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Questions on the Grey Goo Gun


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I love the idea of the GGG. Especially for my Emperor's Children. I can see a preator looking disdainfully at the enemy and decide they are not worth the contempt of the IIIrd legion, before turning them to goo.


However I do have a few questions, based on not playing a game for far to long and being very rusty with the rules.


1) does the uncontrolled replication chain forever, or only twice? The rules can imply both.


2) how do you place the templates for subsequent uncontrolled replication? Do you randomly decide which victim explodes from under the template? Or are casualties taken from the front of the unit, which then explode?


3) does only the first shot have fleshbane?

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1) AFAIK, forever, yes.


2) Apply wounds closest-to-furthest from the shooter, imo, then continue accordingly.


3) First shot only since its not the subsequent blast template which has another profile, iirc.

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1. It only happens once per blast. However, every model caught under each blast allows another chance of rolling for the blast to occur again. "Further casualties may themselves trigger further Uncontrolled Replication results" can pretty much only be taken one way.


2. When allocating wounds, you allocate from those closest to the blast marker and work outward. To allocate, select model, select weapon wound "pool", and roll save. Continue to do so until the closest model is killed, then rinse and repeat. However, Nanyte Blaster states that "should a model be slain by the Nanyte Blaster, roll a D6".


So; say you kill a model with a Nanyte Blaster, and roll a 4+, placing a blast, and hitting 3 Terminators. First Terminator passes 2 saves, but dies to the last. Roll again, on a 4+, it hits 3 more wounds. This time, the Terminator dies on the first roll, and hits the 4 remaining terminator, causing 4 wounds; 2 fail their saves, but don't generate additional templates; so you go back to the second blast (which still has 2 potential wounds), but when looking at the template, you see that none of the remaining models are in range of the blast, so are lost. I doubt few people would bother with that pernickitiness about the rules, so Slipstreams seems like a decent alternative.


3. Yes. The Uncontrolled Replication rule is seperate from the weapon, and simply causes a S5 AP2 hit with the Uncontrolled Replication special rule on any model hit; it does not share the Fleshbane special rule.

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2. When allocating wounds, you allocate from those closest to the blast marker and work outward.

Are you sure? The nanyte blaster isn't a barrage weapon.

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I'm sure FW intended the rules to be to allocated from the closest to furthest out. Or roll separately for each model (easily speed rolled with a pair of different coloured dice, one to wound and the other to see if the model is gooified).


However rolls as read do imply that all models wounded are removed from the front of the unit, rather than from under the blast, and they are the ones that might explode.


Which is why I asked how to play it.

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2. When allocating wounds, you allocate from those closest to the blast marker and work outward.

Are you sure? The nanyte blaster isn't a barrage weapon.


Hmm, fair point. I was reasoning that noone had actually fired the blast so closest model meant closest to the shooter, but in a fresh light, I think that because Uncontrolled Replication caused it, and it was shot from the model I believe it's as you say.

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