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ETL IV is coming...

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Every gore-drenched boot on the ground helps. Im planning on starting large as well with my lord of skulls, because if i dont do him 1st then ill be hard pressed when im knee deep in power armor. Lets be honest we are not a come from behind faction so we need to smother and discourage the loyalists early.

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I will be back to vow. Although I will be completing my penance vow for Semper alongside what I vow. Greater Brass scorpions are legal to vow still, right?

Oh yes they certainly are :tu:

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I will be back to vow. Although I will be completing my penance vow for Semper alongside what I vow. Greater Brass scorpions are legal to vow still, right?

Good to see you again Rayray! :tu: look forward for your stuff!

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My fingers are all glued together from frantic building...

Lol, I've been gluing my FW together too, so much so that my fingers are now IMMUNE to super glue - since there's already like 4 or 5 layers of super glue on them.


I also feel light headed. Maybe I need a break....

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It's almost time! Paint for the paint god!


Unfortunately, I have not made as much progress as I had hoped in getting figs prepared. A pox on all those cursed mold lines on chain swords and axes....


I'll likely start with an initial vow of a lord and a herald for my KDK - Something small to hopefully get momentum going quickly without having the 'to do' pile of stuff constantly staring at me accusingly. That will also give some more time to sort out conversions and kit bashes for the berzerkers, possessed and bikers as I think more bits will need to be acquired. I'd like to do the Daemonkin as more of a show army. May not achieve the inspiring quality of some of the forum members but I'd like to push myself on technique this year.


Assuming work cooperates, the rest of the stuff will be divided in to ~500 point blocks for the follow on vows. If I can stay on a schedule I should be able to add in a jugger lord, 16 berzerkers, 5-8 possessed, 8 warp talons, 6 bikers, spawn, and a forge/mauler fiend. May also try to mix in some bloodletters or flesh hounds for variety.

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Just hope the damn cat goes out tonight so I can finish and prime my Chaos Knight bikers for phase 2. Not having done an ETL before, is it 5 Vows over the period, with you being able to pledge a new one once the first is done?

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Hey guys,


before it's finally time to launch into my first ever ETL participation tomorrow, I have two last questions that I hope you'll be able to help me with:


1.) As I see it, chaos is a rather forgiving faction when it comes to mixing and matching the various army lists and supplements, right? Even so, just to be clear: Would it be okay to make a first pledge including the following:


  • 1 Iron Warriors Warsmith (Chaos Lord in Terminator armour w/ lightning claw and power weapon)
  • 1 Fabius Bile (counts as)
  • 1 Chaos Knight Titan

Would this be a legal vow?


2.) This one is for Captain Semper, specifically: Would you allow this model as a Fabius Bile counts as:




That's what I would be fielding him as during games, at least. I think it's a fairly good Khornate version of the character, although I do realise that the backpack is different.


Your help is much appreciated! :)

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