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ETL IV is coming...

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I'll be getting scenic bases, I just have neither the patience or skill to do a base justice. biggrin.png

I'm in the same boat. Can you recommend a good site for buying such bases?

Which country you in?

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Done 3 tester marines for a unusual paint scheme i want to try (orange and black with bone trim) im happy with how they have cpme put also my order has been dispatched :D


Just a little update my order has arrived wasnt expecting it to arrive today as i only got the dmail today

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I'll be getting scenic bases, I just have neither the patience or skill to do a base justice. biggrin.png

I'm in the same boat. Can you recommend a good site for buying such bases?

I can recommend this e-bay store, the bases are good and the prices are excellent! http://www.ebay.co.uk/usr/daemonscape1

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I'll be getting scenic bases, I just have neither the patience or skill to do a base justice. biggrin.png

I'm in the same boat. Can you recommend a good site for buying such bases?

I can recommend this e-bay store, the bases are good and the prices are excellent! http://www.ebay.co.uk/usr/daemonscape1

I've used them before, and they've been great.

A friend directed me to the following article that collates quite a few:


I cannot attest to most of the companies on there, so caveat emptor, but it could certainly be worth checking them out if you're looking for alternatives.

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Three days. Three days until all hell breaks loose and Captain Semper starts drowning in spreadsheets. Aggravatingly, we're running a convention Saturday, so I can get absolutely no painting done then, as I'm doing a 14 hour day or something equally preposterous. I'll just have to do some Sunday at work. Gods willing, the weather will hold and I can get my undercoating done tomorrow.


Do I lead with the Scorpion or leave it till last? Currently thinking lead with it, then ride the momentum to get the rest done. If I leave it looming on the horizon there's a fair chance it'll sap my motivation. That reminds me, take some Seraphim Sepia home today.



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I have three sandwich baggies with partially assembled Terminators and their arms, heads, and trophy racks all primed and ready to go. I've primed 3 oblits, a land raider, and 5 raptors on the sprue. Last night I started assembling the oblits, but ran into some minor difficulty getting the arms to stay on with glue, I may try a touch of GS at the ball joint to get them to stay in place.


Tonight I will undertake the daunting task of assembling the land raider. I hope the track sections are easier to lay than my last rhino. It was so difficult I told the squad it was assigned to, that if they ever threw a track, they would footslog the rest of their days :)

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Currently resisting the urge to add a squad of 5 spawn to my already 4000pt plus ETL plans......                                                 

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I'm thinking vow the Warhound straight out: as if I have time currently to paint anything...!

You better hurry, Alita has one plan aswell. 



Wow, such large vows being planned already. Can see this ETL being another excellent one.

Its has begun my minions. 

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I'm thinking vow the Warhound straight out: as if I have time currently to paint anything...!

You better hurry, Alita has one plan aswell.


Wow, such large vows being planned already. Can see this ETL being another excellent one.

Its has begun my minions.
What? No. Nonononononono. We have to do this perfectly.


Cue drumroll, dimming of the lights, rising of the curtains and



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Wait, Atia has a Warhound planned as well as the Reaver? Bloody hell. There's a lot of superheavies floating around this year, the Guard are painting a veritable fleet of Baneblade hulls between them.



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