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Hurricane bolters


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That's why you take the assault cannons instead of the lascannons


If you do that you are effectively useless at beyond 24", which is less than ideal for how I like my Gunships.. Me, I get the Cyclone ML and TLLC, and use it as a pure Gunship, destroying armored targets in the air and on the ground, from range.  I also stick a Tactical Squad in there (and get the HB sponsons if points permitting) for late game objective grabbing, so it's a very heavy basket, and I'm kind of biased towards preserving it..


How do you get eighteen?


3 twin linked bolters on each side, firing twice, that's 12.  Then you add 6 more because you fail at Math.


In other words, that was my error.  Still, of the 12 you'll miss about half, which will then re-roll and hit half of that, which is 9 hits.  That's kind of equivalent to your average 18 Boltgun shots at BS4.  Not that it was what I was thinking at the time.  Regardless, the HB sponsons will score around 9 Boltgun hits at 12" range, and that's worth 30pts for me.



It's gonna be hard to position everything to have los when your dealing with sponsons. 

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I did megnetize the Hurricane Blter spnons (as well as the Ass Cans).  When I do runt eh HB"s, I'm always having a difficult time finding them appropriate targets (even with POTMS) tot he their inherently modelled inflexxitibity and limited firng arc.  If they were ground level, with a swivel like the Land Raider Crusader, they'd be almost auto-include.  as it stands, the substantially limited foward facing guns means that when I aim my missiles, meltagun, and assault cannons at an apropriate target (light tank, transport, or other flyer), I have a forward firing arc for my anti-infantry guns that starts at straight forward, and goes 45 degresss to either side, and 45 degrees down.  This means I can't shoot both Hurrican bolters at the same target and the target zone is *small* due to the nature of the firing arcs.  It is these inherent limitations on functiaonality that I think makes the 30 points better spent elswehere, when available.  Great alternative choices I use include auspexes and ablative wounds on a Dev squad.

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Yeah, flakk missiles cost a lot points, and quad-gun even more (but QG is still useful against skimmers). But if you're fighting hordes of infantry or tyranid FMC you pay 200 points on something that will do nothing for entire game.


Against hordes of infantry, Quad guns and Flakk Missile devs are pretty crap too...


I assume you meant normal MCs and not FMCs because between the low AP missiles and MM and the rends on the Assault Cannon, Tyranid FMCs don't really like being the target of a Raven.


Also, raven isn't that tough either.


Compared to Quad guns and devs? They are nigh indestructible.

IMO Raven isn't good enough as anti-air for it's cost.


As pure anti-air, perhaps not. That's why I always try to make use of its transport capacity in one manner or another.


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