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Landraider iconography etc.


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Hi all, i was just curious, putting together my first chaos land raider and after looking it over (its currently in the cutting from sprues/cleaning stage) wanted to know what symbols/icons I would need to shave/cut off of the hull to make it truly chaos?


What i mean by that is for example should i cut off the crux terminatus that's on one side of the hull, and the mechanicus symbol on the engine? (the eagle on the upper door seems fairly easy to hide under the plate that comes with the chaos accessories sprue).


Also are there any other symbols/icons that i missed that would need to be removed/covered over?


Another thing, would it still be correct to just leave some/all of these on the tank and just rust them up/Nurgle them up? Doing a Nurgle theme so planning on putting a lot of rust/green-stuff.


Does anyone know the fluff regarding this? about leaving loyalist symbols on a chaos vehicle? (i have decided to replace the tracks with custom Oppressor Pattern 0 treads i bought off ebay, since the stock tracks have the eagle symbol on them and the new ones look a lot more spikey/evil).

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Does anyone know the fluff regarding this? about leaving loyalist symbols on a chaos vehicle? 


Nothing set in stone. While most Warbands probably use their own chaos iconograhpy others like to mock the Imperium with desecrated Imperial symbols. So it's up to you what you want to do. 




Also are there any other symbols/icons that i missed that would need to be removed/covered over?


The tracks have an Aquila that bothers some chaos players and FW even made Aquila free replacement tracks if I remember correctly.

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