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Sons of Horus - Tip of the Spear (2,000pts)

Brother Heinrich

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So I'm in the middle of Vengeful Spirit and with all the Orbital Strike awesomeness in that book it's hard not to fall hard for the Warmaster's own. Came up with a 2,000 point list that feels fluffy, mean, and high risk. Just the way Horus likes it ;)




- Horus the Warmaster - Orbital Strike RoW - 500pts



- 8x Legion Terminators - 2x Pairs of Lightning Claws, 5x Combi-Plasma, Sgt w/Thunder Hammer - 340pts



- 10x Tactical Legionaries - Sgt w/ Artificer Armor & Powerfist, Vexila, Drop Pod - 220pts

- 10x Tactical Legionaries - Sgt w/ Artificer Armor & Powerfist, Vexila, Drop Pod - 220pts

- 10x Tactical Legionaries - Sgt w/ Artificer Armor & Powerfist, Vexila, Drop Pod - 220pts


Fast Attack:

- Deathstorm Drop pod - Krak Launchers, DP Assault - 145pts

- Deathstorm Drop pod - Krak Launchers, DP Assault - 145pts


Heavy Support:

- Fire Raptor Gunship - Autocannon Batteries - 210pts


Total: 2,000pts



Basically turn 1 sees the deathstorm pods and one hardass tac squad drop in. Turn 2 sees the Warmaster and hopefully everything else arrive. Warmaster goes where he can of course do the most hurt and his 5 combi-plasma cronies dump pain on whatever TEQs are nearby. Thoughts?

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The Awkward thing here is that...Primarchs dont count as Compulsory HQs...


Meaning, you'd still need, at minimum, a non-support officer Consul to make the list legal :x


Unless you Houserule it, that is.

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Lol what? How the censored.gif does that happen FW? Talk about a massive freaking oversight. Probably just house rule that absurdity.

...Yeah.. >_>

Its pretty weird like that.

Its kinda justifiable but at the same time just as easily dismissed.


A Chapter/Batallion/Company/etc. is operating in a particular theatre. Primarch Joins in on the fun and assumes Direct Control (Mass Effect 2 Style) but does not out the already Present Legion Command Structure for the Force.

Then again, its a Damn Primarch and he does whatever he wants, whenever he wants, how he wants.

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• Praetor - Artificer Armor, Boarding Shield, Melta Bombs, Paragon Blade - 140pts



• 8x Legion Terminators - 2x Pairs of Lightning Claws, 5x Combi-Plasma, Sgt w/Thunder Hammer - 340pts



• 9x Veteran Legionaries - Furious Charge, 9x Melta Bombs, Sgt w/Power Axe & Artificer Amor, Drop Pod - 290pts

• 10x Tactical Legionaries - Sgt w/ Artificer Armor & Powerfist, Vexila, Drop Pod - 220pts

• 10x Tactical Legionaries - Sgt w/ Artificer Armor & Powerfist, Vexila, Drop Pod - 220pts


Fast Attack:

• Deathstorm Drop pod - Krak Launchers, DP Assault - 145pts

• Deathstorm Drop pod - Krak Launchers, DP Assault - 145pts


Lord of War:

• Warmaster Horus - Orbital Assault RoW - 500pts


Total: 2,000pts


So the praetor goes with the veterans to clear a beachhead alongside the deathstorm pods. Tacticals come in after alongside Horus and the Terminators.

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