Grand Master Belial Posted May 11, 2015 Author Share Posted May 11, 2015 Now that the ETL is through it's first week, we still have some action here on the Brotherhood of the Angels competition as well. I see quite a few WIP pieces that are very advanced and nearing completion. Keep up the good work brothers!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
moi_a_mania Posted May 12, 2015 Share Posted May 12, 2015 (edited) Chapter Name: TEMPEST SONS ▪ GENE-SEED (PREDECESSOR): DARK ANGELS▪ FOUNDING:- UNKNOWN▪ CHAPTER MASTER:- Chapter Master Poe▪ CHAPTER WORLD:- JIMINEX II (Ekadra, Manapusa, Torr)▪ FORTRESS MONASTERY:- Fale Tama Malo▪ MAIN COLOURS: Callaspean Teal, Black, and Wolf Grey▪ SPECIALITY:▪ BATTLE CRY:- “Protect the Homeworlds!”▪ CURRENT STRENGTH: 537▪ KNOWN DESCENDANTS: None Origin and History“A one hundred year civil war devastated the Jiminex II System. Every Warlord attempted to rule the others. There was no peace. Then he arrived. Out of the sky he blazed. His landing could be seen for miles. Each War Clan journeyed to find the mysterious light in hopes of finding an advantage. Each found Salvation instead.Who arrived in that crash? He spoke his name – Abrakus. He wore armor of a different hue than the Callaspean Sea. He stood head and shoulders above us. When he spoke to us, we all listened.He warned us of the impending danger and that we needed to save our “fight” for them. He described these creatures as so horrifying that they would steal your very breath. He taught us about them. He taught us how to fight them. He taught us how the Lion would beat them. He gave his life for us. He is our Savior.” – Grand Reverend Grimnarch Foa.Sometime after 993.M41, local legend states a Dark Angel crashed landed on Ekadra in the Jiminex II System. Met by numerous war clans and their leaders, he united them in time to fight off a splinter fleet Tyranid invasion. Outmatched, outnumbered, and outgunned, the Islanders and this lone Dark Angel fought bravely. When they were about to be overrun, an Unknown Space Marine Chapter mysteriously appeared and turned the tide into victory before they disappeared.During that Battle on Manapusa, Abrakus died. He tried to instill the tactics, ideals and values of the Lion. His efforts to defend the people was a success. They buried him as an honored member in the tomb on Ekadra.Following a tip, the Dark Angels arrived at Ekadra. They were amazed at the killing skill of the Islanders. They also recognized basic Dark Angel tactical characteristics in the Islanders' attack patterns. The Dark Angels were surprised that the Islanders had an insatiable need for knowledge about the Lion. Their quesitions were unrelenting. Another surprise, the Dark Angels would find very eager listeners to the folklore and legend of the Emperor and the days before the Horus Heresy.Initially, the Dark Angels wanted to recruit and train the Islanders. Unfortunately, not a single Islander would be recruited. Inspired, the Islanders were filled with unity and a collective pride.They sought to honor their Savior’s request and become a unified force in defending their home worlds. The long lasting Civil War had ended. The Islanders needed time to heal. Allowing outsiders in didn't appeal to the Islanders. But it appealed to the Dark Angels. Finally after much debate, Supreme Grand Master Azrael requested that the Lords of Terra create a new Chapter to protect the border lands between the Segmentum Pacificus and Segmentum Tempestus. His rationale was “It is better to have them as allies than to not have them at all.” Chapter Homeworld Jiminex System (Ekadra, Manupasa, and Torr). These three planets orbit the star Jiminex II. The Planet Torr is closest to the star. It is a planet almost completely covered by one large continent. The planet orbits around the star, but doesn’t rotate on its axis. One side of the planet is always facing the star while the other is always covered in darkness.Torr’s Dark side is a barren ice-like wasteland. It is inhabited by unspeakable creatures who have no love for the light. Some creatures are believed to have psychic powers.Torr’s Light side is a large desert. Vast and brutal, it is a hostile land filled with untold horrors awaiting under the sands.Both sides make it ideal for training. The Tempest Son’s Training Base, Ole Fale Sa, is located there near the border of Dark and Light.Many of the Hive Cities are near the Northern coast of the Callaspean Sea. The Hive Cities border the lands of Dark and Light and serve as trading posts for the rest of the system and the Segmentum. Novices’ first jobs are to serve as security for the Hive cities. Ekadra and Manapusa are twin planets who rotate around each other and orbit the star. The gravitational pull between each of those planets is so strong that natural disasters are common.The stormy season or “Tempests” yield hurricanes, quakes, tsunamis, and floods. Many lives have been taken by these annual events.Ekadra is 98 percent covered with water. There are Ten Thousand Island chains surrounding the Equator. There is only one continent, Maota, located near the southwest area below the equator. This is where most of the Space Ports, Hive Cities, and the Capital (the Triple Towers) are located. The Tempest Sons stronghold, Fale Tama Malo, is near the Capital.Manupasa was once a lavish Agricultural planet filled with fertile soil, gardens, and farms. There is no reason why the Tyranids decided to attack this planet. It is believed that something lured the Tyranids. After the invasion, it was ravaged by the insidious creatures. The planet is now a desolate wasteland. Serving more as a monument, Manupasa has been left uninhabited except for the remaining Hive City, Largent. This Hive City serves as a research facility and base of operations. The hope is to re-establish the planet as it once was. Present Activities Currenly, the Tempest Sons are aiding in quelling the many Rebellions in the Segmentum Pacificus region. A still farily new chapter, the numbers of troops in training exceeds actual brothers at 2-1. Equipment is also lacking as the Adeptus Mechanicus of Mars has been slow in responding to requests. Battle Honors Although they are a newer chapter, the Tempest Sons have already been tested by the corrupting powers of Chaos. During a scouting mission on the destroyed Gryphonne IV System, The Tempest Sons encountered a Chaos war band led by Chaos Champion, Lord Refutus. Refutus, a Fallen Dark Angel, was looking for a lost Chaos artifact. Led by the Reverend Palamon Syth, the Revered Dreadnought Dravus the Seeker, Master Magnus Syth and the Third (Gemini) Company, Refutus and his war band were defeated. Refutus was then brought to the Dark Angels for repentance.In 999.m41 Ork Warboss Thuga KrunchFist and his Boyz were detected at Stygies, an Imperial world. The Imperial Naval base at Bakka responded with several fleets. The Tempest Sons, although small in number, sent the entire chapter to intercept the Green Menace. A large battle ensued over the skies of Stygies. A small force invaded the planet where they were met by the Tempest Sons. Hive City Ramadan fell under siege from the Orks. The Tempest Sons sank in and held off the Ork attack for 56 hours. Behind Thuga, the Ork forces would rally and push for a final assault. Depleted in number, but not in spirit, the Tempest Sons held fast against the threat. When defeat seemed inevitable, Grand Master Poe rose above his troops and challenged Thuga. Using his Staff of Righteousness, he was able to slay the War Boss. The Orks retreated and the city was saved. Chapter Organization The Tempest Sons organizational chart is similar to the Dark Angels and their Successor Chapters. The Storm Wind and Dread Wind are respectively their version of the Death Wing and Raven Wing. Relatively still a new chapter, filling the ranks has been the focal point. Membership has been limited due to the number of deaths, training, and the sparse amount of equipment. The Draft is an annual event where Novices have earned the right to join the Chapter as members. In order to replenish lost members, Novices are drafted into Sets or Tactical Squads. If recruited by a Set, the Novice earns his battle armor and becomes a Trooper. Most Troopers show an affinity towards a skill. Recognizing this, Decons and Masters encourage Troopers to hone in on their natural skill while they are in Sets.These Troopers can then be sent to join either a Devastator, Assault, Bike, Land speeder, or Mechanized Squads.If a Trooper performs well, he can earn his “Teal Talberd”, a symbol of honor amongst the Chapter. He is now called a Brother. If a Brother proves his skill in battle, he can be rewarded with his Robe of Ascension. It is a great honor as he is now called a Son. Continued bravery provides a chance to lead his Set into battle. If a Son continues his exemplary service in Honor of the Lion, his Chapter and the Emperor, he can be inducted into The Chosen and be awarded the title of Deacon. The Chosen“The Chosen” is the first company comprised of the most veteran, honored, and skilled Deacons. Most of these men fought with Chapter Master Poe and Abrakus. All Chaplains and Librarians are members of ‘The Chosen”. It is the first Circle.Upon selection into “The Chosen”, the Deacon is recruited into one of the many Storm Wind Sets, where he is awarded his valuable and rare Terminator Armor.Each Storm Wind Set has its own design utilizing the three main colors of the Chapter. This honors the different War Clans prior to their Imperialization.Due to the limited number of Battle Brothers, the Deacon may choose to fight either with the Storm Wind permanently or chose to fight with his original company as a Veteran. When needed to return to the Storm Wind, all Deacons and Masters must answer the call. It is at this level that the newest member of ‘The Chosen’ learns the Story of Grand Master Poe and the mysterious space marine chapter from the Librarius:“A scream came as the creatures moved closer to our line. Our leader Poe told us to hold. As Poe stood encouraging his men, a large creature loomed above him and swung its claw. Poe was knocked back. Blood streaming down his face. His left eye was gone. Poe picked up his pistol and shot repeatedly at the monster. Then, they came. Space Marines in black armor who were engulfed in a strange type of flame. They engaged the alien host. Abrakus called them the Lost Legion. Others know them as the Legion of the Damned. Regardless of what they are called, they saved us that day.”Deacons are taught that the Inquisition had started an investigation into the possible heretical acts of the Tempest Sons. These accusations included harboring a possible fugitive, protecting a renegade Space Marine Chapter and luring a Xenos threat to an Imperial planet causing it to be consumed. When “questioned” by the Inquisition about the incidents, Poe removed his right eye to show that he and his fellow Islanders’ are loyal to the Emperor. The Dark Angels and their Successor chapters found this sacrifice honorable and they vouched for the Islanders. After Azrael testified on behalf of the Islanders, the Watchers in the Dark began following Poe. They serve as his eyes through some form of telepathy.After the Inquisitions departure, it was decided by the Chapter's Inner Circle that they need to restore their honor. A recommendation from the Dark Angels was that Chaos Space Marines are a specific threat and their eradication will lift the taint of the Inquisition’s accusations from the Chapter. It will prove that the Tempest Sons are loyal.Masters and the Death MarchIf they fight beyond valor and honor, the Deacon may ascend to the rank of Master. He earns the right to lead one of the mighty companies of the Tempest Sons. A master’s main purpose is to protect the homeland from all affronts, including those from within the Imperium. He must use his companies’ strengths to gain victory and to restore honor to the chapter. If a Master is not chosen to lead a Company, he will enter into the Death March. The Death March is an elite unit of the best warriors united to destroy the Emperor's foes. These fierce Unforgiven fight with the memory of those Islander's who died in the Battle with Abrakus against the Tyranids. Some are survivors of that battle themselves. The Death March are focused on eliminating any possible threat to the Chapter or the Homeworlds. Masters and the Death March are members of the Second Inner Circle. The Third Circle The Third Circle consists of the Grand Reverend of the Interrogators, the Chief Libriarian, and the Chapter Master. It is here where the future of the Chapter is decided. Chapter Master and the Final CircleThe Final Circle of “The Chosen” is that of Chapter Master. As in other Unforgiven Chapters, the Chapter Master answers to the Supreme Grand Master of the Dark Angels. In the Tempest Sons, the current and only Chapter Master is Poe.It is at this level alone that the awful truth is revealed: Abrakus was a Fallen Dark Angel. His last journal entry was used to verify this fact:“In an effort to reform for my past wrongs, I have given up all I hold sacred to me – my life. in order to earn the Emperor’s forgiveness, I gladly give it. The perils of the Warp are not more powerful than the Emperor. Instead, chaos is a way for the corrupt to make puppets out of men. Luther was wrong.I hope that by teaching these Islanders the Doctrine of the Lion and by preparing them for the incoming Tyranid Invasion, I can be redeemed. May my former brothers forgive me.” – Abrakus.Following tips, the Dark Angels traced Abrakus to Ekadra. They hoped to capture and “convince” him to repent. When they arrived, they were disappointed that the Fallen had died. They were surprised at the “repentance” of Abrakus. This fact led them to believe that not all of the Fallen continued to worship Chaos. But alas, this lone act was not enough in the eyes of the Dark Angels to redeem him.Azrael spoke with Poe and they agreed to keep it secret. When the Inquisition came to interrogate Poe, Poe refused to tell them that Abrakus was a Fallen Dark Angel. Nor would Poe describe the mysterious Space Marine force that came to assist them during the Tyranid invasion. When Poe removed his eye out of loyalty for the Emperor, that act seemed to satisfy the Inquisition’s questioning – for the moment.Knowing that Poe knew the truth and didn’t say anything to the Inquisition, Azrael allowed The Watchers in the Dark to serve as Poe’s eyes. They also serve as spies for him.If Poe exposed what he knew, the Dark Angels’ secret would be no more. “To eradicate Poe at this point would bring unwanted questions from the Inquisition.” Azrael thought. Since the Islanders didn’t have knowledge of Abrakus’ past and since they refused to be recruited, Azrael deemed it necessary to request the Tempest Sons become a successor chapter. This way, he could maintain the Dark Angels’ secret fight against the Fallen, keep tabs on Poe, and gain a powerful ally in the fight against the enemies of the Imperium. Fleet Assets 1 ImperiumApolcalypse Class Battleship - “The Redeemer” 2 Battle Barges - “War Clan” and “Abrakus' Rage”. 12 Strike Cruisers Various numbers of small craft including Thunderhawks. Chapter RecruitmentChapter Ascension is based on “Rites of Passage” doctrine. From where they are drafted to their induction into “The Chosen”, each Tempest Son must prove himself worthy before ascending.It starts with The Draft of new recruits. When a young male wishes to join, he is subjected to a series of tests. If successful, he is then put through the arduous medical procedures. If he survives, he becomes a Novice (scout).As a Novice, he sent on different missions ranging from security to espionage to sabotage to assassination. If he proves his worth, he is included in the “Draft”. The “Draft” is an annual event where Novices are chosen to join a particular Set (Tactical Squads). The object of this is to fill an open position lost in battle. If recruited by a set, the Novice earns his battle armor and becomes a Trooper.If a Trooper performs well, he can earn his “Callaspean Seal Talberd”, a symbol of honor amongst the Chapter.Most Troopers show an affinity to a particular skill. These brothers can be sent to join either a Devastator, Assault, Bike, Land speeder, or Mechanized Squad. Recognizing this, the Masters encourage Brothers to hone in on their natural skill while they are in Sets. If a Trooper proves his skill in battle, he can be rewarded with his Robe of Ascension. It is a great honor as he is now called a Brother. Continued bravery provides the Brother a chance to become a Deacon and allow him to lead his Set into battle. Chapter Colors Black, Callaspean Teal, and Wolf Grey. Combat Doctrine The Tempest Sons are masters of “island warfare” Slowly island hopping in a slow, methodical and tedious fashion. The key is to move the front lines without giving up ground. Applying this approach has had it's disadvantages, but adatpting to the strategy hasn't prevented success. Battle Cry “Protect the Homeworlds!” Local Rituals A Tempest Son tattoos his face upon induction and every time he reaches the next level of Ascension. The most senior members have tattooed their entire faces. Beliefs and Customs Tempest Sons have a strong respect for wildlife and the environment. On Ekadra, there are creatures in the oceans such as the Patu (100 foot shark) or the Fe’e (Giant Octopi). In the Deserts of Toor, Giant Loi (Scorpions) and Janus (venomous snakes) hunt unsuspecting Novices. On once beautiful Manupasa, the feared Eku (Ghost Hounds) await the most eager challengers.To honor these creatures, some Tempest Sons have adorned their armor with these images. This type of personalization is welcomed and encouraged. Gene Seed Dark Angels, Duh! Champions of the Chapter The Third Company is known as the “Gemini” Company as the Chapter Master and Chaplain are twin brothers. Their Company Standard reflects “twin” skulls of the Tyranid Invasion. ">http:// p:// Edited May 13, 2015 by moi_a_mania Jazarith 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
moi_a_mania Posted May 12, 2015 Share Posted May 12, 2015 Whoops, my skills of adding pictures caused havoc with the system. I've uploaded the link to my gallery. Sorry for the inconvenience. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HolyAngelX Posted May 12, 2015 Share Posted May 12, 2015 (edited) I, Dux Caleao, Seraphim Master of the "Thirteenth", in the name of the Lion, make this oath of moment to submit a complete history of my chapter and it's honored brothers. "Silere omnia tertiodecimo" ▪ GENE-SEED (PREDECESSOR): Dark Angels ▪ FOUNDING: 995999.M41 ▪ CHAPTER MASTER: Dux Caleao ▪ RECRUITMENT WORLDS: Kimmeria, Numarc, Einad, Karnevriath, occasionally other Dark Angel Chapters (most notably at conception) ▪ FORTRESS MONASTERY: Battle Barge Timebatur peccatum (Latin: Feared by Sin), Fleet Investigator opacare (Latin: Seeker of Dusk) ▪ MAIN COLOURS: Bronze, Silver, Gold, BLACK ▪ SPECIALITY: Archeotech, Search and Rescue/Kill/Recruit ▪ BATTLE CRY: "Silere Omnia Tertiodecimo" (Latin: All is silent thirteenth) ▪ CURRENT STRENGTH: Full ▪ KNOWN DESCENDANTS: None Thirteenth Liturgy, altered from a relic of the far past, found part burned in ruins of humanity. "I am the Thirteenth" "Even though I march through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your sword and your shield, they comfort me. You prepare a suit of steel before me in the presence of my enemies, you anoint my hands with holy weapons and the blood of heretics will over flow. I am the Grim Dark Thirteenth, pages of history extended beyond the First Legion. I march through the valley of the shadow of death, and they will fear me." (All translations done from Google Translate...comical if its off LoL) Edited May 22, 2015 by HolyAngelX Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
moi_a_mania Posted May 15, 2015 Share Posted May 15, 2015 No self promotion here, but is there a way to pin this to the main Dark Angels board? We might get more participants if that is what we are trying for? I see other posts like this are pinned. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Olis Posted May 15, 2015 Share Posted May 15, 2015 No self promotion here, but is there a way to pin this to the main Dark Angels board? We might get more participants if that is what we are trying for? I see other posts like this are pinned. Belial isn't a Mod. Mods are the ones who can and cannot pin subjects to the top of the board. Considering this is a community project, I believe the topic is likely left to rise and fall on the front page by its own appeal. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand Master Belial Posted May 15, 2015 Author Share Posted May 15, 2015 (edited) Olis is correct. I am not a Mod (too low a daily post count was what I was told years ago, plus the DA Forum is usually Mod Heavy). You may also notice that the ETL strategium pages are not pinned as well. Now they have the activity level to keep it near the top and this topic has been doing very well this year in keeping itself active. (Thanks in no small part to Team Liber who's got me visiting that forum a lot recently.)There were 28 participants last year with 17 completions and one that only needed SM Painter pics to be complete.Of the 18 participants this year we have 7 completions and 7 more WIP to date. And by the looks of the WIP they are mostly 80-90% complete making this the most successful BotA when they are complete. Let's see where we stand. Let me know if I need to correct something. OATH BEARERS Aquilanus - Angels of Salvation Brother Arkley - Blades of Alaric - Sons of Thanatos - Zealots of the Emperor Brother SP - Lion Warriors WIP Brother Tyler - Angels of Veneration Conn Eremon - Knights Sovereign WIP (Thread) - Blades of the Lion LIBER WIP (Challenge) Dizzyeye - Blades of Truth Epher - Blades of Oblivion Grand Master Belial - Brooding Swords, Blood Swords (WIP) - Fortress Updates: The Huntsmen, Angels of Repentance, Angels of the Lion, Angels of Mercy, Storm Swords, Order of the Black Guards, Angels of Genesis, Penitents, The Wraith Talons, Angel Guard, and the Angels of Destruction Grand Master Raziel - Night Angels Greenz - Angels Hospitaller GreyCrow - TBD HolyAngelX - Thirteenth Hrvat - Angels of Malediction jaxom - Lightbringers WIP Knurd - Obsidian Lions - Death Ravens Moiamania - Tempest Sons Olis - Brotherhood of the Lion WIP Sindiferous - Sentient Angels WIP Edited May 15, 2015 by Grand Master Belial Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jaxom Posted May 15, 2015 Share Posted May 15, 2015 (edited) Index Astartes: Explorers of the Dark Places The Lightbringers ▪ GENE-SEED (PREDECESSOR): Dark Angels ▪ FOUNDING: 23RD [M.37] ▪ CHAPTER MASTER: Aqiel ▪ RECRUITMENT WORLDS: Cantus Prime, Firbolgia, Wrent-34-X ▪ FORTRESS MONASTERY: Lux Perpetua battlebarge ▪ MAIN COLOURS: Violet and Gold ▪ SPECIALITY: Planetary assault and boarding actions ▪ BATTLE CRY: Fiat Lux ▪ CURRENT STRENGTH: Full ▪ KNOWN DESCENDANTS: None Origins The exact origins of many chapters founded in the aftermath of the Age of Apostasy have been lost to the chaos surrounding the initial mortifications of the Age of Redemption. These Sentinel chapters quickly gained renown and a place in the great histories of the Imperium by retaking lost worlds and protecting vulnerable regions. One chapter did not and has since then hidden its true purpose in the shadows cast by its light. The Lightbringers initially deployed to outer edge of the Segmentum Pacificus as a fleet-based chapter. Chapter Master Cariel’s first action was to establish ties with a number of ports and trade-centers to act as recruiting worlds and to offer the services his chapter to Mechanicus exploratory fleets and Rogue Traders in exchange for further recruitment rights to discovered populations. The next two hundred years saw the Lightbringers helping to reclaim long lost civilizations of human from heretic and xenos overlords, subjugate deathworlds for future colonization and exploitation, and build ties with various planetary governors, explorator-generals, and Rogue Traders. The chapter established a reputation of being, for Adeptus Astartes, cooperative and respectful of base-line humanity; they espoused a philosophy that all the Emperor’s subjects had a place in his plan and were united by their faith in him. The Lightbringers have continued to concern themselves primarily with efforts to expand the Imperium’s sphere of influence and act as paragons of the military accomplishments capable when the Adeptus Astartes integrate seamlessly with the other fingers of the Emperor’s mailed gauntlet. The shining light of the chapter’s reputation and overt actions, however, hides the truth of their motives. The genetic piety of the Lightbringers is to Lion El’Jonson, primarch of the First Legion, and their ultimate loyalty other than to the Golden Throne is to the Unforgiven. The training cadre at the chapter’s founding unusually consisted of primarily Black Knights and Epistolaries from the Angels of Absolution; better for their actual purpose: finding Fallen amongst the long forgotten places of the galaxy and securing an information network to further the Hunt. Each world they bring into the light is another hiding place the Fallen no longer have. Lightbringers and the Hunt The Hunt for the Fallen is a concern for all Unforgiven and the Lightbringers are no exception. It is very rare for them to directly find one during their normal course of duties though they do keep stasis chambers on hand for, “taking prisoners of strategic importance for a more appropriate group to interrogate.” Most take this to mean the Inquisition and stop asking questions. Home World The Lightbringers are primarily fleet-based but have a number of temple-keeps on worlds they have brought into the Imperial fold. Their primary sources of recruits are the initial worlds with which Chapter Master Cariel made binding pacts of support and defense. Cantus Prime For long millennia the world of Cantus Prime was the last bastion of civilization at the edge of Imperial control. The hive stacks of the world support the primary sector Administratum archives, nobility, and governorship. The combination led to the formation of a librarian-aristocracy; a culture of dueling over which filing system to use, blood-feuds concerning data-attribution rights, and dowries of rare tomes. The erudite warrior houses are greatly honored when one of their scions is chosen as an aspirant. Firbolgia Firbolgia is a hellish place. Long exploitation of its promethium deposits altered its atmosphere and ushered in a permanent ice age. The mines are in a constant state of warfare between work-gangs trying to acquire or defend the richest seams amongst cave-ins, explosive gas pockets, and garou-rats. The surface is an artic wasteland. Nomad clans eke out a living hunting Grizlars and trading the rare furs with the occasional independent trader. Adversity breeds strength and cunning and the Lightbringers value both in their aspirants. Wrent-34-X With a population barely large enough to support the lowest Administratum tithe rate and a much larger population of saurians rivalling an Imperial Knight in stature the world of Wrent-34-X was largely written off by Explorator-General Wrent. The accompanying Lightbrings, however, saw it as an excellent source of recuits. Those barbaric humans that can thrive here are perfect gene-stock for the chapter. Fire-Keepers The Lightbringers construct Temple-Keeps on worlds they help to conqueror. A special class of chapter-serf, Fire-Keepers, see to its upkeep and spreading the word of the Primacy of Man and the Light of the Emperor. Regular reports and recruitment portfolios are sent back to the Reclusiam and Apothecarion on a regular basis. The actual Temple-Keeps resemble Adeptus Arbites precinct courthouses; they are self-sufficient and can support an entire company of Space Marines along with the Fire-Keepers who are expected to be able to hold out until reinforcements arrive in the case of invasion or revolt. Present Activities The 41st millennium has seen the Lightbringers continuing their strong presence at the edge of Segmentum Pacificus. Of note was the second full chapter deployment since their founding. The Lightbringers swore their entire combat strength to Lord Commander Solar Macharius for his crusade. Notable actions included the Eighth company’s land speed deployment from low orbit behind the macrocannon defense line on Ailter and the entire chapter cleansing the Dark Mechanicus forge world of Iota-XVI in single solar cycle to cut off supplies to sectors in the crusades western salient. Lightbringer temple-keeps were constructed on numerous Macharian worlds and they established an effective intelligence network among the settled veterans, Administratum, and Mechanicus bureaucracy left in place on conquered planets. The network showed its worth when shortly after Macharius’s death a civil war broke out through the region they provided evidence of Alpha Legion activity on worlds in revolt and pict-data of the presence of other heretic Marines in heraldry and colors of great interest. The Lightbringers, active in suppressing the Eldar corsairs of the Kiyon Nebula, sabotaging the Space Hulk Raft of Corpses, and accompanying three Rogue Traders and two Explorator fleets, forwarded the information to the Dark Angels. Later, for the honor of the chapter, three combat squads under Veteran Sergeant Raziel were sent to aid Warmaster Solon in retaking worlds they had conquered but had then rebelled. The Lightbringers, despite their presence in Segmentum Pacificus, were not one of the six chapters of Adeptus Astartes to take part in the Sabbat Worlds Crusade. The primary strength of the chapter was stalled by the intermittent strength of the Astronomicon in the Halo Stars after completing their hunt of the Fallen Xeras. Hunt for Xera and Loss of Chapter Master Rogue Trader Harlant Vrastic had a triarch of Lightbringers with him when he went to negotiate exclusive shipping rights for Kanstan; a world he and the Lightbringers with him had helped defend from Eldar corsairs. They were to meet with Xeras who had led the resistance on the other side of the planet and gained a mythological status among his people. The Lightbringers recognized the stature and profile of an Astartes thoug Veteran-Sergeant Rys, formerly of the 7th company, counseled his battle-brothers to silence. Treaties were made and the Veteran-Sergeant reported to the chapter. Xeras, paranoid as only one of the Fallen can be, had fled by the time the Lightbringer strike force arrived. He was finally run down on Ferg’s World but Chapter Master Orphel accomplished his capture by willingly taking a mortal wound to secure the statis lock around Xeras. The Lightbringers only heard of the crusade after the great victory and loss of Warmaster Slaydo at Balhaut was cast through the Immaterium by astropaths accompanying the crusade fleets as part of his funeral services. Newly elevated Chapter Master Aqiel put the Lightbringers’s contacts in the Administratum, Mechanicus, and Imperial Navy to work supplying information on current events. Learning of the large Chaos fleet splinters behind Macaroth’s line, Aqiel personally oversaw the 1st, 4th, and 7th companies with the majority of the chapter’s Swordfleet in a sweeping hunt to secure the crusade’s supply lines. The unilateral deployment in a pre-existing Imperial warzone was contrary to established chapter protocols but highly effective in improving the morale of crusade forces as rumors of Astartes ships marked by a bright brand would exit the warp just in time to cut off Chaos lines of retreat or to protect troop ships from reaver squadrons. The Lightbringers officially declared their presence to Imperial forces when they broke through the blockade around Idesh and ended the stalemate of a year-long trench war with a simultaneous drop-pod assault on the enemy command fortifications and in the middle of an advance by Bloodpack troops. The chapter’s forces spent the rest of the campaign primarily split. The 1st company fought at the front lines of the crusade, the 7th company acted as a strategic reserve and rapid deployment force, and the 4th company carried out interdiction and patrol to stop any Chaos forces, or Fallen in particular, from escaping the Sabbat Worlds. As the end of the 41st millennia approaches, the Lightbringers have not been present at any of the larger campaigns closer to galactic center or in the eastern spiral arms such as Ichar IV, 3rd War for Armageddon, and the 13th Black Crusade. They have seen an upsurge in engagements with Tyranids from Hive Fleet Leviathan as it heads from Segmentum Tempestus into Segmentum Pacificus. Battle Honors The Illumination of 9-Beamas 9-Beamas was home to race of evolved troglodytes which had covered their world in Dyson shell to avoid the sun and power their xenos technologies. First contact was made by a Mechanicus fleet who had believed it to be Tomb-world. The Tech-priest forces were repelled by the heavy defenses on the outside of the shell. The Lightbringers redirected three bodies from the system’s Kuiper belt and used them as cover to bring their strike cruisers close to 9-Beamas. The Beamian’s destroyed the large rocks at a distance that the debris would be harmless but the Astartes craft used them as cover for salvos of freefalling melta-torpedoes. The ruined sections of the Dyson shell devastated the planet below. Light hit the surface for the first time in untold ages and the troglodytes were quickly burned out of their warren-cities. Interdiction of Route LXIV The 4th company of the Lightbringers had split their strength to effectively patrol warp routes leading to the Sabbat Worlds Crusade salient. Their major fleet strengths worked to prevent encircling actions but two squads and their Thunderhawks have been seconded to Navy blockade squadrons. The 23rd Fleet Pacificus frigate squadron and the light cruiser Mercur found a supermass transport attempting to slip through the Route LXIV warp gate. The transport was escorted by a single Carnage-class cruiser in an attempt to make it through by stealth instead of brute force. The Naval ships engaged the cruiser and let it draw them away from the convoy because they had launched Sergeant Terius and his Tactical squad. The Lightbringers boarded the transport. Strange mechanical servitors, fused to the ship by tethers of flesh, guarded intersections and attempted to drag the Marines into the mucus flowing down the walls. The fighting was intense but simple; the automatons were strong but clumsy and Sergeant Terius ordered melee only to preserve ammunition for a true threat. They finally made it to the cargo hold after almost wearing the edges down on their combat knives. The Lightbringers praised the Emperor: it was filled with traitor Titans. The corrupted war machines were sleeping but their defenders were not. Smaller daemon-engines, adorning the Titans like limpets, fell upon the Space Marines. Sergeant Terius led his squad in a fighting retreat to the cramped corridors where the daemon-engines could only advance one at a time. Pin point shots from the squad’s plasma gun would weaken or open armor to be followed by disciplined salvoes of bolter fire. The last two daemon-engines had to be engaged in melee as the Lightbringers ran out of ammunition. Three battle-brothers were lost before krak grenades could bring the monstrosities down. In the end, meltabombs and Titan reactors ensured the transport’s doom and the Astartes Thunderhawk regrouped with the Naval squadron. Chapter Organization The Lightbringers are technically Codex Astartes adherent. The 1st company is made of the veterans of the chapter, the 2nd through 5th are battle companies, the 6th and 7th are fast reserve companies, the 8th and 9th are heavy reserve companies, and the 10th is the scout company. The chapter leadership is organized into Strategium, Librarium, and Reclusium. Techmarines train with the Adeptus Mechanicus and are inducted into the mysteries of the Armorium. Like much about the Lightbringers the truth is hidden behind the obvious. The chapter has an Inner Circle consisting of the Chapter Master, Company Captains, Epistolaries, and senior Chaplains. Not all members know the full truth of the Fall of Caliban and the chapter’s real mission. The Lightbringers have a higher percentage of Epistolaries in the Librarium than is normal. The boundaries of the chapters recruiting include many worlds that are relatively new to the Imperium and do not have ten millenia history of controlling their psyker population. Sometimes this has led to disaster but it also means the Lightbringers Librarium recruits are stronger. The increased ability for the chapter to communicate through the warp is vital for supporting their information network and sending any news of the Fallen to the rest of the Unforgiven. The 6th and 7th companies have a special place in the Lightbringers. They are assault reserve companies, as prescribed by the Codex Astartes, but serve a similar purpose to the Ravenwing of the Dark Angels. They usually take to the field with bikes or landspeeders instead of jump-packs and each company has a contingent of Dark Talon attack craft. The company veterans, and only they pilot such valued craft and lead squads, are the equivalent of Black Knights; sworn into the Inner Circle at the lowest level so they may know and recognize their prey. Fleet Assets The Lightbringers were well equipped at their founding. Each company had a strike cruiser and attendant frigate squadrons for when the company would be deployed as smaller strike forces. The chapter was also given the battle-barge Lux Perpetua to serve as a mobile monastery and it housed the primary forges, libraries, reliquaries, and gene-vaults. Some individual ships have come and gone but most are still intact. The Lightbringers rarely fight a void war alone and so they focus on hit-and-run attacks and boarding actions while allied Imperial Navy, Rogue Trader, or Explorator fleet assets engage in ship-of-the-line broadsides. The names of strike cruisers which remain home to their original company often are used as cognomens. Notable Vessels Torch Bearer – Strike cruiser and home to the fourth company. Torch Bearer recently gained the honor of the first confirmed void kill of a Tyranid in chapter’s rare encounters with that particular xenos. Fervent Proclamation – The third company has a particularly bellicose reputation in the chapter and part of it comes from this strike cruiser. Fervent Proclamation’s machine spirits are often restless; its reactor burning hotter, its engines flaring for more speed, and its lances brighter than normal. The ship seems incapable of running silent and so it, and ‘the fervent third’ are most often deployed where sheer determination and skill-at-arms is needed rather than guile or games of feint and counter-feint. Recruitment Flame-Keepers monitor local affairs such as gang or tribe wars on some recruitment worlds and on others clans prepare their scions for ritual sports and competitions for the right to be an aspirant. The arrival of a Chaplain, an Apothecary, and their retinue mark the beginning of the process. Aspirants are tested for purity of faith and body. Those that pass but are not suitable for gene-seed implantation are taken for indoctrination as chapter-serfs. The lucky few who remain are taken from their worlds and placed on a harsh location on a different recruiting world and given a task: present yourself in one years’ time at the gates of the world’s Temple-Keep. The test has a dual purpose. Can the aspirant survive and can they gain the location of the Temple-Keep from the natives? Considering the nature of the chapter it may be the latter they see as more important when considering an aspirant’s worthiness. Chapter Colors Lightbringers war panoply is violet with gold helm and left arm and shoulder trim. The chapter uses Codex Astartes chapter markings. The left knee is the company color as are any chest decorations. Specialists wearing power armor all have the golden left arm and shoulder trim regardless of their office’s Codex Astartes livery. Brother-Captain Dolariel, Master of the Fourth Company. He has a Mk6 relic helmet with built-in improved command sensorium and relic greaves with autostabilizers for zero-gravity environments. Terminator armor is reversed: the helm is violet and the armor gold. The left and right vambraces are violet as well. Chapter scouts retain the violet for their carapace armor and the under-suits are grey. Battle Honors The chapter’s relic weapons are almost entirely plasma based; whether this is due to their descent from the Dark Angels or a physical representation of the light in their name and chapter beliefs is unknown. This includes the sword of the Chapter Master which is a master-crafted energy blade running on an archeotech power cell rather than a Heavensfall Sword like in the other Unforgiven chapters. The most sacred relic of the chapter is one of the copies of the Codex Astartes first presented to the Dark Angels upon the splintering of the First Legion. The complete work could only be presented in a portable manner in a rare data-crystal the likes of which can no longer be manufactured. The Supreme Grand Master has a paired read device aboard the Rock but all others were thought to be lost so the gift of this copy was thought to be merely symbolic. However, a reader was recovered from Fallen Xeras who kept his personal log on a similar data-crystal. Chapter Master Aqiel has since spent long hours analyzing the text and discovering what war wisdom has been lost after millennia of transcription and abridging. The Sun Vault The dangers of keeping irreplaceable items and information on battle-barges are well known but fleet based chapters often have no more secure place. The Lightbringers originally functioned this way but took the aftermath of the Macharian Crusade as an opportunity to move many of their most fragile relics, battle trophies, and a sizeable amount of gene-seed to their Temple-Keep on Macharia. The world is one of the most secure in the segmentum due to its shrine status and particular importance to the Imperial military. An honor guard of battle-brothers from the first company is always present and each company makes pilgrimages to see the holy items and place newly won trophies. Combat Doctrine The Lightbringers follow the Codex Astartes in their approach to war. Being fleet based they have a specialty for boarding actions. Planetary assaults are often not carried out using drop-pods. Instead, Thunderhawks deploy landspeeders and assault squads for high altitude insertion under the cover of a deathwind drop-pod wave. Once the landspeeders and assault squads have dealt with initial targets the rest of the chapter’s forces deploy. Tactical and Devastator squads are more likely to take the field with flamers and plasma weapons than solid-ammunition special weapons. Predator Annihilators are favored over the Destructor variant. Fast attack elements are commonly deployed with melta weapons in an anti-armor role. The preference for las- and energy-weapons is not absolute and the chapter does not hesitate to bring heavy bolters, autocannons, and missile launchers to bear when needed, for example, fighting the Orks of Ramedon IX. Forces under Chapter Master Aqiel’s direct command have begun to employ previously unused strategies with an eye towards increasing the morale and fighting spirit of allied forces and utilizing what he calls “transhuman dread” to its fullest effect when performing frontal assaults. The Reclusiarch is keeping his actions under consideration and is prepared to notify the Supreme Grand Master if evidence of Aqiel’s command ability being compromised ever come to light. Battle Cry Fiat Lux Beliefs The Lightbringers take their beliefs from that of their training cadre. They praise the Emperor and their Primarch equally while worshipping the Emperor as the founder of the Imperium and creator of the Space Marines but not as a god. The Lightbringers share the belief of the Angels of Absolution that the actions of the loyal Dark Angels expunged their decedents of sin but there is a responsibility to offer repentance and mete out punishment to the Fallen. The exact practices of the Lightbringers's rituals are guarded from outsiders, like any Space Marine chapter, but it is known they frequently incorporate light, the sun concept, and torches. Inquisitorial servants have made parallels to the Promethean Cult of the Salamanders but that is likely just a surface semblance. The Torch and the Candle The Lightbringers appear to have an apathetic view of the Ecclesiarchy. Interactions with them are, if not chilly, less cordial than the relationships the chapter has taken care to foster. This may be an effect of the founding occurring after the Age of Apostasy, the rituals and observances handed down by their training cadre, or something more sinisters is unknown. The Ecclesiarchy, once in a position to bring their scrutiny to bear, let matters stand due to the compliancy of populations that had been exposed to the Lightbringers. Gene-Seed The initial Dark Angel gene-seed stock was presumably provided by the Adeptus Mechanicus under the supervision of the Lords of Terra but as no Administratum records remain of their founding it cannot be certain. All that is, though, is that the Lightbringers own history notes they are true sons of the Lion and capable of tracing their genetic heritage back to the Scouring. The outer reaches of the galaxy and the Halo Stars contain strange radiations capable of turning a man into walking mass of tumors with prolonged exposure. The Lightbringers are extremely careful to monitor their gene-seed for even the slightest mutations under these conditions. Pure stocks are kept, in order of quantity, in a rad-sealed stasis vaults aboard each strike cruiser, Temple-Keep, the Lux Perpetua, and the Sun Vault. Champions of the Chapter Aqiel, Guardian of the Corona - The current Chapter Master and extremely learned in the ways of the Codex Astartes. He has recently been spending less non-combat time in prayer and meditation and more comparing his relic copy of the Codex Astartes to the Apocrypha of Davio. Aqiel has discovered many strategies and concepts that are, if not perpendicular to normal Astartes tactics, very unusual. Edited May 15, 2015 by jaxom Dosjetka and Grand Master Belial 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand Master Belial Posted May 19, 2015 Author Share Posted May 19, 2015 BLOOD SWORDS ▪ GENE-SEED (PREDECESSOR): Dark Angels & Blood Angels ▪ FOUNDING: 21st ‘Cursed’ Founding ▪ CHAPTER MASTER: Blekaara “Faded Honor” ▪ CHAPTER WORLD: Tyr ▪ FORTRESS MONASTERY: Muspell ▪ MAIN COLORS: Red and Black ▪ SPECIALITY: Close-Combat / Fast Attack ▪ BATTLE CRY: “On our swords will the blood of our foes be shed!” ▪ CURRENT STRENGTH: Destroyed ▪ KNOWN DESCENDANTS: None ORIGINS: The Blood Swords were an attempt by the Adeptus Mechanicus to stabilize the degradation of one gene-seed by splicing it with another. The Mechanicus had noticed the reduction in tithes from the Blood Angels and their successors. Testing of the tithes had revealed degradations of the geneseed. In an effort to stabilize the gene-seed. They began to splice it with other gene stock. Success came when they spliced the Lion with Sanguinius and a stable gene-seed was created in time to be apart of the Twenty-First Founding. The combination had an additional benefit in that the two chapters and their successors do not have an apparent rivalry and the relationships between them were amiable. Both lines seemed to tolerate the unusual quirks of the other. The chapter began their service with honor and fought faithfully for the causes of the Imperium. It was not for nearly five centuries that the curse of the Blood Angels began to affect the Blood Swords. The visions of Sanguinius could not fully manifest in the minds of the Blood Swords because of the presence of the blood of the Lion. Both Primarchs had personal experiences with the machinations of Chaos. Sanguinius with his encounters with the Warmaster and the Lion in his youth in the forests of Caliban. As such, brothers that succumb to the madness of the Blood Angels do not see visions of Sanguinius. Instead, it is clouded with visions of the horrors of Chaos encountered by the feral Lion also with the demonic visage of the Warmaster Horus. The effect on the marine is madness and a mental devolution to a feral state. They see the ancient beasts of Caliban everywhere and they attack with feral intensity using only their hands or simple weapons. The chapter’s fate was further complicated by their dual Primogenitors. Both the Blood Angels and the Dark Angels were not aware of a chapter that had their spliced gene-seed. When the Unforgiven fought a campaign beside them and saw first-hand the onset of madness in their brothers, they immediately withdrew from the field thinking the chapter to be a mutant aberration that the Dark Angels do not tolerate. They sent word to the Blood Angels and requested a secret conclave. The chapters agreed to unite to purge the chapter. They were joined only by their Second Founding Chapters to create a task force capable of wiping out the chapter. To anyone else, there was no word. CHAPTER HOME WORLD: The Blood Swords homeworld of Tyr is in perpetual battle with itself. The planet is continuously wracked with volcanic activity all across the planet. The constant explosions of ash and lava has polluted the atmosphere to make it toxic to life, even space marines could not survive without their armor or rebreathers. Muspell, the fortress monastery of the Blood Swords, is located in a convergence of volcanos. Using ordinance to destroy sections of the volcanic cones, the chapter was able to direct lava flows away from the monetary and providing a near impassable boundary for anyone foolish enough to approach the chapter on foot. The layers of lava flows have allow the chapter build an expansive fortress that burrowed down into the hardened rock. The crushed debris of the tunneling was mineral rich and was able to be used in a series of subterranean gardens to provide a constant source of food for the chapter. As the Blood Angels have a passion for art, the Blood Swords had a passion for gardening and the tactical acumen of the Dark Angels allowed them to grow large volumes of crops in the confined underground spaces. PRESENT ACTIVITES: The original Blood Swords were defeated on their home planet of Tyr. Another chapter bearing the same name and of the lineage of Sanguinius now fights for the Imperium of Man. BATTLE HONORS: The Blood Swords faced their end under the combined forces of the Blood Angels and the Dark Angels with their Second Foundings. The Chapter struggled with trying to understand why both of their primogenitors would see them destroyed. They tried to contact the leaders of the fleet in an attempt to have a conference of chapters, but all communications went without a response. Chapter Master Blekaara stood upon the battlements of their fortress monastery as waves of Thunderhawks braved the eruptions of the volcanos to land outside the protective dome of the fortress’s shield. The Dark Angels and their successors deployed their armor and heavy weaponry as the Blood Angels and their successors waited to assault the fortress. Scores of Vindicators in Linebreaker squadrons surrounded the fortress with red rhinos and razorbacks behind them. As the Vindicators broke the plane of the shield, they let loose with their ordinance. Blood Swords responded with all the available heavy weapons but the large dozer blades and reinforced armor of the siege tanks were able to weather the punishment. The Razorbacks continued to fire along the parapets in an attempt to suppress the fire from the Blood Swords. Once the piles of rubble had allowed access to the fortress, Red and black rhinos advanced at break neck speeds to close on the entry points as the Vindicators guns fell silent. Without an order, the Blood Swords prepared for close combat. Blekaara waited patiently for the sons of Sanguinius approached. The marines in the black rhinos were the first to appear and they instantly charged with wild abandon. As they crested the rubble, Blekaara unleashed the maddened warriors. The black warriors of both side tore into each other. It was not long before Blekaara and other officers of his chapter noticed the same thing. The black warriors of the Blood Angels suffered from a similar madness. As helmets were ripped from their heads, their crazed eyes were visible but they still held and used weapons while the Blood Swords’ afflicted brothers used only the simplest of weapons. A glance back to the field outside the walls showed the red armored warriors balking at the sight of wanton brutality of the fighting between the two forces. At a command from their commander, the Blood Angels redeployed to form a perimeter so that no one may escape. In their place was the heavily armored First Companies of the Unforgiven. The Deathwing was rightly feared and they immediately made their presence felt as they relentless marched up the piles of rubble and slaughtered the remaining crazed warriors of the Blood Swords with short range heavy weapons fire. The highly disciplined five-man teams were able to damaged the shield generator protecting the fortress. With the shield down, the jump pack assault troops took to the skies and landed in combat with the Blood Swords. With no hope of survival or escape, the Blood Swords threw down their bolters and attacked with their power blades. But it was not a last act of defiance, Blekaara took the field with his power sword in hand and allowed himself to be struck down in hand-to-hand combat and receiving a noble death. He realized the reason for their doom. Their curse was shared by others but since their geneseed was spliced, they were unique and if the primary scions of a primarch could not defeat their curse. What chance did his own chapter have? The last bothers of the chapter noticed the sacrifice and did the same — preferring to be struck down with weapon in hand than to be executed. While the primogenitors considered the Blood Swords to be abominations, they will not besmirch their honor for they acted nobly and with honor in each of their engagements. The Dark Angels suggested to the Blood Angels that another chapter be created in the ashes of the Blood Swords, one from a single lineage. As the fortress monastery and all of the brothers were immolated, work was started to secretly stand up their own successor. The Blood Angels took all of the honors, standards and banners and relocated the chapter to Jaggafall to start fresh. The Dark Angels reported that they responded to a distress call from the chapter but it had suffered horrific losses and it was no longer combat effective. This allowed the Blood Angels time to rebuild and remake the chapter in their own image and following their ways. CHAPTER ORGANIZATION: The Blood Swords had almost no contact with either the Blood Angels or the Dark Angels so they followed the precepts of the Ultramarines and maintained a Codex adherent Chapter. As brothers began to succumb to the madness, they were taken off the roster and confined for they were no better than animals. At the first opportunity, they would be unleashed upon the foe as a distraction for the rest of the chapter. The affected marine rarely ever survived the conflict in part because they would fight unarmed. FLEET ASSETS: The chapter did not have a large fleet. They only had a single battle barge and a small flotilla of ships to protect it. While requests for additional ships were made to the nearby forge worlds, by the time construction was completed, the chapter was dead. Those ships and vessels of the Blood Swords were given to the Deathwatch along with the Fortress Monastery. RECRUITMENT: Before the chapter was destroyed, the Blood Swords were able to gain recruits from within the system and two neighboring systems with heavily populated planets. A series of trials were set up on each planet and overseen by a small cadre of marines. Any youth could take on the trials and those that passed would be taken and inducted into the chapter. Each trial is designed to test the youth’s physical and mental strength as well as their intelligence. The first trial is done alone. The second is completed with a servant of the Chapter. The final trial is done in a group and is the most hazardous. CHAPTER COLORS: Black with Red SPECIALISTS: The Specialists of the Chapter change the rims of their shoulder pads and their helmet color to match their profession. BATTLE STANDARDS OR CHAPTER BANNERS: In the short history of the Chapter, there have only been a few battle standards to celebrate the the battles and victories of the Blood Swords. Those banners were taken to Baal to serve with honor amongst those Sons of Sanguinius whose chapters have died. The Dark Angels for their part added them to their own Rolls of Honor. BATTLE HONORS, RELICS, DECORATIONS AND AWARDS: The Blood Swords short history had very few honors and decorations. Only a few pieces of wargear have achieved a legendary status amongst the ranks of the brothers. But with the chapter destroyed, the wargear of the chapter was given over to the Blood Angels as spoils and the history of the weapons were lost. The weapons were given over to the reserve companies after being resanctified by the Techmarines. COMBAT DOCTRINE: True to their name, the Blood Swords favor close-combat and fast attack like the Blood Angels. Their stoic determination and stubborn refusal to flee is a mark of their Dark Angel heritage. Without the assistance of the Primogenitors, the Blood Swords followed the Codex Astartes dictates with only a small modification, nearly every brother carries a sword into battle along with their combat dagger. The swords are mag-clamped to the marine’s backpack in a way that it is within reach but out of the way of them performing their normal duties. The exemptions are the Devastators and Terminators. The Devastators because of their armament and the Terminators because their own close combat weapons are far better than a forged sword or a chainsword. BATTLE CRY: “On our swords will the blood of our foes be shed!” LOCAL RITUALS: Before a Blood Sword can leave the field of battle his sword must be bloodied. Should a brother survive a battle without cutting down a foe, he must then bloody the sword with his own blood. These scars are seen as marks of shame within the chapter. The bloodied swords are not sheathed until they are ritually cleaned by a Chaplain before they depart. The chaplain a large goblet placed before him and as each brother approaches, they present their sword. The chaplain then wipes each blade into the goblet. The filled goblet is then placed in stasis, preserving the shed blood of their foes until their return to the chapter. Once back, the contents are poured out before the gates of the monastery, proof of their victory in battle and a statement that no foe is allowed within the walls of their fortress. Until their doom, this ritual was never broken and no foe crossed the boundary of their walls. BELIEFS: The Blood Swords held an unusual belief. They knew of their mixed lineage and thought themselves to be blessed at having the benefit of not one but two Primarchs. This was further enhanced by their training by the Sons of a third Primarch. With the benefits of three primarchs, the chapter considered themselves to be superior to other chapters though they venerated those of the First Founding. GENE-SEED: Blood Angels and Dark Angels Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Argent Posted May 19, 2015 Share Posted May 19, 2015 (edited) Index Astartes: Lion Warriors A moment of laxity spawns a life time of heresy... Summary:▪ GENE-SEED (PREDECESSOR):- Dark Angels (Angels of Vigilance)▪ FOUNDING:- 3RD [M.32]▪ CHAPTER MASTER:- Dumah Berethial▪ CHAPTER WORLD:- Al-Jandal (destroyed)▪ FORTRESS MONASTERY:- The Spiteful Legacy (Battlebarge)▪ MAIN COLOURS:- Golden Yellow, Black Shoulder Insets and Aquila▪ SPECIALITY:- None▪ BATTLE CRY:- None, formerly “Fear our roar!”▪ CURRENT STRENGTH:- Endangered (Currently under four companies)▪ KNOWN DESCENDANTS:- None (White Talons - Renegades) Chapter Name: The Lion Warriors Origins: With the troubled times of the Scouring behind it and following the glorious Second Founding the Imperial was forced to redirect much of its efforts to the reclamation of the great glories lost during the Heresy. With much of the Traitor Legions having retreated to the sanctuary of the Eye of Terror many of the new Chapters founded were stationed directly around this Warp phenomena, many founded from forces that had already held the area, such as the Angels of Vigilance whom were founded from the forces of the Dark Angels left stationed on the world of Pervigilum. With some of the control restored but the Traitor’s ever testing the Imperial defenses when the Third Founding was declared the forces around the Eye were further reinforced with some of the Chapter’s being further divided, as was the case when the Lion Warriors were founded from the Angels of Vigilance and granted the homeworld of Al-Jandal, a strategicley vital world situated on one of the few passages of stable space surrounding the Eye. It was here that the Lion Warriors would serve as stalwart protectors of the Imperium and many were the Traitor forces broken upon the walls of Al-Jandal. This faultless service would be, in a sense, the cause for the Chapters eventual downfall. In the opening days of the 38th Millennium a vast Chaos fleet, under the command of Gheramor the Defiler, set to destroy the Lion Warriors once and for all following the defeat of his previous fleet by the Chapter. Cutting off Al-Jandal from external supply he lay siege to the planet, starting a siege that would draw on for close to one hundred years. With Gheramor’s forces seemingly endless and the Chapter secure behind the walls of its vast fortress monastery it became a war of attrition. The Chapters armories were not inexhaustible, however, and soon ammunition and weapon supplies began to run out. It was never recorded whom picked up the first traitors bolter, nor whom turned the first daemon possessed weapon against its master but as the siege drew on more and more of the Loyalist Lion Warriors had taken up traitors arms. It wasn’t until eventual relief forces arrived from the greater Imperium that the siege was finally broken. With their world now secure and Gheramor himself lying slain at Chapter Master Azran’s hand the Chapter faced a great decision. To use the weapons of the enemy was Heresy, or at least to open oneself to the taint of Chaos. But the whole Chapter had, in their desperation, taken up the tainted weaponry and, thus, wore the taint. The Chapter’s Inner Circle sat in conference for a decade, with half those present, namely the representatives of the Chapters Reclusium, declaring that the Chapter had committed heresy and should cleanse itself in war, taking the fight to the Eye itself. The others, surprisingly led by Azran himself instead counseled that what better way was there to defeat the Great Enemy then to turn his own weapons against him. A compromise was eventually reached, brokered by the Librarium, that the Chapter would recover all weapons of the enemy it could with every artifact first cleansed by the Reclusium and then checked by the Librarium for any remaining trace of taint, before being made available in a deep vault beneath the Lion’s Den, their fortress monastery. Those artifacts deemed too tainted were to be either destroyed of stored under guard by the Chapter’s first company. As time passed the Chapter began to not only use these artifacts but, eventually, began to seek them out. Soon the Second Companies responsibility wasn’t just the hunt for the Fallen but the hunt for artifacts for the Chapter. And it wasn’t long following this that it wasn’t just Chaos artifacts that the Chapter gathered but those of the Xeno and then not just weapons but lore and knowledge too. The repository beneath the Lion’s Den grew vast and varied and soon whispers grew among the population of Al-Jandal of a dark vault filled with evils hidden away. The breaking of the Lions wouldn’t occur till the middle of the 41th Millennium and come, not from their vast store of dark treasures but at the hand of a young promising Captain by the name of Raziel Nuriah. Raziel had, even in his time in the Battle Companies, show excellent leadership potential and was possessed of an easy charisma that promoted a fierce loyalty in those whom served under him. It wasn’t long before he achieved Captaincy and none were surprised when, following the death of its previous holder, he was granted command of the 1st Company and raised to a high standing position amoungst the Inner Circle. Only once voice spoke out against his appointment, Chief Librarian Daviel, whom urged caution for one so young to be raised so high but his objections were soon over ruled. It seemed as though Daviel would be proven wrong when Raziel took to his new duties with a passion and commitment that only earned him greater respect from those whom followed him into battle. At the battle of Hive Alpha on Provitus III Raziel lead the defence, serving as an immovable rock for the rest of the Lion Warriors to anchor their lines. Against the endless waves of tyranids of Hive Fleet Cerberus Raziel was as the warriors of old, destroying countless of the xenos in a blistering furious rampage. It was on the ash wastes of Zoris that Raziel would rescue the Librarian Naamah and earn with him a friendship that would, years later, ultimately seal the Captains fate. It would be in the Omas Drift that Raziel’s, and with him the Chapter’s, doom would be sealed. Reports of a Space Hulk comprising almost solely of a Pre-Heresy vessel of unidentifiable class known only as the Talon of Aletheia in the ship records soon drew the attention of the Lion Warriors and Raziel led a boarding party of the Lionwing on board. What he found onboard the ancient vessel has since been expunged by the Chapter from Imperial records but shortly following Raziel’s gaining control of the vessel a vast force of orks followed the vessel into the Drift, keen on looting the vessel. Despite urging by the Lionwing’s Chaplain Raziel turned the vessel onto the orks, demolishing their ramshackle fleet with the vastly superior fire power of the vessel, although records indicate the Chaplain perished during the fighting. Upon defeat of the orks Raziel directed the Talon back to Al-Jandal where he and it were immediately seized by the rest of the Chapter. Raziel was censored for his use of unsanctified traitor technology and stripped of his rank and command. He was taken by the Reclusiam and Librarium and tortured and tested to acertain his purity. He was returned to front live duties where he seemed to have realised the error of his ways and threw himself with renewed faith and vigor. Having restored his honour Raziel was eventually reappointed to his command but little did the Chapter know that the taint of Heresy had already taken hold in the young captain, encouraged and nurtured by the Fallen Librarian Naamah. One of his first actions upon returning to command of the Lionwing was to seize control of the still docked Talon and then turn it and much of the fleet on his former brothers, attempting to seize control of the Chapter. The Chapter divided and cut off Raziel and his followers rained fire and death down upon the planet whilst the remaining Loyalists of the Chapter fled to within the Lions Den and fortified themselves as they had done countless times in ages past. Raziel’s followers moved amongst the planets population, attempting to turn those they could to their cause. Eventually reinforcements from their parent Chapter, the Angels of Vigilance, along with a large Inquisitorial detachment responded to the distress call of the Lion Warriors and the siege was broken, but not before much of the Chapter’s strength was depleted and their fleet decimated. Raziel and his followers fled onboard the Talon and, although they were pursued, eventually escaped into the Eye. Before the Inquisition could launch a full investigation into the Chapter Captain Dumah of the 2nd Company, the acting Chapter Master following the death of Chapter Master Thamiel, petitioned the Angels of Vigilance to perform Exterminatus on Al-Jandal, citing the taint of heresy that Raziel had spread among the population as well as the need to protect the secret of the Fallen. The truth of his request may have been to hide the Chapter’s relic gathering ways and seal away its Reliquary but regardless the Angels acceded. Death rained down upon Al-Jandal and soon the thriving verdant world was nothing more then a desert waste. Following an exhaustive investigation by the agents of the Inquisition the chapter was purged of those still tainted by Raziel’s heresy but the Chapter’s secret remained safe. Infuriated that the Chapter had destroyed their homeworld before he could finish his investigation the Chapter was ordered on a penitent crusade, to which they still continue on today. Chapter Home World: When the Lion Warriors were founded they were originally gifted the world of Al-Jandal, a trading mecca in a relatively unknown area surrounding the Eye of Terror, to fortify as a sentinel world to watch for the nascent thread of Chaos. For much of the Chapter’s early history they fortified this trade hub and turned it into a vast fortress before turning their attention to the surrounding worlds. Known for its verdant plains, teeming wildlife and dark forests Al-Jandal became a beacon of Imperial rule in the oft troubled fringes of the Eye. The Lion warriors ruled from their vast Fortress Monastery on the planets Northern Pole, known as the Lion’s Den. Countless times the Lion Warriors pushed back forces, both of the original Traitor Legions as well as those more recently turned to the Dark Gods embrace. Under the Chapters rule Al-Jandal thrived. The Lion’s Den itself was a nigh impregnable fortress, vast obsidian black walls thrust defiant from the arctic tundra and monstrous defence cannons stood silently traced on the forbidding sky above. Inside marines trained, studied and, much like the monastic traditions of the forebears, regularly prayed and meditated. And at the heart of this fortress, watched over by the Chapters Librarius and elite 1st Company, the Lionwing, was the Chapters vast reliquary of artifact recovered or stolen from those fallen to the Ruinous Powers or from the perfidious Xeno. When Raziel led his rebellion within the Chapter and divided the Lion Warriors the resulting party of the Inquisition saw the Chapter sent on penitent Crusade and their homeworld declared Exterminatus. Fire and cyclonic torpedoes rained down on Al-Jandal, its verdant plains reduced to cratered deserts, its wildlife wiped out and its dark forests reduced to ash on the wind. Even the planets great hived were shattered and toppled and the Lions Den, once a proud and defiant monument to Imperial Glory was cracked open and reduced to little more then a dead ruin. The Chapter now operates from what remains of its fleet. Loosing its great Heresy-era battlebarge, the Wrath of Caliban, along with the Pre-Heresy ship Raziel recovered they were left with only a few smaller Strike Cruisers and escort craft. It wasn’t until a later mission to help the Adeptus Mechanicus of Forge World Provinents that they were gifted with the vessel that would become their new Fortress Monastary, the mighty battle-barge the Spiteful Legacy. This vessel now contains much of the facilities once held at the Lion’s Den, with a fully functioning Apothecarion, Armoury, Recslusiam and many vast training rooms and other facilities crucial to the functioning of a Chapter. Only one facility remains on Al-Jandal, hidden to all but only the highest ranks of the Chapter. Deep beneath the shattered remains of the Den lies the still hidden Librarium and the vast reliquary it contains, watched over by only a few of the Chapters most elite warriors and the carefully watched remnants of the Librarium. Present Activities: As the Chapter currently stands they approach the end of their One hundred year penitent crusade. Little of the Chapter remains with many having fallen over the course of their penance. Chapter Master Dumah has sworn a sacred oath however to see his Chapter one day restored to its former glory. To this aim he is more and more reserved on how he deploys his forces and rumours are that he has begun recruiting for the Chapter again in secret, although such rumours are often quietly silenced before they have chance to spread. Whatever the case the Lion Warriors have proven themselves still loyal sons of the Imperium and have, despite great hardships, continued to bring glory to their Chapter and the name of Lyon el Jonson Battle Honors: M34 - The Blackwall Uprising: Traitor insurgents from the Alpha Legion cause the entire Blackwall Sector to declare themselves independant of the Imperium, cutting trade to a vast section of the Imperium including Al-Jandal. The Lion Warriors response is as fast as it it ruthless. By the time the loyalist forces have retaken half the sector the rest surrender rather then face the Lion Warriors wrath. Their surrender is promptly ignored and countless thousands of secessionist are made an example of, their pleas for mercy falling on deaf ears. M39 - WAAAAGH!!!! Grotsnappa!: Orks under the command of Warboss Grotsnappa invade the Imperial Worlds of the Stromnos Belt. The Lion Warriors 3rd Company responds, with aid from the 1st and 2nd Companies. The Ork Warband is almost defeated and open to a devastating attack by the Lionwing but on the eve of battle the Lion Warriors redirect their attack against the Ork’s rearguard and after a devastating attack on the orkish wierdboyz cadre withdraw, rumored with artifacts of a dark nature. Without the Astartes aid the Orkish WAAAAGH!!! drags on for many more years and at the cost of countless thousands of guardsmen. M40 - Zerethiel’s Doom: Zerethiel, Captain of the Lion Warriors 4th Company, leads an assault into the Xeno catacombs of Praesis V. What exactly he discovers in the depths is unknown but what few communications were received hint at a vast metallic complex with rows and rows of skeletal statues and strange large insectoid machines before contact is lost. Zerethiel or his marines are never heard from again and Praesis itself disappears from Imperial control shortly there-after. M41 - The Talon of Aletheia: An ancient vessel of Pre-Heresy design is found drifting in the Omas Drift. The Lion Warriors, under the command of Captain Raziel of the Lionwing, seize control of the vessel. Although recommended to destroy the vessel by the company Chaplain Raziel instead takes control of the vessel and turns it against a major Orkish incursion that were following the derelict vessel. The orks are easily destroyed with the ancient vessel but the Chaplain of the Company is killed during the action. Upon returning the vessel to his Chapter Raziel faces censure for using a non-sanctified vessel. Raziel is temporarily stripped of his ranks and punished accordingly before being returned to front line duty. Although his service in exemplary upon return to duty he seems to become increasingly obsessive with the capture of artifacts and forbidden knowledge, even moreso then his brothers. M41 - The Lions of Al-Jandal: Raziel, having been returned to his former rank for loyal service, leads a revolution of nearly a third of the Company against the Chapter Master and seized control of much of the Chapter’s fleet. The loyalist Lion Warriors fortify themselves in the Lions Den whilst Raziel’s followers rain fire down upon the planet. It is only when reinforcements arrive from the greater Imperium that Raziel abandons his siege, taking those of his forces whom were on board his fleet, abandoning much of his forces on Al-Jandal whom flee into the planets forests and wild lands. Al-Jandal is declared Exterminatus following an exhaustive Inquisitorial investigation and the Chapter sent on Penitent Crusade. Chapter Organization: The Lion Warriors originally different little from the Codex, regarding it as a solid and effective tome on battle tactics ideal for the enhanced methodology of warfare of astartes. They only differed from the tome in the same ways as there Primogenitors, with the First Company being Terminator armored veterans, known as the Lion Wing and the Second Company being a highly mobile and entirely mounted Company known simply as The Seekers. The Lion Wings duty was two fold, one to safeguard the Chapters Vault on Al-Jandal and secondly to act as the Chapter’s hammer blow when either Fallen or artifacts were found. The Seekers acted in a similar role to their Ravenwing forefathers with the added role of seeking out those artifacts that the Chapter may wish to seize. Since their fall the Chapters Librarium are rarely seen and never seen on the battlefield. Fleet Assets: 1x Battlebarge - The Spiteful Legacy4x Strike Cruisers - The Lion’s Tooth, The Sword of Al-Jandal, The Angel’s Throne, Hate’s KissAssorted Thunderhawks and Escort Craft Recruitment: The Lion Warriors once recruited from the hardiest of the tribes of Al-Jandal, those whom survived the massive honour duels before the gates of the Lion’s Den. Since their Penitent Crusade however the Chapter has been forbidden to recruit new initiates and as such its forces are slowly dwindling. Chapter Colors: Veteran Brother Solemno of the Lion Warriors 1st Company Battle Brother Uriel of the Lion Warriors 2nd Company Brother Ajan of the Lion Warriors 4th Company - Scout Armour Veteran Brother Toman of the Lion Warriors 2nd Company Battle Cry: The Lion Warriors are sworn by their penitent oath to bear no heraldry nor yell no battle cry. Before their sentence their cry was “Fear our roar!” Gene-Seed: Dark Angels (Angels of Vigilance) Champions of the Chapter: Chapter Master Dumah Berethiel As hard as ceramite and as dour as stone is one way Dumah has been described. A man of brooding wrath and dark humour he is perhaps the best representative of what he Lion Warriors have become. When Raziel turned his forces against the Chapter Master Dumah was one of the first to declare which was his loyalties lie. Not by some showy proclamation or defiant speech but simply moving his forces to fortify the Lions Den. During the battle for the Lions Den Dumah is said to have personally sought out the Captains whom turned against the Chapter, and is said to have successfully taken the life of two of the renegade commanders. As one of the only surviving loyalist Captains left after the Inquisitions arrival he naturally assumed command of the shattered Chapter, a role he took without much relish and with the stoic resignation that has always marked him. Despite this grim nature Dumah has successfully led the Chapter through gthe dark days of its penitent crusade and is close to restoring the Chapters good name. Whilst many claim Dumah has disobeyed the direct conditions of the Chapters penitent crusade by secretly recruiting new neophytes to the Chapter Dumah has addressed these with the pragmatism he is famous for, by simply ignoring them. One thing is certain, however, that Dumah will stop at nothing to see the Lion Warriors restored. Grand Master Erasio Tolus With Raziel's betrayal much of the Lion's Pride, or 1st Company, was left depleted and decimated. Despite Raziel's easy charisma it is a telling sign that roughly half of the Pride stayed loyal to their Chapter Master. Erasio was one of these loyalists. Only newly appointed to the 1st and initiated into the mysteries of his Chapter and its Inner Circle Erasio was regarded as brash and boisterous and many were surprised that he did indeed remain loyal to the more monastic nature of his Chapter over the freedom and self aggrandisement offered by Raziel. When the ashes of Al-Jandal settled the position of Grand Master of the First was left open. Despite it being offered to many of the more senior members of the Pride they all declined, not wishing to stand in the shadow of the traitor that had nearly felled the Chapter. So the position remained empty for many years until. Erasio relentlessly petitioned Dumah to grant him the position but was constantly knocked back. Eventually, however, Dumah relented. Despite misgivings from most of the 1st Erasio has proved an apt and capable leader for the Pride, if not a far more aggressive and fierce leader then the Pride has previously known. Edited July 25, 2015 by Brother SP Grand Master Belial 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Olis Posted May 19, 2015 Share Posted May 19, 2015 Oh, hey, look, another Lion based Chapter that's gone with gold/yellow. Great minds think alike, right? :D Brother Argent 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand Master Belial Posted May 19, 2015 Author Share Posted May 19, 2015 10 Completions so far! OATH BEARERS Aquilanus - Angels of Salvation Brother Arkley - Blades of Alaric - Sons of Thanatos - Zealots of the Emperor Brother SP - Lion Warriors Brother Tyler - Angels of Veneration Conn Eremon - Knights Sovereign WIP (Thread) - Blades of the Lion LIBER WIP (Challenge) Dizzyeye - Blades of Truth Epher - Blades of Oblivion Grand Master Belial - Brooding Swords, Blood Swords - Fortress Updates: The Huntsmen, Angels of Repentance, Angels of the Lion, Angels of Mercy, Storm Swords, Order of the Black Guards, Angels of Genesis, Penitents, The Wraith Talons, Angel Guard, and the Angels of Destruction Grand Master Raziel - Night Angels Greenz - Angels Hospitaller GreyCrow - TBD HolyAngelX - Thirteenth Hrvat - Angels of Malediction jaxom - Lightbringers Knurd - Obsidian Lions - Death Ravens Moiamania - Tempest Sons Olis - Brotherhood of the Lion WIP Sindiferous - Sentient Angels WIP Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Argent Posted May 19, 2015 Share Posted May 19, 2015 Oh, hey, look, another Lion based Chapter that's gone with gold/yellow. Great minds think alike, right? The Lion Warriors scheme is actually a GW scheme from the old "How to Paint Space Marines" Book I fell in love with it then and never looked back. Just seems nice and Dark Angelly... And although I have completed the minimum guidlines be advised I will finish the rest... some day soon... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Knurd Posted May 21, 2015 Share Posted May 21, 2015 Just wanted to update my vow. i have gone with the name Obsidian Lions and I have posted the link below. Grand Master Belial 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand Master Belial Posted May 22, 2015 Author Share Posted May 22, 2015 I added a link to your thread on the first post. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Tyler Posted May 25, 2015 Share Posted May 25, 2015 The Angels of Veneration will be completed/revised, but I shifted my efforts over to board projects (and I'm still working on those, knocking them out one at a time). That and my plans for the AoV were pretty ambitious. So "eventually" is all I can say (and I must submit myself to the pain glove for failing to live up to my vow). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand Master Belial Posted May 26, 2015 Author Share Posted May 26, 2015 The Angels of Veneration will be completed/revised, but I shifted my efforts over to board projects (and I'm still working on those, knocking them out one at a time). That and my plans for the AoV were pretty ambitious. So "eventually" is all I can say (and I must submit myself to the pain glove for failing to live up to my vow). I really can't argue with that excuse but you do have another month and a half to finish. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Tyler Posted May 26, 2015 Share Posted May 26, 2015 Well, we'll see. My priorities remain: Big Things for the B&C (y'all won't know about them unless/until they're finished and published), and Getting an actual army painted up (insofar as a kill team counts as an "army" - I count it because I can plonk it down on the table top and get my ass whupped). If I can do all of that and get the Angels of Veneration background done, it'll happen. If I fail in my vow, while I am no less a miserable worm for it, but at least y'all will know why I'm a miserable worm. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand Master Belial Posted May 27, 2015 Author Share Posted May 27, 2015 My priorities remain: Big Things for the B&C (y'all won't know about them unless/until they're finished and published) That may mean my responsibilities as a Lexi may be returning... Brother Argent 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Argent Posted May 27, 2015 Share Posted May 27, 2015 My priorities remain: Big Things for the B&C (y'all won't know about them unless/until they're finished and published) That may mean my responsibilities as a Lexi may be returning... By nice to see the Librarium back up... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Volt Posted May 28, 2015 Share Posted May 28, 2015 (edited) I Volt, chapter master of the Brotherhood of Normant, in the name of the Lion, make this oath of moment to submit a complete history of my chapter and it's honored brothers. Also while the working name while I've been brainstorming the Chapter for a while has been the Brootherhood of Normant, I have an itch for another name. Normant translate from old French/Frankish to "man of the north" so Brotherhood of Normant more or less means "Brotherhood of Northmen", which makes sense as geographically the Chapter is located in the far North West of Segmentum Obscurus in the Halo Zone, but I dunno. The name doesn't sit. I've been thinking of changing it to Paladins of Nourmaundie, but thanks ti D&D the word paladin just feels a bit off these days instead of the original significant meaning as one of Charles the Great's Knights Errant. Does Paladins of Nourmaundie sound any better? Edited May 28, 2015 by Volt Grand Master Belial 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand Master Belial Posted May 29, 2015 Author Share Posted May 29, 2015 Or Paladins of Normant? I see no problems with using Paladins in your Chapter's name. With the Dark Angels' past being originally knightly before going monkish, it is possible the chapter is trying to regain that image of the original legion. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Volt Posted May 30, 2015 Share Posted May 30, 2015 (edited) +INDEX ASTARTES+ THE BROTHERHOOD OF NORMANT The Sworn ▪ GENE-SEED+ I Legion, Dark Angels▪ FOUNDING+ Second Founding▪ CHAPTER MASTER+ Lord Wilhelm, Duke of Nourmaundie▪ CHAPTER WORLD+ Nourmaundie I▪ FORTRESS MONASTERY+ Caen▪ MAIN COLOURS+ Ebon primary coat with yellow secondary coats and ivory details▪ SPECIALITY+ Fast Attack- skilled in void and ground lighting raids▪ BATTLE CRY+ ONE EMPEROR, ONE FATHER, ONE LEGION, ONE IMPERIUM!▪ CURRENT STRENGTH+ Over Codex, aprox. 3,000 combat Astartes at any time on constant defensive deployments▪ KNOWN DESCENDANTS+ N/A +ORIGINS+ The creation of the Brotherhood of Normant is an epic tale, one that stretches back to the end of the Great Crusade and the great betrayal of the Arch-Traitor Horus. When the Lion and his host pushed further eastward in the Milky Way another, smaller, force of the first legion traveled into the far north-west of the galaxy. Led by one Lord Praetor Sigifrid, this ‘small’ force slowly wound its way to the Halo Stars as the days of the Great Crusade waned. By 4.900.004.M31 the fleet slipped into the Halo Zone itself when disaster struck the expeditionary force with utter brutality. While transiting through the warp the clock struck 005.M31 and unbeknownst to the Dark Angel fleet, the Horus Heresy broke out. The warp was consumed by Chaos as the Gods sought to sabotage the movements of Imperial forces to allow Horus to move swiftly to Terra, and its effects were felt everywhere in the galaxy. Caught unawares the fleet was thrust into a daemonic host it had never anticipated to meet and its losses were immense. Daemons swarmed ships as Gellar Fields buckled under neverborn assault and their host was spilled into the contents of the great frigates. Countless Legion Serfs lost their lives to the blades and claws of the fiendish creatures; even the Legionnaires themselves were cut down en masse before they could form a counter assault. Not even the Command Squad of the Dark Angels force was spared; an abomination of Nurgle charged through the Flagship and stormed the bridge- cutting down Lord Sigifried in the ensuing melee. Hope was not lost though. By the grace of the Emperor the Chapter Champion survived the fight and by taking up the sword of his slain commander, cast down the greater daemon of Nurgle and banished the neverborn back to oblivion. Hearing of the victory morale was restored and across the battered fleet the surviving Dark Angels rallied against the Daemon host and routed them. By bolt and blade the abominations were cut down while Librarians sealed the portals from whence they came, banishing them forever from the fleet as the Gellar Fields returned to full power. Victory came at a price. When the Dark Angels fleet exited the warp and collected themselves, the full extent of their losses dampened any exuberance. The bodies of both the Legion Serfs and Legion Brothers were stacked high, the total count of dead nearing a third of their number. With their Praetor dead the Chapter Champion, Roul, took command of the Chapter and directed the fleet to set down on the nearest planet- Nourmaundie I. Their original destination before the daemonic assault, Roul saw it now as a godsend to the Chapter. Harvesting the planet’s best bred youth, the Dark Angel’s Chapter was able to replenish much of its losses suffered and return it close to full strength. It was within several years that the most trying time for the Chapter struck. Even in its future past the Second Founding when it became a true Adeptus Astartes Chapter, in no future day would it find itself so close to being destroyed. Soon after the conscripted youths were inducted into the Dark Angels’ Chapter as full Battle Brothers, the witching hour struck. A massive Ork fleet appeared in-system, intent on scouring Nourmaundie of all human life and the curious new ‘umies in armor gathered on it. It was on this day that the future Chapter earned its nickname “The Sworn”, for Roul faced a choice. The Dark Angels Fleet could flee the system and suffer zero losses from the looming Ork threat, abandoning the Feudal World to an inevitable demise and forever shaming the Chapter as cowards. Or the Chapter could stay and repay the debt they owed for taking the sons of this world- remaining to suffer whatever fate awaited the unfortunate mortals. Gazing upon the Ork force in orbit, Roul swore and oath of the moment that has been renewed by every succeeding Chapter Master to follow him- in return for aiding the Dark Angels in their time of need, the people of Nourmaundie would never be abandoned to face the enemies of mankind alone. The Chapter would live or die with its people and share whatever fate the future held for both parties. Heels ground into the dirt of the world, the Chapter committed themselves to a long and hard campaign that would see half of them dead and much of the planet scoured of human life. When Roul and his honor guard finally slew the Ork Warboss and drove the Greenskins from the planet, they returned to the galactic stage and found it unrecognizable. The Chapter as a whole wished the astropathic choirs were never restored- for all news they bore was ill. Horus had betrayed mankind, leading half of the Legions in rebellion. The Emperor had been mortally wounded in the final battle, forever entombed on the Golden Throne. Luther had betrayed Lion El’Jonson and the Dark Angels- the battle to end him costing Caliban itself and casting the Lion into shadow, never to be found again. The days of the Legions were over, Guilliman demanded the breaking of the great armies into small Chapters and even Dorn had submitted to his plan. The Chapter soon informed the new Grand Master of the former Dark Angels Legion of both their survival, and their split from the Legion by orders of Guilliman. Christening themselves the Brotherhood of Normant, the newly formed Chapter began the process of picking up the pieces and forming what would become a dominant force in the Halo Stars. WIP Edited June 7, 2015 by Volt Grand Master Belial and Bryan Blaire 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Volt Posted May 31, 2015 Share Posted May 31, 2015 Quick question, does anyone have a list or no of the Dark Angels Legion Chapters that have been taken? I'd prefer not to trod over somebody else's fluff by taking the 67th Chapter and what-not if somebody has already used such. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted May 31, 2015 Share Posted May 31, 2015 I have the 27th :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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