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ETL IV is coming...

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Imagine if we had to paint Xenos... eurgh!

Can't be as bad as that, right? tongue.png

Could have to paint a Loyalist. Ouch.

The horror!

Or, being forced to paint for another faction next year :o

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Suffering eh? Well that's irritating, we just lost a quarter of our points because the Slaaneshi lot want the pain. Bloody typical. Maybe we can convince them that the pleasure denied brings the greater pain?



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So, the Captain's been saying elsewhere that failure this year is worse than before. I have a feeling there's gonna be some kind of double deduction for failure or something similar. Presumably it's part of the megavow discouragement stuff. Either that or he just felt like keeping us all on our toes...



If you complete your vows, then everything will be fine. If not, the suffering begins...

Promises, promises. You Dark Angels and your belief that you understand suffering. The black box last year was a joy.

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Silly Dark Angels you want to know pain allow my fellow sons of curze and i to give you a introduction

Wait your turn young one. You'll find these DA can actually take a fair bit of punishment. Don't worry, I won't break them...too much. They'll be screaming for you already.

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Silly Dark Angels you want to know pain allow my fellow sons of curze and i to give you a introduction

Wait your turn young one. You'll find these DA can actually take a fair bit of punishment. Don't worry, I won't break them...too much. They'll be screaming for you already.

*grumbles and stalks iff to torture some guardsmen*

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Silly Dark Angels you want to know pain allow my fellow sons of curze and i to give you a introduction

Wait your turn young one. You'll find these DA can actually take a fair bit of punishment. Don't worry, I won't break them...too much. They'll be screaming for you already.
*grumbles and stalks iff to torture some guardsmen*

Don't worry they'll be plenty to go around

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Ten days to go! How's the prep going for folks? I'm hoping to get the infantry sprayed on Friday, if not might take them to work with me Sunday. Also have to build the bikes, but I may refer them to Vow 2.



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Got to attach wings to my Lord and get busy with the green stuff. Undecided on a possible second vow, though I do need some troops in my force so maybe a squad to join my Daemon Forge Champion or finish my Noise Marine squad.
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This is what I'm thinking so far for a first vow.


Chaos Lord (190pts) [Daemonheart, Jump Pack, Lightning Claws, Mark of Slaanesh, Power Fist, Sigil of corruption, Warlord]


Noise Marines (Troops) (162pts) [5x Extra CCW, Noise Marine w/ Blastmaster, 4x Noise Marine w/ Bolter. Noise Champion [Power Sword, Bolter]

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Brush priming? Dude, we have spray cans in all kinds of pretty colours nowadays. Use them, for the love of god!




I actually prefer brush priming for the control it gives, plus I've been doing it that way for so long that I'm quite quick at it now especially since I don't have to worry to much about putting too much on. Gods I love Gesso :lol:


Always have issues with sprays for some reason.

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Just tallied what still needs priming.....close to 80 marines of various types and Dave the defiler......By the 1st because I want to focus on painting proper......no worries :sweat:
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Ive got a hellbrute and kranon on order from http://www.bitsandkits.co.uk hopefully he turns up soon

Seem Chaos favour you - next month Daemon Forge is helbrutes :D


I've never use bits & kits before, how have people experince been with them? 


Saying that order from Bitz Box arrive yesterday & ebay order (ork armour plate loin cloth I use on my IW's) arrive yesterday, some Bitz box order & the loin cloth will be for my Terminators - 4x Terminators, Combi Plasma & Chainfist for the Champion? & my take on Valicar "the graven" - IVth Legion, from Talons of Horus.

Warhammer World open day need to pick up

- Heresy Iron Father (servo arm)

- FW Iron Warrior shoulder pads

- Heresy Terminators chainaxe

- Combi weapons set (5x of each combi)


Still working out conversion idea.

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Ive got a hellbrute and kranon on order from http://www.bitsandkits.co.uk hopefully he turns up soon

Seem Chaos favour you - next month Daemon Forge is helbrutes :D


I've never use bits & kits before, how have people experince been with them?


Saying that order from Bitz Box arrive yesterday & ebay order (ork armour plate loin cloth I use on my IW's) arrive yesterday, some Bitz box order & the loin cloth will be for my Terminators - 4x Terminators, Combi Plasma & Chainfist for the Champion? & my take on Valicar "the graven" - IVth Legion, from Talons of Horus.

Warhammer World open day need to pick up

- Heresy Iron Father (servo arm)

- FW Iron Warrior shoulder pads

- Heresy Terminators chainaxe

- Combi weapons set (5x of each combi)


Still working out conversion idea.

First time using them i was ginna order from bits box but they were out od stock of what i wanted haha

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It's safe to say that I'm happy with my Divine flayers Chaos Lord (finally), so once all the green stuff is cured he'll get a spraying and go to one side till the E Tenebrae Lux begins on May 1st. Hope you like (or dispise) him.


med_gallery_29004_10691_182918.jpg med_gallery_29004_10691_171350.jpg

med_gallery_29004_10691_192774.jpg med_gallery_29004_10691_178450.jpg

I'm fairly sure this'll start me off with a 190point vow (unless I can add the Gift of Mutation but that's tricky with the WYSIWYG rule).

And for those who remember my Forgefiend base from last year and various conversations with other forums, the wounded (yes, hes not dead as he wasn't a worthy opponent) will be a.....BLACK TEMPLAR! Just to throw wood on their zeal fueled fire furious.gifbiggrin.pngwhoops.gif

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