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Caestus Assualt Ram


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Hello brothers,


after few months of hesitation, I have finally got my own CAR. Although it was piece of cake to put together, it is still pain to use, at least for me since I might get the rules just plain wrong.


Therefore I would like to ask you few things;



a ) How the ram works, can it ram as zooming flyer, and just to ram it into w.ever ground target?

b ) How does the new "super-sonic" works as that makes me just utterly confused?



a ) What is your usual load-out, since I cannot imagine to put anything expensive in already expensive flyer?

b ) What is the usual cargo you put in this battering ram ?


Thank you in advance for help brothers,



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I took a minute to look over the IA Second Edition rules for the CAS:


It can ram like a tank, even when zooming (normal fliers can't do this). However, it can't ram other fliers, only other tanks. It's ram attack is S7 for having armor 13 and +1 for having the "tank" attribute. So S8 against vehicles. It also has a special rule to let you roll 2 dice and pick the highest for armor pen, and it gets +1 on the damage table for any pens, so it's a pretty good weapon against weaker tanks (armor 11 or 12).


However, ramming means you can only shoot snap shots, so you give up the MAGNA-MELTA (what a sweet name). So ramming probably isn't a good option unless you already jinked for 4+ cover the previous turn.


Supersonic just means you flat out 18-36 inches. So it's super fast. But it's a flier, so it's already super fast.


Again, I've never run a CAS before, but I think you have to use that transport capacity. It's an armor 13/13/11 flier with a 5+ invul save to the front, and 4+ jink if you need it, so the odds of it getting blasted out of the sky are pretty low. And you're paying a premium for that armor over a stormraven, which has better guns IMO.


So I think you have to build your list around the ram. But your biggest, nastiest unit in there and drive it right up the gut of the enemy.


Something like a unit of 9 assault terminators and captain Karl from the exterminatus book (for the reserve rerolls). or maybe 8 and a priest as well for the WS and FNP buffs. That's a truly nasty unit.


Or just throw 10 dc in there and roll buckets of dice. The biggest worry is that the ram doesn't arrive in time, so I think you need to have some way to reroll reserves. So you're hoping for a T2 arrive, fire all the weapons, and T3 charge.

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Only used the Caestus in a handful of games, but it was awesome. Give it the 'battle of keylek' legacy of glory for ignores cover. If you can, put a Damocles command rhino in your army to make the Caestus arrive from reserves on a 2+.

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Thank you very much for the advises !


I think I will use the legacy for sure, fly in vaporize something nasty, than hope to survive and unleash cargo :)


How survivable is this flyer overall? I think I will use him side by side with fire raptor

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One of the most survivable flyers for sure. AV13 is increidlbe as most things firing against it will be Str 7/8 tops biggrin.png plus the invuln or jink if needed!

If you field this with a fire raptor you are ensured some rage from your opponent as that is two super high priority targets!

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I run my mine with Astorgh with 9 DC jp or just normal chappy and 9 DC all with JP. Or in bigger point games full run of sq of hamantors.


Also taking drop site mascara upgrade from IA2 is very useful. Landing right where you need it.


It's a fun unit to run, drop in melt something and let the DC lose.

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