gq_hpUZV.hAqFFi8Naei8T83h6cRhh4GXEh4GXE@@@@..@.hMg1OhMg1OhYbiBhYbiB@..@@iakk7iakk7___iakk7_iakk7i2mR9i2mR9i2mR9i2mR9__hYbiB@h6uOL& For the Lion, The Emperor, and Terra! Edited June 18, 2015 by Master Sindiferous Grand Master Belial 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/304699-brotherhood-of-angels-2015/page/3/#findComment-4000078 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted April 9, 2015 Share Posted April 9, 2015 Mmmm I have an idea, a Chapter whos main ally is a small Eldar Craftworld, status in the Unforgiven is non existent... Would that be total heresy :) Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/304699-brotherhood-of-angels-2015/page/3/#findComment-4002715 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Tyler Posted April 9, 2015 Share Posted April 9, 2015 Yes Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/304699-brotherhood-of-angels-2015/page/3/#findComment-4002771 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand Master Belial Posted April 9, 2015 Author Share Posted April 9, 2015 Mmmm I have an idea, a Chapter whos main ally is a small Eldar Craftworld, status in the Unforgiven is non existent... Would that be total heresy :)As I just did that for the Sororitas challenge. It would be plausible. The DA may try to purge the chapter but it is not out of the realm of possibility. They would be set up like a normal chapter but with no link to the DA when they were founded. You could use the HH tie in and have someone in the chapter encounter a Watcher. The Watcher would guide them to the knowledge that they are sons of the Lion and that they a part of a cabal to push back against the forces of Chaos. A part of the Cabal is also the Eldar and this one craftworld is open to becoming an ally in the effort to eradicate Chaos's influence from the galaxy. They would be more Codex adherent but would try to imitate the DA (no DW Knights, Black Knights or fancy master of the Second). At least, that is how I would see it being set up. They probably would deviate from the known DA iconography (swords and wings) for something else entirely and the brooding dark colors would also not be in play. I myself thought of a Cursed Founding Chapter called the Blood Swords that tried to splice DA with BA geneseed with very bad results. I've been asking myself what would happen if the visions of the Black Rage were clouded because of the splicing. Master Sindiferous 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/304699-brotherhood-of-angels-2015/page/3/#findComment-4002839 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand Master Belial Posted April 16, 2015 Author Share Posted April 16, 2015 Now, what would a Dark Angels Competition be without at least one little secret? Since Captain Semper has started to pull back the veil on the the next ETL. It is time for me to reveal a secret for this competition. With these new chapters being created for the Unforgiven, what better way to formally introduce them then to paint up some miniatures of these chapters? With that said, I would encourage everyone participating in this competition also paint up a character or squad for the ETL. They can even be added here as part of the submission. To allow competitors time to buy and paint a squad. I am extending the deadline for this competition two additional months to allow competitors to also compete in the ETL. So now the new deadline is July 15th at midnight GMT. But let me be clear about one thing, with the exception of the deadline. The rules for the competition have not changed and NO PAINTED MINIATURES ARE REQUIRED for completion. They are encouraged but not required. Anyone wanting to sign up and create a chapter are always free to join at any time. Those who have completed their submissions may submit them to the Tabula Astartes thread overseen by Brother Tyler. I'll quote last year's post below. For all of those that haven't already done so, please submit your DIY Unforgiven Successors to the Tabula Astartes. The submission criteria can be found here (as far as I can tell, every Chapter with a completed submission for this challenge meets the criteria).Note that this includes DIY renditions of official Chapters, such as my Angels of Vigilance submission. These DIY versions are listed separately from the official entries (so there is a canon Angels of Vigilance entry and a DIY entry - this is what we've done for a number of other DIY renditions of official Chapters).I really should have posted this a few months ago, but didn't think to because I was pretty busy when this challenge was completed.All you need to do to submit your entry is post a reply with the following information: Chapter/warband name:Creator: (only necessary if you are not the author)Founding:Gene-seed:Predecessor:Article link:Image(s) link: (only necessary if the images aren't in the article)Notes:Note: If/when you submit your Chapter, please ensure that you provide a link that goes directly to your entry, either a dedicated topic or the reply in this topic in which your Chapter is presented. If you post a link to this topic, you can find your Chapter's post by right clicking on the post number that appears in the upper right, then copying the URL. Epher, Master Sindiferous and Interrogator Stobz 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/304699-brotherhood-of-angels-2015/page/3/#findComment-4009759 Share on other sites More sharing options...
GreyCrow Posted April 23, 2015 Share Posted April 23, 2015 (edited) I, Grand Master Grey Crow, chapter master of the as of yet unnamed Unforgiven Chapter, in the name of the Lion, make this oath of moment to submit a complete history of my chapter and it's honored brothers. EDIT : And I'm not saying that to slack off, I have a cool colour scheme nailed down today, a rough idea of where I want to go in the background history, but I'm really struggling to find a name :p Edited April 23, 2015 by GreyCrow Grand Master Belial and Captain Semper 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/304699-brotherhood-of-angels-2015/page/3/#findComment-4018131 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand Master Belial Posted April 24, 2015 Author Share Posted April 24, 2015 (edited) Welcome aboard GreyCrow! I managed to add a little bit to the Angel Guard above. I must admit how difficult it is to add to another person's work and try to be true to the original. I hope to finish them and start working on my next DIY Successor with an unusual bent thanks to the Liber Experiments and Brother Arkley. I plan to flesh out the dead chapter of the Blood Swords. I have some wild ideas that I need to put down in a document. For the Liber staff, would you like me to break off the Blades of the Lion into a separate thread in the Liber forum to allow them to be worked on outside of the rest of the Liber Cluster? Edited April 24, 2015 by Grand Master Belial Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/304699-brotherhood-of-angels-2015/page/3/#findComment-4019736 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hrvat Posted April 26, 2015 Share Posted April 26, 2015 I, Hrvat, chapter master of the Angels of Malediction, in the name of the Lion, make this oath of moment to submit a complete history of my chapter and it's honored brothers. Grand Master Belial 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/304699-brotherhood-of-angels-2015/page/3/#findComment-4020688 Share on other sites More sharing options...
jaxom Posted April 28, 2015 Share Posted April 28, 2015 I, Jaxom, chapter master of the Lightbringers, in the name of the Lion, make this oath of moment to submit a complete history of my chapter and it's honored brothers. Grand Master Belial 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/304699-brotherhood-of-angels-2015/page/3/#findComment-4022410 Share on other sites More sharing options...
moi_a_mania Posted April 30, 2015 Share Posted April 30, 2015 I, Moiamania, Chapter Master of the Tempest Sons, in the name of the Lion, make this oath to submit a complete history of my chapter and it's honored brothers. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/304699-brotherhood-of-angels-2015/page/3/#findComment-4024970 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Olis Posted April 30, 2015 Share Posted April 30, 2015 The BOA challenge is enjoying a second wind, I see. I wonder what the Chapters will be like... :) Grand Master Belial 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/304699-brotherhood-of-angels-2015/page/3/#findComment-4024998 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand Master Belial Posted April 30, 2015 Author Share Posted April 30, 2015 I am trying to churn out a few more and the Liber challenge chapter has stalled a bit, but there is still plenty of time to write up one IA. Arkley has two in and I'm working on my second one along with the Fortress redux pieces. I can't paint in the ETL so I'll keep on churning through and either rehash my older ones to add some more or try to come up with some new chapters. I am still struggling with a good idea for the Liber Challenge this month as I know so little about the Mechanicus and the Lexicanium is not very up to date. I am curious to know where everyone is at with their WIP. Now that the ETL is due to kick off in a few hours time, it may be harder for some of the Frater here to finish since painting fever is about to take hold. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/304699-brotherhood-of-angels-2015/page/3/#findComment-4025482 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Olis Posted April 30, 2015 Share Posted April 30, 2015 If you need to bounce ideas, GMB, feel free to PM the Team. Short of that, pop on over to the AdMech section and get chinwagging with the Frater there. I'm sure the ball will start rolling either way. Anyhoo, my own DIY (the Brotherhood of the Lion) has developed further, but not enough to warrant posting more up yet. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/304699-brotherhood-of-angels-2015/page/3/#findComment-4025489 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand Master Belial Posted April 30, 2015 Author Share Posted April 30, 2015 (edited) Right now I am working on an idea of a household modeled after the clans from FASA's Battletech; able to ambush and use terrain to hide and take down a larger titan. But I need to get the Blood Swords up to minimum standards first. Edited April 30, 2015 by Grand Master Belial Conn Eremon 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/304699-brotherhood-of-angels-2015/page/3/#findComment-4025520 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Conn Eremon Posted April 30, 2015 Share Posted April 30, 2015 Got a Titan Legio and Forge World with the same theme. Debated long and hard before I finally decided to go Titan over Knight. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/304699-brotherhood-of-angels-2015/page/3/#findComment-4025534 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand Master Belial Posted April 30, 2015 Author Share Posted April 30, 2015 (edited) With GW's fury at getting Codecies out, it looks like the fluff from the new books is not evenly distributed amongst the 40k fan base. I got in just before Second Edition was released and missed out on a big part of the lore regarding the AdMech. These new books came out too fast and were a big burden on the wallet. I am ready for a big 40k fluff book. Edited April 30, 2015 by Grand Master Belial Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/304699-brotherhood-of-angels-2015/page/3/#findComment-4025551 Share on other sites More sharing options...
jaxom Posted April 30, 2015 Share Posted April 30, 2015 It's been awhile but was it the B&C interactive painter that had the options for Chaplains and Librarians and I just can't find them anymore or am I thinking of a different interactive painter? In other news, progress is being made and I look forward to posting the first draft when it's done. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/304699-brotherhood-of-angels-2015/page/3/#findComment-4026005 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aqui Posted April 30, 2015 Share Posted April 30, 2015 I'm still beavering away Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/304699-brotherhood-of-angels-2015/page/3/#findComment-4026018 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Olis Posted April 30, 2015 Share Posted April 30, 2015 It's been awhile but was it the B&C interactive painter that had the options for Chaplains and Librarians and I just can't find them anymore or am I thinking of a different interactive painter? Afaik, it's a different painter you're thinking of. I recall there being a Russian one that is fairly good. That particular one popped up in the Amicus, if I'm not mistaken. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/304699-brotherhood-of-angels-2015/page/3/#findComment-4026019 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand Master Belial Posted May 1, 2015 Author Share Posted May 1, 2015 Yeah, the B&C painters are not that fancy but they are pretty good. At least the SM version with the Wargear pack. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/304699-brotherhood-of-angels-2015/page/3/#findComment-4027212 Share on other sites More sharing options...
jaxom Posted May 2, 2015 Share Posted May 2, 2015 (edited) EDIT: Removed the preview as the complete version is available. http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/304699-brotherhood-of-angels-2015/?p=4043401 Edited May 15, 2015 by jaxom Grand Master Belial 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/304699-brotherhood-of-angels-2015/page/3/#findComment-4027768 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Argent Posted May 8, 2015 Share Posted May 8, 2015 (edited) New WIP coming Edited May 19, 2015 by Brother SP Grand Master Belial 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/304699-brotherhood-of-angels-2015/page/3/#findComment-4034890 Share on other sites More sharing options...
jaxom Posted May 10, 2015 Share Posted May 10, 2015 Nice, looking forward to the rest. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/304699-brotherhood-of-angels-2015/page/3/#findComment-4037091 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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