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Khorne Daemonkin - Discussion, Tactics, Background


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I've been using the Goredrinker with a power sword specifically because of how it's worded (and because the sword is free in terminator armour). So I can go at Init with AP3 or I1 with AP2, after doubling the strength he's S10 anyhow (don't forget he already added 1 to his strength characteristic previously).

I was tempted with Goredrinker + Axe of Khorne for the same trick, but at AP2 and Instant Death on 6's to Wound.

Oh by the Dark Gods hairy balls!!!, i din't even notice the wording of Goredrinker!!


But Axe+Goredrinker=60pts...its quite steep...even if it is really funny...

And that's why I just use my free built in power sword in terminator Armour. For a guy on a Jugger I wouldn't bother buying another weapon, this one will be causing ID soon enough!

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this will be in my 2000pt list and be for anti-armour or mid-level support. plasma cannon sounds good, I think the lacannon option is too pricey.


I also noticed the soulgrinder is the one thing with skyfire in this book, shame the phlegm bombardment doesn't have better range.


I do not suggest using a helbrute for 2k with Daemonkin. They are too slow. But an autocannon would probably be the most useful for you anti-armor needs on a brute. 

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So is there any reason not to run the blood host? I was being tempted by something like this as a cad


Chaos Lord Plasma Pistol Power Sword Sigil Mark of Khorne


8 Khorne Bezerkers

Fist on the champ


8 chaos marines

Plasma gun 2 plasma pistols on the champ


8 cultists

8 cultists

7 auto guns

So that would be the base of a list for me

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Jumping in to building a heavily themed list. Going Aztec style with there favoriting human sacrifice's. Using Saurus as besrkers, Saurus cold ones as bikes, and carnosaru's as skull cannons. Unsure if bastiladon would make for a rhino stand in or steagon would be better choice. Haven't gave the codex a proper reading just glancing at what looks fun to convert/build. Once flesh hounds get back in stock picking up a few boxes for the formation.


Bike/hound formation what's a good way to support it? Thinking of adding few units of letters in there, and tossing some cultist for sacrificing.


But for HQ i am favoring a BT might not be best option for points. But like model and planing on ripping of MK X with a kotal khan look for my BT


should look great, dont forget to share photos :)

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Jumping in to building a heavily themed list. Going Aztec style with there favoriting human sacrifice's. Using Saurus as besrkers, Saurus cold ones as bikes, and carnosaru's as skull cannons. Unsure if bastiladon would make for a rhino stand in or steagon would be better choice. Haven't gave the codex a proper reading just glancing at what looks fun to convert/build. Once flesh hounds get back in stock picking up a few boxes for the formation.

Bike/hound formation what's a good way to support it? Thinking of adding few units of letters in there, and tossing some cultist for sacrificing.

But for HQ i am favoring a BT might not be best option for points. But like model and planing on ripping of MK X with a kotal khan look for my BT



should look great, dont forget to share photos :)

Yeah will do, just pick up the saurus and cold ones need find good colors to go with. So I can start this project.


Out of the 3 types of BT does any one have a perfernce and why? They all look cool on paper and table just not sure how they translate to game play.

I plan on tossing first daft of the list today.

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Out of interest, how are you moving the Lord and who is he rolling with? In a Land Raider, Dreadclaw or Deepstrike?



My juggerlord is with spawn or bikers in a gorepack.  Hounds or a load of bloodcrushers come in second but I can't stand running a T5 model with a bunch of T4 models. It makes it too easy for focus fire to stack wounds on that unit and losing the advantage of the toughness 5.  


I like the bikes in the gorepack because they get move through cover and ignore the dangerous terrain checks, passing that on to the lord.  Plus they have a sgt to handle challenges while my lord with goredrinker takes people out to get the tally up.


I like the spawn because they have so many wounds and their toughness just makes them a pain to deal with.  Hugging cover can be a problem though.

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Has anyone tried using larger units of foot sloggers for Daemonkin and what are the experiences there?  Many of the Daemonkin lists I've seen are taking minimum size units (particularly for berzerkers, CSM, and cultists).  While this approach isn't unique to Daemonkin, it does provide an additional boost to generating blood tithe that would seem very helpful in addition to the benefits of smaller units with CSM. 


Smaller units for C:CSM is typical in my past experience although I haven't seen or played many games since 7th came out.  The cost of the larger units can certainly add up quick in an the army that feels short on points.  Even so, I'm debating using one or two 16 model berzerker/bloodletter units, or 24 for cultists. (Must....maintain....sacred numbers.  Fluff for the fluff god!) 


I'm planning to experiment with the larger units anyway but would appreciate any view points on the pros and cons.   

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I ran 16 strong letters before with Daemons, and if you go for a Cohort I dont think its a terrible choice, with true fearless instead of instability, its a decent enough unit to tarpit things, and unless you run up against something they cannot hurt they will always dish out the pain.


Its only 160 points.

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Bloodletters would be a good choice because of the fearless and not too pricey, shame about the toughness 3 and you can buff the unit with a cheap herald too smile.png still think zerkers are pricey in comparison.

or maybe even a cultist horde, and you can of course add herald to them now which will make them fearless. do enjoy being able to combine daemon units and mortal units smile.png

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  • 2 weeks later...

A Knight would be possible with just the normal restrictions, stay away from your own guys.


Chaos LoW choices would be fine, but there arent any I really like for their points, with Eldar...its a risky idea.

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With the Eldar it is nigh impossible to avoid an Imperial Knight or a Lord of War. In both cases you will not fully benefit from them. The Knight has to stay away, our LoW are ... meh. 


Still it is the only thing you can do at the moment. We have neither option or right of opinion on the matter. If you do not take something that can reliably counter a Wraithknight you are in for a rough time. Be'Lakor can do it but then, a "sigh" Imperial Knight is the better option. 

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That is one of my current problems, one of my main opponents is an eldar/tau player...and last dex he religiously ran 2-3 Knights, wraith blades, and a unit of wraith guard.  Nearly anything that has a chance of taking a wraith knight out, is very likely to get insta sporked before it gets anywhere near that cheesy monstrosity.


At some point I really want to get a greater brass scorpion, just cause I like the looks of it, and a Reaver to use in larger games and as a center piece. 

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I cant watch 9 minutes of that, but clicking through, are we at all shocked that the standard BT's from Daemonkin (not the Str D one) get wiped off the table?




No, not shocked.




I really really hate videos. Just write it down folks.

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I missed that one, will go back...I'm not seeing it. All I keep hearing is 'I wound on 6's...'


EDIT: I found it, its actually in the middle, the 2nd one. Eldar got the charge, cuz...reasons, he hit 2 (on 5's) and rolled 1 6.


This just in, Str D is dumb. :D

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