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ETL IV is coming...

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I think I'm going to start small for my first vow, and clear the larger models from my backlog, so Daemon Prince, Helbrute and 2 x Heldrakes. Reasonable opening in terms of points. After that I can worry about the troops such as Bikers, Flesh Hounds, Chaos Marine squad etc.


One question on Marks, they boost the points value but what's an acceptable way to model them? Is a transfer on each model sufficient?

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The same way Marks are always delt with really. Colours, transfer, and bits with the mark shown (shoulder pads for example). It's usually easy to tell when a unit is marked to a particular god I've found.

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Missed you there mate.


Yeah, didn't really have chance to do the whole 'I'll be at Salute, lets meet up!' thing this year. Maybe next time. Or we do what marvmoogy suggested in the TITH thread and just book up all of Warhammer World when it opens.


Built the Oblits last night. Gotta love Anvil stuff, goes together like a bloody dream, even if you carve the hands off to replace them with powerfists.



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Missed you there mate.


Yeah, didn't really have chance to do the whole 'I'll be at Salute, lets meet up!' thing this year. Maybe next time. Or we do what marvmoogy suggested in the TITH thread and just book up all of Warhammer World when it opens.



The Ultramarine forum do a met up ever often & lot them are held that Warhammer World.  I know in the past they've also posted out to try run a campaign type thing with the other area of the forum in the past.  Or just general met up for a few games during the day.


Ether way I'm down that the Warhammer World open day & Throne of Skulls events.


Just gather parts for my Terminators right now.  I've got a local wargaming event in a few week time & getting a lot of thing ready for the bring & buy.  Just allow me to tidy & clear out & also just check any spure for parts I may miss out for conversion.   


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Now im planning for my Nurgle Bikers to ride chaos knight steeds instead of bikes as tbh i like the whole herald of pestilence and death idea.

Would these be fine to be entered

Yes they'll be fine. Though the 40k-looking the better...

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Hey Captain, when're the rules going up, Thursday or Friday? I'm intrigued by the new stipulations on what happens if a vow isn't completed.



I wonder if it would cost the whole faction: deduction from overall total. That would be exciting! That said, might be a bit too harsh and deincentivise participation.

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Defiler done, so I am therefore completely prepped model-wise for the ETL with just over 4000pts worth in total :sweat:


Now to break it all into manageable chunks, probably depending on god alignment since I have the major 4 plus undivided represented.


See you at the starting line guys & gals :tu:

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