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The Sedge (II Legion Project)

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Superb work! I look forward to seeing this legion gain strength.


I'll tell you what I've been amazed by with the lost legion projects over the last two years. Taking the fantastic work by Athrawes, simison, MikalLeNoir, yourself and others who have taken these ventures on board, it has shown not just how creative they have been but also how original these concepts are.


Outstanding effort, you deserve every nod and clap from the community. Keep it up :) 

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  • 5 months later...

4 months is quite a gap.  Work has kept me too busy to properly get anything done, but I have a little stint of slightly less work, so I decided to order a couple of things for a larger project.  


Firstly, the base for my first captain model, a dry fitting.  Not sure what the right arm should be yet:  





And another piece:  




Lorgar will be the base for Encheleus, the Primarch of the IInd.  This means I'll need to carve up a lovely model.  But there's a bit of an issue.  All those runes are a Unique to Lorgar.  I'm not sure if I should file down or fill the gaps.  If I do , should I use regular GS, or that fancy new liquid GS?  advice would be greatly appreciated.  


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Nice update and lorgar is really cool. Struggle also to cit him to pieces. As lorgar is abit slim i would say use the normal gs and thicken his legs a bit in the process. Liquid green stuff is awesome to fill gaps, but imho you get the smoother job with normal gs ( just my experience, other may have another approach-> I paint it on like color and always wonder why i can't get a smooth finish.)



On the arm of your captain, how about a combi weapon or a pistol whith which he aims at an enemy slighlty leaning forward.

Edited by MikhalLeNoir
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Nice update and lorgar is really cool. Struggle also to cit him to pieces. As lorgar is abit slim i would say use the normal gs and thicken his legs a bit in the process. Liquid green stuff is awesome to fill gaps, but imho you get the smoother job with normal gs ( just my experience, other may have another approach-> I paint it on like color and always wonder why i can't get a smooth finish.)



On the arm of your captain, how about a combi weapon or a pistol whith which he aims at an enemy slighlty leaning forward.


Thanks, I thought Lorgar would be a good base, as he's rather static.  I think a static pose is more fitting for Encheleus, and many of the Sedge have been in static poses.  


Thanks for the advice on solid green stuff, I'm quite glad I didn't go out and buy the liquid.  


I've started the GS work on my first captain, as the IInd wouldn't wear an eagle.  He would have the heraldic bird of his legion: The Heron.  I have added a crest to the head, and am going to elongate the beak when the GS has cured.  Damn phone is too close for proper detail.  




And I've GS'd the hair on one side.  I was going for Thomas Jane in the expanse, but I'm worried it's come out a bit too Zorg from the 5th element.  




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For the Gnomes!


Looking forward to see your finished dragoon. :)

"D'ye wanna join my guild?!" Bwahahahah


Nice stuffs all round



Nice update and lorgar is really cool. Struggle also to cit him to pieces. As lorgar is abit slim i would say use the normal gs and thicken his legs a bit in the process. Liquid green stuff is awesome to fill gaps, but imho you get the smoother job with normal gs ( just my experience, other may have another approach-> I paint it on like color and always wonder why i can't get a smooth finish.)



On the arm of your captain, how about a combi weapon or a pistol whith which he aims at an enemy slighlty leaning forward.

Thanks, I thought Lorgar would be a good base, as he's rather static. I think a static pose is more fitting for Encheleus, and many of the Sedge have been in static poses.


Thanks for the advice on solid green stuff, I'm quite glad I didn't go out and buy the liquid.


I've started the GS work on my first captain, as the IInd wouldn't wear an eagle. He would have the heraldic bird of his legion: The Heron. I have added a crest to the head, and am going to elongate the beak when the GS has cured. Damn phone is too close for proper detail.




And I've GS'd the hair on one side. I was going for Thomas Jane in the expanse, but I'm worried it's come out a bit too Zorg from the 5th element.




Now will he be very disappointed? Or will he send bounty hunters after the stones and one badass imperial guard officer?

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  • 1 month later...

Time for some terrible Lore:


Tewdar read the message again, probably for the fourth or fifth time.  It had been handed to him by one of his cousins in the First, who was still standing impatiently in front of the Legion Master.  Though he could hardly call the small groups of uncouth marines spread amongst their brothers a Legion.  But that would change now.  It would all change.  


The Primarch had been found.  The Primogenitor of their legion.  The Second would be reunited with their father, an auspicious day.  He had seen the effect on other legionaries when they had heard their gene-father was located.  They were times of jubilation.  Fully grown legionaries would be racked with tears of joy, great celebrations would be thrown in honour of the event.  


But Tewdar felt none of this.  He was not a man famous for his passions, he simply felt numb.  He crumpled the message in a weathered fist, finally regarding the carrier.  


“I will take my ship and my brothers.”


The Legionary nodded.  Kohl was his name, a veteran.  They weren’t friends, exactly, none of the Second had enamoured themselves to their brothers on their secondments during the crusade, but the pair would sometimes share stilted conversation.  In his private moments, Tewdar actually enjoyed those small moments of contact with Kohl.  Short conversations on battle tactics and philosophy here and there between shared engagement.  


“Thank you, Kohl.” Tewdar said, eyes on his fist, and the paper crumpled within.  Kohl offered a gruff grunt in reply, and a terran salute, fist over chest.  Tewdar mirrored the action.  Kohl stomped away, leaving the Legion master alone in the corridor.    


-  -  -


The Legion stood on display at attention.  It was not the disciplined ranks of the 3rd, each band stood with their Captain at their head.  Almost seven hundred bands of 100 men.  They hadn’t been together since the beginning of the great crusade.  Banners snapped in the light breeze, the low gravity causing them to move as if they were in a gale.  All sorts of different motifs were emblazoned upon the cloth, heraldic animals, numbers, weapons.  However the companies had styled themselves.  Though they shared the legion colours of Brass and black, there was a huge variety of customisation between brothers.  Trophies and gaudy embellishments were rife.  A small stirring of pride warmed Tewdar’s chest.  For all their faults, they were his legion.  




The first captain’s eyes flicked up to the colossal plinth raised before the Legion.  A single throne wrought in dark iron sat in the centre, motifs of birds etched and gilded.  Their Father had not appeared to them, yet.  He had spent days with The Emperor.  The Legion were getting agitated.  They hated waiting.  Being forced to wait at behest to another, even their Primarch, was driving some close to the edge.  It was shown in tiny fluctuations in their motionless attention.  The tightening of fists, the hunching of shoulders.  He turned back to the plinth, feeling the stirrings of his own irritation.  


A thud echoed across the flat plain.  


It was followed by a second, becoming a steady footfall.  All sound seemed to become muffled, barring those steps.  


He moved around from behind the throne.  Tall, lithe.  The colours around him seemed muted, matching the dulled noise.  He wore armour of black iron, wrought and etched with motifs of birds, A cloak of grey feathers swirling around his form as he strode to the front of the plinth, looking down at the Legion before him.  He wore a twisted crown atop long locks of dark auburn hair, peering out of dark eyes.  A smile tugged at the lips, but it didn’t move anywhere else on the porcelain face.  He threw out his arms wide.  


“Sons.  My Legion.  I am your Primarch, Encheleus.  They call me many names on this world.  The Eye of The Storm.  The Iron King.”


The smile became real at the word ‘king’, he noted.  


“My Father tells me you do not simply become mine by dint of my birth, of my strength.  There must be ceremony.”  Encheleus looked straight at Tewdar then, those eyes dark as the space between stars, feeling that his very being was being pulled from his body.


“Legion Master.  Attend.”  Encheleus whirled, that cloak flowing like the grey wings of a hunting bird.  He reclined on the throne, the mannerisms of a ruler easily sculpted into his every manner.  Tewdar ascended the steps, his body feeling heavier and heavier as he rose.  He crossed the plinth, eyes locked on his future.  In the silence, the the servos of Tewdar’s armour whined loudly as he knelt.  


“This is the Second Legion, your sons.  I am Tewdar, Master of the Legion.  Until now, I commanded these men, uniting the Galaxy under the Emperor’s Truth.  Now, they are yours.”  Tewdar kept his eyes on the floor, proffering his staff of office.  He felt the rod pulled from his grasp, and he looked up to see Encheleus regarding it.  He promptly placed it back in Tewdar’s hand.  


“I don’t need a bauble to show my rank.  Keep it, First Captain.  It will be a sign that you are the most senior of my Legion, and Master of the Fleet.  I have been told we have a Fleet?” The Primarch spoke with an air of disinterested curiosity.

“Yes, My Primarch, we-”


“Call me sire.  I prefer that title.” Encheleus interrupted.  


“Apologies, Sire.  We have a fleet.  It is small, but once you return to Terra, I’m sure we will be able to requisition more.  You will need a flagship, after all.”  Tewdar replied, standing.  


“Very Good.  Very good.”  Encheleus smiled thinly, before leaping from his throne.  He stalked to the front of the plinth again.  


“On this world, I am a king.  And, after speaking with my Father, I see I wasn’t incorrectly given the title.  You shall all be my Lords, carrying out my will, which is the will of my Father.  We will expand his Empire, and plant our flags on many worlds, and will be paid fealty as is our right! For we are strong! And it is the right for the strong to rule!  From this day forth, you are no longer the Second Legion, you are the Voidborn!”


The legion cheered, and Tewdar's grip tightened around the rod, feeling heavy in his hand.


* * *


Just a small story about Encheleus meeting his legion, and the First Captain handing over command.  And I'm almost finished with Tewdar:  







I haven't put on the shoulderpads.  Might be a bit TOO birdy with eagle pads alongside heron cuirass.  They're quite bulky, so I think I need to source one of the heresy shoulder lascannon backpacks or rapier crew, where the vents face backward.  I may add a half-cape.  Under the pad.  

Edited by mrun0riginal
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  • 1 year later...



I've been mainly working on my white scars (A lot of money for a 3k list!), but I had an itch to do some work on the Voidborn.  I have started on Encheleus, the Primarch.  I'm not sure if the weapon is too cartoony, but I wanted a Sica style weapon for him.  I need to sand down the greenstuff covering the runes before I paint.  I worry it still looks a lot like Lorgar.  

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Absolutely love it. And great to see progress on your voidborns. If you worry it looks to much like lorgar. Them change the Silhouette. Mainly the shoulderpads snd the neckcollar.you can make some biggee from chaosterminatorbits.and the collar just need a cut with the knife.



Alter the.leg pose a bit. Lady atia made a great lorgar repose, you could steal her leg pose for your stuff.

Edited by MikhalLeNoir
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