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ETL IV is coming...

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ETL IV: 01 May 2015 - 01 August 2015

For those who do not know what this is check out last year’s event
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If you've never heard of the ETL then make sure you follow the link and witness the Chaos victory from last year. Can we make it two in a row?
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Aside from being an Oath Breaker, all I remember from the Chaos victory last year was 'dancing'!!!!!! tongue.png

Seriously though, looking forward to it. I have a few models saved back for it (ok, not going to lie, a Land Raider, CSM squad, Chosen squad and maybe a couple of other bits) in anticipation knowing that I will be stoked to contribute to the Long War in such a way. Good luck my fellow heretics, may the Dark Gods guide your brush.

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Well I've certainly got a backlog to work through!


Without my monthly purchases


2 Heldrakes

1 Land Raider

1 Rhino

16 Chaos Space Marines

35 Cultists

19 Bloodletters

1 Herald

1 Skull Cannon

1 Daemon Prince

3 Skullcrushers



And if I get what I plan next month


10 Bikers (well Chaos Knight conversions)

10 Chaos Space Marines

10 to 20 Flesh Hounds

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Chaos Knights as Bikers?! I ACTUALLY have 10 Knights sitting in a drawer behind me, that may be my solution to some money saving! (Lies, he will just buy another Bloodthirster Kit...)

Basic conversion idea is to also mix in a squad of CSM for upper bodies, afix bolters to the chest area of the horse and add some details to make the steeds look like daemon engines

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Hm... To do Chaos or the huge backlog of space wolves...

But finally a reason to get back to painting again smile.png.

The obvious answer there is pledge the Space Wolves for Chaos. The only sticking point in the Codex might be Drop Pods, depends if we can claim them as Dreadclaws with no extra work.


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Hm... To do Chaos or the huge backlog of space wolves...

But finally a reason to get back to painting again smile.png.

The obvious answer there is pledge the Space Wolves for Chaos. The only sticking point in the Codex might be Drop Pods, depends if we can claim them as Dreadclaws with no extra work.


Devourer, you can't go traitor traitor on me!

Stay with us ;)

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Hm... To do Chaos or the huge backlog of space wolves...

But finally a reason to get back to painting again smile.png.

The obvious answer there is pledge the Space Wolves for Chaos. The only sticking point in the Codex might be Drop Pods, depends if we can claim them as Dreadclaws with no extra work.


^^ This. Join your brothers in conquest.

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I'd love to if I can get the space wolves vowed for chaos (its a commission job for a friend).

Also I only have limited models left for chaos as I've stopped playing basically for the time being (switched to mordheim with self written rules).

I have like

2 dps

8 termis

15 plague marines

8 seekers

20 odd cultists

5 raptors 

2 spawns

left to paint in my chaos collection :D.


Space wolves I'm not 100% sure of as a lot of the comission is just touch up work. But I'll guess it should be around about 1250 pts added on in unpainted/need to be stripped models.


@Chaeron You know where my loyalties lie :P. However, I really have to wait on the verdict for painting up pups as "counts as bad guys" :D

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question....since I have seen the light, the deep red blood drenched light, I am repainting much of my Alpha Legion as eight scarred, so I was wondering about the legit-ness of that (ie. should I hold of till may) and also I will be painting up my stores lord of skulls so ca-ching on points there!!!!msn-wink.gif

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Base coats where allowed, so I would imagine your Alpha Legion base coat could be accepted? :D


To our wider Chaos brotherhood, a question.


We have many community threads, should we put a competition together internal to Chaos to mark out our truly ascended sub Community? I have no doubt Chaos will sweep aside the lesser factions, so perhaps some friendly (self destruction, its fluffy!) side competition? :]

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@Semper. Just to check. Can bases be painted in advance or is base completion now going to be part of the challenge?

A challenge within the chaos community would be fun.

Keep an eye on Daemon Forge and there may be other motivational challenges too (like last year).

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@Semper. Just to check. Can bases be painted in advance or is base completion now going to be part of the challenge?

A challenge within the chaos community would be fun.

Keep an eye on Daemon Forge and there may be other motivational challenges too (like last year).

The general idea is to paint to the best of your ability. If that includes bases then it is expected to complete the bases as part of your vow. The only reason the rules seem a bit relaxed about the bases is so to include the frater that do not posses the skill to do bases or those who generally leave bases unpainted (although the ETL strongly encourages people to transcend their limits and improve on their skill).

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@Semper. Just to check. Can bases be painted in advance or is base completion now going to be part of the challenge?

A challenge within the chaos community would be fun.

Keep an eye on Daemon Forge and there may be other motivational challenges too (like last year).
The general idea is to paint to the best of your ability. If that includes bases then it is expected to complete the bases as part of your vow. The only reason the rules seem a bit relaxed about the bases is so to include the frater that do not posses the skill to do bases or those who generally leave bases unpainted (although the ETL strongly encourages people to transcend their limits and improve on their skill).

Had to try ;)

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