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Sanguinary Crusader's WiP (FW Centurion and Battle Barge)


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So I figured I'd give this a go. 


I'm currently working on a tactical squad using the Blood Angel tactical squad kit (as my chapter is a successor of them).


Once they are done, I plan on doing the following (In no particular order)


I'm highlighting the ones I am currently working on in Red.


Update, Finish, and/or Clean:


Tactical Squad for Challenge


Chapter Master Telanicus (Clean up and update, possibly strip and redo).


Sanguinary High Priest Maphael (Pretty much done).


Death Company Squad (Several members close to being done).


Land Raider


Land Raider Crusader


​Baal Predator (it's an old one!)


Hellfire Dreadnaught Apollo


Furioso Dreadnaugh Relin


Chief Librarian Evander 


Space Hulk Terminators


Sanguinary Guard


The Priest Guard


Several of my Captains


And pretty much any of my older guys (That's a lot, but I'll probably phase a lot of them out).


Build and Create:


The Angel of Remission


High Warden Ivanus (Basically the High Chaplain)


And more as I think of them.


I am going to post pictures as I either start or do them (with maybe a few of the ones I have with me that are going to be cleaned up). 


Also, since this is my first Tactical Squad with the new kit, and the first I've tried most of the stuff I'm trying on them, I'm going to make each person in the squad have some little blurb to go with them. Most of my guys it will just be the whole unit, but in this case...

This is my first guy (where I am testing all of my newer skills that you all have helped me with!). 


I won't post so many pictures of my other guys (which are closer to completion now!).


First Tactical Squad, Second Company, Sanguinary Crusaders


Brother Mathial has served second company proudly for several decades, and first squad for eight. He earned his Golden Laurels during the battle of Alpine Valley, where he single handedly  held off the cultists' advance, and defeated their champion, Galron Skull Cleaver. He followed Captain Deviel on his personal Crusade before Deviel's ascension to captain, and helped retrieve the Shield of Tal. 


He currently waits for the Trials of Ascension, when the ranks of the Cherubim Veteran Company are replenished.








Sanguinary High Priest Maphiel


The Spiritual Leader of the Chapter, Maphiel has held the position for over five centuries. 


He has seen many great battle brothers and leaders come and go, and has dealt with many that have fallen to The Burden of Guilt and the Red Thirst. Yet he has also helped guide many overcome it, and has been instrumental in his brothers' acceptance and control of the Thirst.






Here is my Chapter Master, who currently needs a LOT of work!


I did him years ago, before I even considered doing eyes, lol.




Thanks :D


I'd probably use him as a standard captain in an actual game. But the only time I play is with a friend and my dad, and when we run campaigns, we can make our own characters, so long as the rules fit (and aren't crazy). But we roleplay it, too. So certain traits can be earned and lost.

  • 2 weeks later...

This is my second attempt (after stripping him the first time) of Veteran Sergeant Vengos.




More Pics at Different Angles







There are a few touch-ups I need to make where some highlighting went a bit bad. I'll probably either do them tomorrow, or do them when I do the bases on my squad.



This isn't the only guy I've worked on. I have another guy that is almost completely done, I just need to do his bolter and he'll be good.


Also, I bought some green stuff for the first time today. I'm going to try and turn the winged blood drops on the shoulder pads (the ones that are centered), into winged grails (which is my chapter's symbol).


... They looked better before I cropped them and they exploded and zoomed in pretty far...

Very, very nice indeed!

The green gems look excellent. The red is well highlighted and I like the blue rope.

I'm looking forward to seeing this GS work you told me of. smile.png


Also, thanks for reminding me, I totally ended up forgetting to post those, lol.

Here is the gist of it. I did that with all of those shoulder pads (though with varying results, I'm still rather pleased at my first time. I can't wait until I get better).


For two of my guys that had blank shoulder pads, I attempted this. I really want to add wings behind it (as it's my chapter emblem), but I'm not good enough to make wings yet. Plus I'd like to get a sculpting set, too.


That chalice looks excellent!

Some proper sculpting tools would of course help, but I used a pin stuck to an old hairless brush for a lot of detailing when I work with GS.

I was thinking you could put a number (company or whatever) on the cup of the chalice (a decal or pushed in with a needle ;) ) if you wanted to add more detail.


Anyway, good stuff :tu:

Thanks everyone biggrin.png

I was thinking you could put a number (company or whatever) on the cup of the chalice (a decal or pushed in with a needle msn-wink.gif ) if you wanted to add more detail.

That's actually a good idea! I haven't yet thought of a way to distinguish my companies and squads. However, I'm not sure if I want to or not. When I play, it's usually with my dad and my best friend, and we role play it. Generally during the campaign I have a set number of guys (usually a company with attached scouts, veterans, and characters depending on the situation), and as guys die, I have to move my men around to fill in gaps.

It makes for a good story (and is totally doable) to have several guys in a squad with different squad markings, but I feel like overall I lose flexibility. And with companies, while I generally play as the 2nd Company, I have a character for 3rd Company (and maybe I'll have characters for all of them someday!).

I've never really played with the idea of specific markings because it sets them down as specific.

I don't know, I'm conflicted. Definitely food for the thought!

  • 2 weeks later...

That full squad shot is fantastic, really shows off how unique you've managed to make the colour scheme while still managing to keep a very blood angelish look. These guys are going to look stunning as a full army.

Thanks! I hope they do :p

Make a landraider! I want to see what you come up with so i can get ideas for my own.msn-wink.gif

Well, I ended up looking at my Land Raider and my paints, and I think I'm going to put those off for now :( I don't even know exactly what I'll do for them, but one of them is already painted in my old scheme, and another is far from finished. In the end, I think I want to focus on Infantry right now, so while I was going to, I ended up changing my mind about that :/ Sorry.

So, with that said, I think these guys will be my next ones!


Should I attach the wings before I prime?

Why put the raider off?

Well, one of them was my first vehicles I had ever gotten and it was a gift from my dad when I was younger. I don't like repainting things like that. I've actually got a few models like that, models I won't ever touch to bring in line with my current colors. The other one isn't even built, I don't know where it's all at right now, and I think I might wait until I get a spray gun or something to make it faster. Also, when I talked to my dad about it, he said it would probably be better to start with something like a Rhino to get the feel for painting vehicles.

I can tell you I already have a few ideas for the color scheme though! I personally really liked the way the marble looks in contrast to the red (with my Heavy Flamer), and I think I want to try and pull that sort of thing off on my vehicles! So I am imagining marble panels in certain areas. Not too many, though, or it will be over done.

Just dry attach to them so they can get primed then take them off to paint them individually. Nice work Brother. Sad about the Land Raider sad.png lol. I'm working on mine now.

Can't wait to see it!

  • 2 months later...

So I saw some people playing BFG and thought, "Huh, I'd like to do a battle barge now."


Well, lo and behold, my dad had one he was willing to part with, and he helped me do some cool stuff with it!


Here it is, soon I shall paint it! 


Now to decide on how I will do the scheme.






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