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Nielfheim Planetary Guard- The 2SSF and the 172AD-WIP

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I'll be getting a second command squad to build some replacements for the heavy flamers, and building some advisors for my command squad. I also ordered some Kasrkins off of Ebay, because they'd make a great addition to my force, I love the old Kasrkin models. I plan on getting more Kasrkin only with some special weapons, I can't tell if the ones I got have them. 


That'll give me some more deep striking kill squad goodness. And more bodies. It'll also get me another plasma gun for my vet squad.

What I have right now is all primed and ready for paint.  I'll try to get some work done on them tomorrow and this week. I gotta knock out the Infantry first, then the vehicles. I've never painted a sentinel before, and frankly I have a ton of stuff that needs painting. 

My Kasrkin Shipped, so I should have them soon to add to my force. I had a brainstorm, Which includes taking 2 CADs, one of Stromtroopers and one of Elysians, with a third Allied detachment of regular IG, that way I get Taurox Primes from the Stormtroopers, one squad of Stormies will take one as a dedicated transport, the other in Fast Attack for the Regular IG Vets, while the two squads of Elysian Vets infiltrate. The regular guardsmen will be basic grenadiers (carapace and grenade launchers) while the Elysians will be packing the Plasma and Melta. The Elysian Command Squad will fly in on the Valkyrie with the Lord Commissar from the IG Detachment in tow, and jump out to assist a Elysian squad.


This lets me take my Armored sentinels with plasma cannons, it brings in my Valkyrie first turn, gives me three vet squads to press the attack, Stormtroopers to wreak havoc behind his lines, and plenty of air support with a vendetta coming in after turn 1. I'll also have my knight to provide more firepower. I'll have to do some messing around with my list right now since I'm short one box of Cadians, And I need another Command squad box to build my advisors. 

I need some help deciding on how to do my Vehicles camo. Most of the Vehicles I saw while I was in the Military were almost always a solid color or two colors, because it was easy to paint. What colors and what kind of scheme would y'all use for a mountain unit? My Stormtroopers Armor is going to be grey, with Khaki Fatigues, while my vets are likely going to have brown armor with khaki fatigues. I know that my Aircraft will be Air Force/Navy Grey, what about my Armored Sentinels and Taurox primes. 

Got some more work done on my Stormies, more fatigues and bedrolls done, need to do boots and straps and wash. Will post pics tomorrow with my progress, as I intend to power through more of them finishing up the fatigues and boots.


I'm going for a semi-uniform appearance, the overall appearance will look uniform but some models will have minor differences, reflecting the notion that some gear is private purchase non standard gear, while some armor components will be in various stages of wear and paint, owing to their nature as highly deployed and elite troops, showing that they don't get a lot of down time to repaint their gear between missions.

Here's an update on the painting process:


WP 20150516 004


So far I have painted the boots, fatigues, pouches and camo covers (the rolls on the top of the backpacks, I'm imagining that those are reversable coveralls, greens on one side, whites of the other, since my guys are mountain troops).


I also took one of my old stiff brushes and did some stippling of green on the Khaki Fatigues to kinda break them up a bit, so they look like they're wearing cammies. I'm kinda going for a MultiCam kinda camo, which is a tan base with some green in it, as it's a transitional pattern and again makes sense for mountain troops (The mountains on their world range from Swiss Alps to Hindu Kush to Appalachians, so a versatile pattern is needed). They need a brown wash on the fatigues/boots, and I need to get their Carapace painted, which I can probably have done tonight, and then they'll be tabletop ready. I'll keep working on them, getting them more detailed, but I really just want them looking good on the tabletop right now.


Then I can get to work on the Vet squads, but first the vehicles.

Got more done. Got the Armor painted, I just need to do the eyes, and drybrush the weapons and cables and give them a nuln oil wash and Aside from the characters The Stormtrooper section will be done. Then I can do Vehicles for a while, Before tackling the Rest of the infantry. I hope to have all of them tabletop standard by the end of the week, and then I can tackle the knight.


Anyway, here's a picture of the most recent progress:


WP 20150516 008



Enjoy, Once you break the code It's pretty easy to get the mooks painted.

I finished the eyes, and drybrushed the guns late last night, and added the plasma effect on the Plasma guns and pistols. I'm still trying to figure out what color the great coats on the Characters should be, but I'm satisfied with the mooks for now, I'm willing to call them done except for the bases, but I don't have and basing materials, and no money to buy them at the moment. 

How are you wanting to base them? It doesn't have to cost very much at all. Sand/grit and PVA glue can be used to do rocky/desert/mud. It all depends on what colour you paint it.


Don't get conned into having to buy pots of basing materials. Most sold are really just lumpy paint which is made up of a mix of PVA, filler, grit and paint mixed up in different ratios.

Come to think of it, I have elmer's glue and tub of quickcrete that I socked away for basing. I just need to find them. Once all my infantry are done, I'll base them all at the same time (I still have 2 squads of Vets, A command Squad, and a Lord Commissar). I'm thinking that I'll be trying for a rocky dirt base, like you see in all the pictures of Afghanistan. 


I need to separate the dust and gravel, so I have some medium for weathering and mud and snow. The dust wold be perfect for clumps of mud for the tracks of my vehicles. 



The dirt is quickcrete, glued on with PVA and given a earthshade wash. I used Ustabi Bone to bring out the "previous" paint job. Generous application of Earthshade around the edges and bolts. Then a leadbelcher drybrush. I used a very dry drybrush in black around the joints of the exhaust pipes and above the exhaust tips for soot effect, getting lighter farther away from the tips. I used nuln oil on the exaust pipes to add more soot effect. The blast scarring is a base of XV-88 with  a bit of black and topped off by leadbelcher. so that you get the idea that there is some discoloration from the heat of the blast. I also used generous drybrushing of leadbelcher on the edges.


For the next one I'm going to add a brown drybrush around some of the edges, so there is discoloration and rust effects. I wanted these trucks to look like they haven't had a trip to the paint booth in a while. 


Painting is pretty speedy when you don't go overboard on the details, it helps that I have decided that this particular unit is field expedient, and therefore doesn't care that the vehicle isn't shiny and decked out in livery, because if it doesn't help them kill the enemies of man any better, it has no place on the battlefield.


If it shines, you die.

Here's what's done (mostly) so far. The bases need painting, since real rock doesn't look quite right.


WP 20150517 024





After I get a couple more CCS's (One to build Advisors and PG vets, and one for my Elysians), 4 more kasrkin, a second Vendetta, and a second Valkyrie,  I'm going to call this particular Army done. This Brigade is only one Force from the planet, the other will be a full Armored Regiment (It will be an Armored Company list with a couple squads of Armored Fist Vets and a squad of Armored Fist Stormies and mostly tanks). 


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