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ETL IV is coming...

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ETL IV: 01 May 2015 - 01 August 2015

For those who do not know what this is check out last year’s event
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My fellow Inquisitors:


Join me in this valiant crusade. We have one of the smallest subfora on the Bolter and Chainsword, but we should not be daunted. The holy ordos of the Inquisition have a unique ability to reach 100% completion by pledging small, manageable warbands. I suggest we do multiple small warbands in successive vows and make our goal 100% completion since we cannot compete in raw numbers with the larger fora.


As one of your moderators, I will lead the charge -- and the timing is perfect since I just finished building Lord Inquisitor Soulis' new suit of TDA. I'll max out the wargear and start with a modest pledge to finish him off then move on to so warbands. I'm going to clarify with Captain Semper if we can do Scions (Inquisitorial Storm Troopers) as Inquisition vows, although these could easily be acolytes with carapace armour and hotshot lasguns for essentially the same price as Scions (but with worse stats on the table).


Let's show the rest of the forum what the Inquisition is made of! Let's make a few of the larger forums look over their shoulders as they should be looking over them with the Inquisition!

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