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The Sedge (II Legion Project)

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Use both;) roman right. Numerals left. So you habe a asymmetrical look.


And i like what i see. It is so sad, that the time between updates is so long



It may look too Roman for your tastes but I think the first goes perfectly with th Mk. 2 suits. They will probably work with Mk. 3 as well.


Thanks for the advice, guys! 


I've always been a fan of symmetry, so I've gone with the segmented pads for my Vets/Captains:  



However, I've gone for the other style of pads for members of the Rinon, as they already have asymmetry, in the form of the nameter:




And I've begun work on a new character: The head of my Primarch's bodyguard, the parts for which should arrive in the next few days:  





They will be breachers, wielding Hoplon shields and chain-spears.  May seem underpowered for a bodyguard unit, but I've always preferred power armour to terminator plate.  The body is one of the Imperial Fist command models (Unsure which), with a Blood Angel head.  I've removed the symbols on the side of the greaves, I may also remove the tower on the left shin.  

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  • 4 weeks later...

God, I want that Mk. 2 vet SO bad. That model just screams badass. I need a parts rundown on him.


Sure! I assume you mean the one with the Spear, who is Captain of the 2nd, the Spear of Encheleus.  


Parts-Wise: Mark II command body.

                   Mark III hammer arm, with an elven spear haft and a skeleton spear head

                   Another Mark III arm

                   White Scar helmet head

                   The shoulderpads are puppetswar Praetorian III pads.  

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Now, big update, seeing as I've been silent for so long.  A lot of parts finally came, though I've been building around work, so I've not managed to do as much as I'd like:  


Firstly, some progress on the Captain of the Guard:  



I'm worried the spear may be a tad too long, but It will look pretty messy if I cut it down more.  


Next some pics of the bodyguard themselves (Well, some dry fittings):  



With crest:  




Without Crest:




They won't be wielding conventional spears, they'll be using chain-spears, made from deathshroud chainfist attachments:  



C&C appreciated! Main question: With Crests, or without?  

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For the bodyguards with crest but xhamge the symbol on the shield.

Love the extra long chainglaivrs


Yeah, the symbols have all been sanded off, barring the nice circles that are sculpted on.  Thanks about the chain spears! The heads are a hard part to source, but I found a seller on ebay, so I'll soon have the whole unit outfitted.  


Anyway, onto my least favourite part.  Painting.  I normally give up when I start painting, because I'm not very good at it, so I felt I ruined the models that I spent so long converting.  But I've did a lot of practice recently (Painting an army the day before a tournament), so I have improved somewhat.  Anyway, they aren't yet finished, I need to work out what to do with the gloves, and maybe an ink wash to darken:  



And the sergeant, slightly further behind in the painting queue:  



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  • 3 weeks later...

Doesn't feel like it's been nearly 3 weeks since an update.  I need more days off.  


Anyway, something a little different from my power armour units, as I'm spending hours swearing at fiddly arm repositions for my bodyguard unit.  


The II legion has an above-average proportion of human support staff and military units, the most prestigious being members of the Ohridian Spears.  Service for 20 years grants citizenship on Ohrid and land rights.  The 2 core units of the Spears are the Phalangites, with their heavy-calibre rifles and shields, and the Klibanophoroi, heavily armed mounted soldiers.  


I was inspired by the Mechanicus dragoons for these guys.  Here's a mock-up, I think i'll be making the stance of the vehicle itself narrower, and I want to give it an avian look.  








I'll be doing hand swaps to give them spears, and probably a gun under the 'head' of the mount.  


Also, I now have a symbol for the 2nd:  



Edited by mrun0riginal
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Superb Legion Symbol. Easy to recognize and memorable.


The Dragoon reminds me of some sort of Knight in a robonchocobo. Lookimg forward to the finished version


I think most of the time, the logo will have 'II' in the circle as well.  I wanted something I could paint easily, as I'm not great at freehand.  


That's exactly the look I was going for!  The legs are attached to a SM power pack, though I cut off the majority of the vent, and used a spherical dremel head to make a form of 'housing' the give it a narrower profile.  I'm not sure if I should use the wheel housing I scavenged from the front to make a 'beak'.  

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hmm, i wouldn't add the beak. maybe some shields or cloth onthe back to resemble stylized feathers.


for the symbol: you cann add the II but keeping a black hole supportsthe pariah character of nothingness^^ of course you can add a vortex, but atm I like the simple version best

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  • 1 month later...

"Stand tall, you Fuggers!" Bellowed Lokagos Faron, emphasising his point with a swift strike to the back of the head of one of his Phalangites, who was visibly quivering in the face of the enemy advance.  Fugging youths Faron thought to himself.  It was as if they didn't have a series of interconnected shields, the legendary moving wall of the Ohridian spears, in front of them.  His eyes flicked to the advancing enemy.  


A rabble of gene-warped thralls to the 'mage-lords' as they stylised themselves, rushed across the plain, minds broken by the psykers so that they were nothing more than berserkers.  Hulking berserkers in heavy plate armour.  Fare more thralls than his boys.  And numbers almost always won.  Even against the Spears.  


Just as Faron squashed his fear, the Chiliark's order filtered through the comm system.  He nodded to himself, facing the enemy, squaring his shoulders.  "Raise weapons!" He bellowed over the wails of the Thralls.  Faron could just hear the whine of the supportive exo-suits the Ohridian natives wore over the enemy as they rested long rifles on the thick shields.  He paused for a second, checking along the line that his lads were ready.  The other Lokagos' were doing the same, and he saw a couple, 'motivating' the soldiers with swift words or blows.  


When the line was ready, and the enemy were close enough, Faron let the order burst from his lips as a roar. "FIRE!"  


Countless metre-long solid metal shafts punched through the hulking brutes charging the shield wall, stopping the advance dead for a second.  As those first shots flew, the first line knelt behind the safety of the shields, bracing them.  The second line raised their own weapons, repeating the devastating volley with brutal efficiency.  Not much could stand up to such a barrage when delivered by a well co-ordinated unit, which Faron's fugging well was.  


Eventually, the charge picked back up, driven on my the psykers, the brutes began their wailing again.  Nothing would stop them.  Faron smiled.  A self-assured little kink at the side of his mouth.  They hadn't planned to stop the charge.  


Only slow it down.  


The first sign was a blur of multicoloured movement, and the screams of the thralls taking on a desperate edge.  The charge of the thralls faltered, and some of the Phalangites, the newer lads, faltered too, unsure of this new development.  He grabbed one by the back of his cuirass.  


"DID I FUGGING SAY STOP, YOU BRAINDEAD SHAD?" He bellowed, trying hard to force down a smile.  The soldier nodded, rejoining the line, chastened.  It gave Faron a chance to look at the carnage.  


And Carnage it was.  


The flanks of the Thralls had crumbled, ravaged by a flank charge.  Avian-looking walkers stalked over the piles of the dead, the riders on top releasing bursts of bolter fire at the unwitting foes, or running them through with long spears crackling with destructive energy.  As he watched, a unit wheeled away, before plunging back into the panicking thralls, ripping them apart from the sides as the spears mutilated them from the front.  


"They're showy, but damn I love the Klibanophoroi" Faron chuckled.  


*   *   *   


Sorry I've been quiet for a while, I've been waiting for parts to come, and I'm gearing up for a parallel project (Hints in the following images).  I've changed the legs to use for the Klibanophoroi, going instead for some Vorax automata.  It turned out Vorax were on back order, so I had to wait a couple of weeks for delivery!  I've begun painting one, but each will be unique.  I've also got some parts for the Phalangites coming, might be a while, due to Easter, but the support forces for the 2nd are starting to come together:  







C&C always welcome, and points to whoever can guess what my 'Side piece' is going to be.

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Ooo nice, those Vorax legs look much more nimble than the previous ones. I must say I'm impressed with the Klibanophoroi in general, I've never seen anyone make mechanical walker mounts for Astartes before, griffons, giant lizards, even a few poor, poor horses but never Mecha-chocobos. Bravo sir, bravo. :)
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  • 2 weeks later...

A new member of the Rinon, Taulus.  Seconded to the Iron Hands in the infancy of the IInd, he is a dour individual, but has shown his prowess with his heavy axe in the fighting pits.  I saw the Medusan Immortal torso, and knew I had to do something with it.  





And my order for my phalaginites came in, I barely have to convert anything, only the rifle to give it a more warhammer barrel (Their guns are meant to magnetically accelerate 18'' long spikes).  I think I said before, but they wear exo-frames because the Ohridian Spears are recruited from the 2nd's homeworld, which is low gravity, meaning they need support in any normal gravity situations.  






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Love your backstory for your IInd Primarch. Can't wait to see and read more. I really like the legion of blanks idea.

Thanks! I need to develop his story a bit, and write a bit more for the legion, but as you'll see, I got carried away with my new airbrush!


Oh yeah.


I'm still clinging to the Mecha-chobo. I love it! :biggrin.:

I love the mecha-chobo's as well, one of my favourite ideas! Shame it costs so much to get the legs!  


I am sure they will be good. The few glimpses we had are already awesome. @

Thanks, brother!


Looking really good so far. I look forward to seeing how your varient of the II develops



Damn.... What a tread, I will follow this for sure

Always happy to see someone else following my progress, keeps me energised!  


As I said, I have been getting to grips with my airbrush, and blending the brasses and coppers to 'dial in' the colour has taken a bit of time, really enjoyed it, actually.  I'm using thinned GW paints at the moment, as I'm not sure which airbrush paints I should go for.  


Anyway, the basic colouring on some of the characters are done:  


Taulus, badass as ever: 






I've renamed the original Taulus to Autarieus, captain of the IInd, the spear of Encheleus:  



Asteropaion, or the Rinon:



Paeon, head of the Primarch's bodyguard.  



And one of the bodyguard



As you can see, the colours are bronze/brass, dark iron, and black.  I need to work out the colours for the bodyguard, however, as they are often far more 'flashy' than their regular counterparts.  


Would love some C&C on the lads! 

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