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The Sedge (II Legion Project)

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The II Legiones Astartes


Official timeline posts XI primarch as second last discovered, leaving under 100 years before legion is to be destroyed.  As such, the XI must be the 'lost', found wanting rather than turned rebellious.  Would have preferred to do the XI, but the II must be chosen. Horus was discovered in 805, so the II Primarch could be discovered in 806.  Space wolves had a classified action in year 969 during M30.  This could be the destruction of the Crowned.  This leaves 163 years, which should be enough time for a legion to fall.  


II legion - The Crowned/ Voidkin/ Brass Herons/ Brazen Flock/ SOMETHING BETTER

(personal name: The Sedge - A term for a group of Herons, native to Ohrid.)


Primarch: Encheleus, The Iron King, Eye of the Storm, Lord of the Void. 


Culture base: Illyria


As the Chaos Gods threw his brethren throughout the Galaxy, The Primarch of the II legiones Astartes was thrown to the world Ohrid. 

Ohrid was a rare beacon of calm that had weathered the warp storms around them due to their rare gift/curse.   On Ohrid, there was an incredibly higher than average incidence of psychic blanks in the population, a necessary but hated underclass.  This had arisen because the genes to produce Pariahs, a recessive and rare trait, was present in many of the original colonists, but the influence of the warp seemed to 'turn on' the gene, causing a large number to be born in a single generation.  Children that were originally sent out to die, seen as abominations, held off the nightmarish storms gathering.  The populace quickly realised their need,  forcing these children into imprisonment and breeding programs. 


Within hours of being removed from his pod, Encheleus was the put to work in the mirror of the Astronomican, The Ulcinium Naro, a series of drab towers clustered around a huge central spire that pierced the heavens, the colour seeming to drain from the sky around it. The blanks were constantly under guard, prisoners in all but name. 


Encheleus  was raised in this prison, subjected to countless abuses against himself and his comrades.  The nature of Nulls meant that their jailers/protectors were harsh, and free with physical punishment.  He learnt quickly that humanity hated him and his brethren, some 1500 Psychic Nulls.  Of all, he was the most prominent.  The most intriguing, the most hated.  No other drew the ire of the populace or his jailers more.  He was restrained with chains of Adamantium, a huge collar nullifying his prestigious power.  Eventually, the gifts implanted by his Father began to show themselves, and he became the figurehead for a rebellion, rising up against his oppressors.  With his own hands he wrought his nullifier collar into a crown of black iron, a symbol of his power over those that had thought to rule him. 


The world he created was as harsh as his own life.  The normal people had hated himself and his kind, and he turned that hatred back to them, whether they were guilty or not.  He was made to rule.  His kind allowed their world to survive the Warp Storms intact.  They did not deserve to be imprisoned.  They deserved to rule.  It was their right, they were better.  The superior ruled the chattel.  The weak could not be trusted to make decisions.  When they did, they made the wrong decisions.  Fear of the strong caused them to attempt to control them, when they had no right. 

Sweeping edicts relegated the common man to become a lower class citizen, a drudge that existed only at the allowance of those they had once imprisoned.  Such harsh order cowed the populace in line, and society continued to advance, the rise of the people of Ohrid built with the lives of many slaves. 


Eventually, The Emperor came. 


When a great golden barge touched down on his world, the ruler of Ohrid went out to meet the arrival, the first of its kind in living memory.  They had thought they were alone, warp storms ravaging everything around their world.  Their isolation was over. 


The meeting of Father and son was awkward affair.  The Emperor was not pleased with what his son had done to the world he had landed on.  He had simply switched one tyranny for another.  Simply because they had been oppressed did not give him the right to oppress others.  Encheleus eagerly listened, overjoyed at finding out he had a Father.  He was no longer alone.  And there was even better news: He had brothers.  Equals.  As the second Primarch found, Encheleus was present for many of the Primarchs returning to the fold.    


His meeting with his fellow Primarchs did not go well, a divide quickly forming between himself and his brethren.  Most of them were at best uncomfortable around Encheleus, at worst they flagrantly despised him.   Even Horus, the Primarch that got on with all his brothers, avoided Encheleus, unable to hide his dislike of his sibling.  In the beginning, he attempted to bond with his siblings, to form a fraternal ties with a brother, something he had not experienced in his life.  But it was not to be.  His imprisonment and then brutal rule had left him somewhat bereft of social skills, and his nature made others uncomfortable.  As relationships with his siblings failed, he threw himself into bonding with his legion. 

Before they found their Primarch, the II Legion were a small force, their members often seconded away with other Legions as they pacified the pockets of resistance on Terra.  They excelled against pockets of psy-gifted that resisted the Emperor, all of them resistant to psychic attack, whilst one member of the Legion was said to actually dampen the powers of their opponents.  Not only this, but the Legion had a below-average gene-seed acceptance rate.  It was later found that an individual with psychic ability, active or latent, would suffer a fatal rejection, reducing already small legion numbers.  As such, the squads of the II legion found themselves attached to other Legions rather than fight as one smaller, weaker unit.  This system of secondment out to the larger Legions allowed for a blend of tactics and styles to take root in the legion.  They were a small, but flexible force, taking the styles of the other legions, and blending them to fit.  Their nature made them stand apart from other Legionaries, there are no tales of the legendary friendships such as those of Khârn and Argel-Tal within the [REDACTED] and their cousins. 


As other Primarchs were discovered and quickly sent off to lead their legions, Encheleus Languished on Terra for a decade before taking up the mantle of command.  When their gene-father finally joined them, the II Legion rejoiced.  Three Primarchs had already taken charge of their legions, and finally, the second could sail the stars with their Father.  The small elements of the Legion that had been seconded out to the other Legions flooded home, a united Force for the first time since their inception.  For a week, brothers reunited after years of isolation amongst others.  A great discourse opened, ideas were exchanged, tactics disseminated.  Encheleus interacted with his sons, finally accepted.  After celebrating the return of their Primarch, the Legion left Ohrid, to claim planets for the Imperium of Man.


Even united, the Legion were a small force, less than 7,000 legionaries made up their number.  Due to the tiny size of their Legion, The Crowned relied heavily on Imperial Army units.  They were also used as mediators, the ambassadors to worlds were the Humans of Encheleus' expedition, not his own Astartes, their presence making others irrationally uncomfortable.  Their most prominent force was the Ohridian Spears, Forces levied from Encheleus' homeworld.  Though commanded by highly trained officers, their main forces were conscripts, press-ganged into service.  If a soldier served his time in the Spears well, he could expect freedom after 15 years.  Freedom came with landowner's rights on Ohrid or some of the other planets claimed by the Expedition. 


The prospect of becoming a freedman was a tantalising prospect to many on Ohrid, who had become thralls to the will of those Untouchables left on Ohrid.  Joining the Spears was the only way to rise socially to the small numbers of noble landowners that the officer caste was then drawn from.  Those that stayed were born into, and died in, drudgery and fear.  The state of Encheleus' homeworld was kept from the rest of the imperium due to the fact astropathic choirs couldn't contact the world, their powers blocked by the high density of blanks on the world below. 

This problem was simply seen as an afterthought in the beginning, as only Ohrid remained in the dark, the planets of the expedition all settled by humans, and ruled by members of the Imperial army as the Astartes moved onwards to further expansion.  Humans were the intermediaries.  It was a rare matter for the human habitants of worlds encountered by the expeditions to even see the Astartes that made up the fleet.  



- - - 


So, Third stopped project's the charm.  Ever since the Horus Heresy, I've loved the idea of making one of the lost legions.  Pariahs and psykers have always been an interesting part of the lore to me, and I wanted to explore one of the Legions made up of Blanks.  So far, I have a bit of Lore I've been working on for a few months, and I have a squad in progress.  I'll post notes and other things in following posts.  


My core issue is the name.  I can't really work out a good one.  I want Herons to feature, as the Aridiaei named themselves after Herons, and they were a very prominent tribe of Illyrians.  But the name Heron doesn't lend itself well to Astartes.   




The Namater: 

Originally created by Encheleus and his brethren on his homeworld, the Namater became a symbol of the Rinon, the cult of blanks that took a role that many saw as similar to the Librarius in other legions.  The gauntlet device allows the user to focus his nullifying powers into a destructive blast that turns a psykers powers against the enemy. 


It is a simple device, a box attached to the gauntlet, linked to the Astartes by MIU.  Heatsinks stud the device, dissipating the byproduct of using this arcane weapon.  A single rod projecting ahead of the hand serves as a focussing rod to direct the powers of the Rinon.  A pyrokine will be wrapped in his own fire, a telepath will go insane hearing his own thoughts and screams echoing endlessly within their psyche. 

The Namater is a jealously guarded secret within the Legion.  Only the tech-marines may craft these devices and link them to the plate of their brethren.  Many Mechanicum adepts have suffered accidents in Legion forges.  

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My first finished marine.  I've gone for Mark II armour, with Mark III mixed into some areas, and then I may throw in a few Mark IV's about.  




I've been using the lovely Imperial fist cuirasses, to make the MK II look a little different.  






Onto the Rinon member I'm building, I'm using the two Praetors. 




I've decided to use the gauntlet from the World Eater Ravagers arm that holds the end of the Meteor Hammer.  I'm not sure if I should simply use a plasticard rod as the focussing device/ emitter. as shown above, or the end of a bolter scope:  




I realise as I've posted these, that there isn't enough to go on for the Namater, so I'll grab some more pictures.  


I've never worked with resin before.  Anyone recommend good glues to use? I've used a wilko superglue and a 2-part epoxy resin.  The first snaps, the other makes a very 'soft' joint.  I've been pinning as I go along, but I've not been able to do it with the chainsaw bayonets, so I'm worried about them falling apart if I cough near them.

Edited by mrun0riginal
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Wohooo. Always like another attempt to the lost legiones. Funny is although we have kinda similar backgrounds. Mine is a blank as well but is more the nice guy


I saw you were going with blanks as well! I really like your work so far, looking forward to see your colour scheme realised!


I'm going more with the 'douchey' nature of blanks, but amplified by being Astartes.  

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Sounds really nice, followed for glorious potential. One minor nitpick though, is that we don't know which expunged primarch was found second and which was penultimate, so actually you could go with either the II or the XI.

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Sounds really nice, followed for glorious potential. One minor nitpick though, is that we don't know which expunged primarch was found second and which was penultimate, so actually you could go with either the II or the XI.


I originally found the order on the Warhammer wiki, where it had the II down as 3rd discovered, but actually following the link (Should have done that months ago), they don't give which of the pair is found first.  That opens up options, thanks!  Glad I haven't been slapping any numerals on anything yet.    


Welcome to the lost legions! Solid fluff and models is an impressive show of progress. 


Thanks, that means a lot, brother.  I've been reading through your stuff over the last few days, really enjoying it!  


My main issue at the moment is the Name of the Legion.  I'm finding it hard to pick on that I read and it fits.  These are the names I have so far with reasoning: 


The Crowned - Encheleus' symbol was his crown, I'm planning on having the legion's helmets be a dark iron colour to reflect this, so it may work.


Voidkin - The Legion spend most of their time in their fleets, and have developed a penchant for space combat and boarding action.  Also, a Blank makes a 'void' around himself, after a fashion.  


Brass Herons - I'm planning on brass for the main armour colour, and I've already had the Heron feature in the Legion mythology, and will probably explore it later on.  Doesn't really sound like a bird a legion would be named after, though.  


Brazen/Imperial flock - Ohrid will be a world with many birds, so I was thinking that could feature in the naming, as Encheleus will be keeping an aviary.  


Imperial Spears - Illyrians would often make use of a specific type of spear, so I'll be scattering spears through the Legion's armoury.  


Any thoughts on these names?  Or maybe other suggestions?  Been driving me crazy for ages.  

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I like Voidkin because that was in the beginning an option for my wardens;)


Void Spears? Ghost Legion? If you focus more on the blank side of things maybe you find something fitting? The crowned would fit in my opinion more for a special unit. The bodyguards of your primarch maybe. I like the name and would borror it for my bodyguards as well ;)


Void Knights?

The Spear thing is fun too. Spears of the Emperor?


If I come up with more ideas i let you know.

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Sounds really nice, followed for glorious potential. One minor nitpick though, is that we don't know which expunged primarch was found second and which was penultimate, so actually you could go with either the II or the XI.


I originally found the order on the Warhammer wiki, where it had the II down as 3rd discovered, but actually following the link (Should have done that months ago), they don't give which of the pair is found first.  That opens up options, thanks!  Glad I haven't been slapping any numerals on anything yet.    


Welcome to the lost legions! Solid fluff and models is an impressive show of progress. 


Thanks, that means a lot, brother.  I've been reading through your stuff over the last few days, really enjoying it!  


My main issue at the moment is the Name of the Legion.  I'm finding it hard to pick on that I read and it fits.  These are the names I have so far with reasoning: 


The Crowned - Encheleus' symbol was his crown, I'm planning on having the legion's helmets be a dark iron colour to reflect this, so it may work.


Voidkin - The Legion spend most of their time in their fleets, and have developed a penchant for space combat and boarding action.  Also, a Blank makes a 'void' around himself, after a fashion.  


Brass Herons - I'm planning on brass for the main armour colour, and I've already had the Heron feature in the Legion mythology, and will probably explore it later on.  Doesn't really sound like a bird a legion would be named after, though.  


Brazen/Imperial flock - Ohrid will be a world with many birds, so I was thinking that could feature in the naming, as Encheleus will be keeping an aviary.  


Imperial Spears - Illyrians would often make use of a specific type of spear, so I'll be scattering spears through the Legion's armoury.  


Any thoughts on these names?  Or maybe other suggestions?  Been driving me crazy for ages.  



Skal is correct that we don't have proof which missing primarch was discovered first or the other. We don't really have a date for when they disappeared. (Yay, REDACTED). So, there's definite room for placing your IInd on the timeline. 


Glad you enjoyed my work! Progress is a bit slow these days now that I focus exclusively on the writing side. 


As for the name, I second Void-Kin as far as your suggestions. Although I think Mikhal might be onto something with the word 'Ghosts'. Since they are invisible to the Warp and tend to give feelings of bad juju to their neighbors, I think there's some potential there. 


Regardless, don't be discouraged over it. Before they were the Halcyon Wardens, my legion was the Crimson Crusaders with several alternate names that almost became their title. It's a process.

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I like Voidkin because that was in the beginning an option for my wardens;)


Void Spears? Ghost Legion? If you focus more on the blank side of things maybe you find something fitting? The crowned would fit in my opinion more for a special unit. The bodyguards of your primarch maybe. I like the name and would borror it for my bodyguards as well :wink:


Void Knights?

The Spear thing is fun too. Spears of the Emperor?


If I come up with more ideas i let you know.


I like the Void/Ghost theme, Definitely going to go with that.  Or maybe spectral something... 





Skal is correct that we don't have proof which missing primarch was discovered first or the other. We don't really have a date for when they disappeared. (Yay, REDACTED). So, there's definite room for placing your IInd on the timeline. 


Glad you enjoyed my work! Progress is a bit slow these days now that I focus exclusively on the writing side. 


As for the name, I second Void-Kin as far as your suggestions. Although I think Mikhal might be onto something with the word 'Ghosts'. Since they are invisible to the Warp and tend to give feelings of bad juju to their neighbors, I think there's some potential there. 


Regardless, don't be discouraged over it. Before they were the Halcyon Wardens, my legion was the Crimson Crusaders with several alternate names that almost became their title. It's a process.



I saw you went through a few changes as I was reading.  Bolsters my confidence in finding something eventually.  


Onto the Namater.  It's something I plan to be a precursor to the Animus Speculum, gauntlet mounted.  Sorry about the quality of the pictures, but I only have my phone.  2 options, with a scope on, or simply with a conducting rod.  I like the simplicity of the rod, but the scope acts better as an emitter.  Thoughts? 





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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for the long time between updates, I had to go to Benidorm on a Stag do, then night shifts hit me.  


Anyway, here's a picture of one of the Rinon (The blanks), with the Namater on, I went with the scope as you guys suggested, it looks more complete.  http://i.imgur.com/ymTSCoF.jpg?1


And I've done work on the Namater for my Terminator armour-clad Rinon as well.  I used the parts from the astral claws techmarine arm on the Vambrace.  Sorry for the picture quality, I only have my phone.  




Hope you all like it, C&C is appreciated.

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  • 4 weeks later...

It's been a while.  I'm in the middle of a mentorship course for work and I also had some Best Man duties, which tend to put the II legion on the back burner.  Not much progress I'm afraid, and I'm sorry for the quality, but here we go:  


Gentius, the Storm's eye.






The first of the Rinon, Gentius was a Terran-born blank brought into the fledgling II legion in their inception.  He was a prominent member of the II legion, though not risen to the rank of First Captain, many believe due to his nature, the common accompanying traits of a Blank.  He was seconded out to the Dusk Raiders with a squad of his fellow brothers.  


When Encheleus took his place as Lord of the II legion, Gentius was fundamental in the formation of the Rinon, in banding together the few Blanks the legion boasted into a cohesive organisation.  He was the first to test the Namater, the deadly weapon the Rinon use against their foes.  He is instantly recognisable in his trademark Tactical Drednaught Plate, long spear clasped gently in his hands, able to wield it expertly as if he were unencumbered.  

Outside the Rinon, Gentius is rarely sought out, having little fraternity with his brothers, like many of his kind.  He's described to be a dour man quick to anger, and seems to take some small joy in humbling others unnecessarily.








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 I am eager to see the finished Gentius. Looks promising.

Yeah, slow progress is better than none.Same problems here at the XIth. No Time for anything, but there will be blood,....i mean wolves....what, no...light....yeah...light off.

Edited by MikhalLeNoir
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if you are sill after names, what about Spears of Ascalon or The Voidborn


Ascalon was the name of the spear used by St George to slay the dragon.


or, my personal favourite:


The Voidborn the idea being

voidborn borne upon the tides of the void (as in seaborne),

void born as in born in the void (Primarks cast into the void etc)and

void born as in each marine is reborn as a void when they become one of the legion.


Its a homophone*! :biggrin.:


(*Not insinuating for a moment anyone may not know, but just in case, a homophone is a word that is pronounced the same as another word but differs in meaning, and may differ in spelling.) :wink: 

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  • 6 months later...

6 months has flown by... There's been a lot of change for me.  I moved, which meant everything was packed up, and we've been losing staff at work, so I seem to have been spending all my time there, especially as I've received a promotion, meaning I have to be there managing and teaching the new starters/students.  Not much time for my hobbies.  


But with this week off, I've been catching up, looking into what Mikhal and others have been up to, and it's got my creative juices flowing.  


One of the ways many of the legions are differentiated is small flourishes on their helmets.  As I've sprung for the Illyrians as my cultural base, I have to find a way to incorporate their rather unique helmet into my modelling:  




It's very similar to a Greek helmet, but without the prominent nose guard man that is often seen.  A sort of hybrid between Roman and classic Greek.  I bought some of the White Scar helmet and torso upgrades, as they are my favourite canon legion/chapter, and a couple of the choices, with the cheek guards, might make a good base for making the Voidborn have their own unique helmet.  It can be seen here, sported by an upcoming Captain:  




The panel I have placed across the brow may do with being a little thicker, perhaps, but I'm pretty happy with it.  He'll eventually be wielding a spear, I need to look for good parts to make it stand out a bit, like Gentius':




And, finally, my unnamed member of the Rinon, armed with a forward curving sword, similar to the sica in form:




I need to find ways to add other stylistic flourishes.  I want to add heron imagery to some Astartes, but, though my GS skills are coming on, they are nowhere near ready for something so complex.  I have a lot of my Legion's imagery being basically adopted from the Legions they were seconded to, but I'd like that to be less prevalent now that they have their Primarch back.  Not totally gone, but obviously eager to forge their own image.  


As ever, I'd love C&C.  

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This is the first time Ive seen this thread, but I love the idea behind your II legion. You always see a lost legion with either 2 themes, either some type of Asian theme, or a Thousand Son- type psychic attunement, some times both. Seeing a legion that is comprised of blanks, and whose fluff plays on the fractured collection of tribes that the Illyrian culture was, is quite unique and brilliant. I'm subscribed as soon as I get to a computer.q
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  • 4 weeks later...

This is the first time Ive seen this thread, but I love the idea behind your II legion. You always see a lost legion with either 2 themes, either some type of Asian theme, or a Thousand Son- type psychic attunement, some times both. Seeing a legion that is comprised of blanks, and whose fluff plays on the fractured collection of tribes that the Illyrian culture was, is quite unique and brilliant. I'm subscribed as soon as I get to a computer.q



Thanks! I know that quite a few have done blanks, so I've been trying to make sure not to fall into their patterns, to make something fresh.  I thought the Illyrians would be interesting as well, what with the differing tribes.  It gave me the inspiration for groups being seconded to other legions before their Primarch was found.  


Been waiting a while for parts from puppetswar, which finally arrived.  I ordered some shoulderpads, so I have 2 options for Captains and veterans. Here they are on Taulus, Captain of the 2nd, Encheleus' Spear:




I prefer this one, though it looks a little too 'Roman' for me.  


Option 2 is good because it's different, and It had Roman numerals on, which appeals to my laziness.



I've also got some bikers, which I want to convert into some of the guardsman regiments, I need to find some legs to make them individual walkers, much like the AT-RT

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