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Title: Ancient and Resolute Order of the Imperial Knight House of Caesona

Household Grade: Secundus

Patent: Autonomous, Warrant of Ancient Domain and Arms (recognised 889.M30, ratified 900.M30)

Warden Domain: Knight World of Augustinaa, Segmentum Ultima

Cognomen: "Dire Lions" (informal, pre-unification)

Allied Legions/Forgeworlds: No formal bonds, blood-debt bound to the Legio Fureans, reciprocal ties established with the Forge World of Incaladion.

Allegiance: Traitoris Perdita (mostly)

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Edited by Atia
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Classification: Knight World/Death World

System Data: AAT/7884//5425/http://upload.wikimedia.org/math/5/2/2/522359592d78569a9eac16498aa7a087.png

Stellar Grid: 21-HDD/SAT-1

Segmentum: Ultima

Notion: Pre-Imperial Xenos ("Exodite Eldar", see data-23545/32//a) ruins at the surface

Notion: Knight Fortress - the Lions' Rock

One of the many Knight Worlds seeded towards the end of the Dark Age of Technology, Augustinaa is a jungle/water based Death World which possesses the typical saurid megafauna associated with such planets. It should also be noted that Augustinaa was also one of few Eldar Exodite Worlds within the Segmentum Ultima - infact, before the re-unification with the Imperium, Augustinaa was split between the Knight settlers and the mysterious Eldar - the result of a "peace treaty" between humans and exodites, made by High King Doronus Caesona after 200 years of standoff-war (see data-48712/12/b - The Dragons and the Lions) . This era of "peace" found an end in 899.M30 with the arrival of the 173th expedition fleet - an offer was made: alignment with the Imperium, and the extinction of the Eldar, or the extermination of Augustinaa. It would be a battle group of Legio Furean Titans and a detachment of the Luna Wolves that would help free the world from the vile Xenos' grip. After the destruction of the Exodites' main city, House Caesona officially pledged themselves to the Imperium, and around 900.M30, the first Household Lances left the planet in order to support the Tiger Eyes' and the XVIth Legion.



The original heraldry of House Caesona was a golden Lion on black armour, with golden trim. These colours trace back to the earliest days of the House, where High King Waldger Caesona defeated an Augustinaan' Dire Lion Patriach in single combat. Since the alignment with the Imperium, House Caesona added golden phoenix wings (as a mark of rising) to their house-emblem, aswell as the colour yellow to their formerly pure-black Knight Armours (in honour of the Legio Fureans).


end of M23 The last days of Technology

STC systems transform the way that new worlds are settled. With the help of Questoris and Cerastus STC's, many Knight Worlds are settled. One of them should be Augustinaa.

end of M23 Lions' Rock

A human settler-ship crashes upon the surface of Augustinaa. The settlers incorperate the remnants of it into the great montain Slaarenar (which means Thurstermontain). This fortress, called Lions' Rock became the domain of House Caesona.

end of M23 The Dire Lion Patriach

High King Waldger Caesona defeats a giant Dire Lion Patriach in single combat. He chooses the Lion as the heraldic animal of his house.

early M24 The Dragon

Riding out of their domain, the first Knights of House Caesona encountered the dragon-riding Exodite Eldars of Augustinaa.

mid M24 The Dragons and the Lions

After 200 years of war, a situation of stand-off-war due to the position of Fortress Lions' Rock is reached. High Kind Doronus Caesona and Exodite Spiritking Aerleàsh sign a fragile "peace treaty".

M25- M30 The Age of Strife

Skirmish battles between the Knights of House Caesona and Augustinaas' Exodites.

899.M30 The 173th Expedition Fleet arrives

House Caesona, the Lunar Wolves and a Warhost of Legio Fureans Titans free the world from the vile Xenos' grip.

899-900.M30 The Destruction of the Spirithost

The last City of the Exodites is destroyed.

900.M30 Caesonas' children

The first Household Lances leave the planet in order to support the Tiger Eyes' and the XVI'th Legion.

925.M30 Incaladions' Emissary

An Emissary of Incaladion arrives, reciprocal ties with Incaladion are established.

947.M30 The Rumoria Campaign

4 Households of Caesona fought alongside the Dark Angels against the Hrud during the Rumoria Campaign.

000.M31 The Ullanor Crusade

House Caesona supports the Lunar Wolves with 8 Household Lances during the Ullanor Crusade.

000.M31-003.M31 The Vektate of Arkenath

A Household of Caesona supports the Ultramarines in the three-year fight against the Vektate xenos overmind to free the human population of Arkenath.

006.M31 The Horus Declaration

Augustinaa declares itself for Horus' cause. Only a few Knights of Caesona (mostly these who fought alongside the Ist and XIIIth Legions) remain loyal.

006.M31 The First Invasion of Paramar

A Household of Caesona supports Archmagos Satariel during the Invasion of Paramar.

008.M31 The Second Battle of Paramar

all data deleted

012.M31 Lastamar

The Freeblade Lastamar, a former Caesona Knight supports the Salamanders during the defence of Bereliand V.

014.M31 The Siege of Terra

all data deleted

014.M31 The Great Scouring

Most of the Traitor Elements of House Caesona retreat to the Eye of Terror.

015.M31 Raid on Augustinaa

Loyal elements of House Caesona, alongside the Ultramarines, forces of the Forgeworld Mezoa, House Terryn and House Vyronii re-conquer Augustinaa for the Imperium.

016.M31 A new Dawn

Thoran Caesona becames High King of the loyal elements of House Caesona.


In the earliest years of House Caesonas' incorperation into the Imperium, it fielded around 120 Knight armours. After their allignment with Incaladion, their ranks had swollen to nearly 250 fully equipped Knights, predominantly of the Questoris classes. At the time of the Warmasters treachery, the bulk of the House's scions were concentrated allongside Horus' forces, with a handful of other Households seving in far distant, loyal Expeditionary fleets. This included those Knights which were known to be fighting alongside the Ultramarines at Arkenath, aswell as those Knights serving with the Dark Angels.

Edited by Atia

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