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You guys allow D weapons in friendly non apocalyptic games?My FLGS doesn't. Even LoWs need discussion first.

... a rule likely to be obsolete come Friday.

It's not a rule per se, rather a chance for a discussion-debate. The same for LoWs.

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My gaming group is very casual, opting for fluff/themed games over WAAC matches.

We usualy discuss whether to allow flyers / D-weapons / LOW / Forgworld before the game, so our opponents can prepare a suitable list.


Thats not to say we disallow them or anything, but a nod to your opponent the day before to let him know if he needs to bring anti-air or somthing that can takedown a Knight seems to put a stop to anyone feeling like they are playing against the odds if they don't have a Flyer/ Knight of their own.

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Knight Castigator will solve a host of jetbike problems, if you're allowed LoW. 8 TL AP 3 shots from 36" wounding T4 on 2s will end a unit a turn, probably. And it's fast enough, if you forgo shooting, to close with them and end them with 5 S10 attacks on the charge--plus Deflagrate. Also has enough HP to maybe survive a D blast or two from a WK, on top of its invuln.

Barring that, you can just drown them in dakka and make them fail saves. One unit of 3 Rapiers with HBs will put out 18 TL shots. That's about 12 hits per turn, if you're lucky and guestimating 6 or 7 wounds. The T7 on the unit makes them a bit more survivable against massed return fire from the Scatter lasers. Or Fire Raptor them (not that that gives you T1 attacks, though). Lets you plug the WK with the missiles and chew up bikes with the cannon and HBs.

Heck, you could do all 3. tongue.png

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Grav weapons. Remember, Acheron has two weapons. You can flame jetbikes and assault the WK.


Immerstrum remember our previous discussion of Imperial knights? Well I played a game sat with my knight Acheron (against eldar) and the three times it used it flamer

 killed 13 jet bikes and 10+ infantry and a wave serpent. the Destroyer chain weapon also let me insta pin the WK and destroy it in one turn witht he reroll the melee lets you do

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Grav weapons. Remember, Acheron has two weapons. You can flame jetbikes and assault the WK.

Immerstrum remember our previous discussion of Imperial knights? Well I played a game sat with my knight Acheron (against eldar) and the three times it used it flamer

killed 13 jet bikes and 10+ infantry and a wave serpent. the Destroyer chain weapon also let me insta pin the WK and destroy it in one turn witht he reroll the melee lets you do

Good man! My own Acheron was dispatched yesterday. Can not wait to roast some panzees ;)

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You guys allow D weapons in friendly non apocalyptic games?

My FLGS doesn't. Even LoWs need discussion first.



Yup yup - that kinda thinking went the way of the dodo a while back locally.


You allow Gargantuans too?

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Greetings brothers, I come to you with a problem. Jet bikes with mass str6 shots...

12 move, 36 range, str6, then battle focus move. It's coming and I would like to hear any ideas you have to counter this.

So far I've got:

Alpha strike

Av13 wall

Formation of ours assault after deep strike.


What about brothers, how would you deal with this?


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First up, its not coming in anywhere near the net panic levels for the vast majority of players... that many jetbikes is a significant monetary cost.


Secondly, and in answer to your question- baal predators,ablative rhinos,cover and objectives. He has to come to objectives at some point, so his movement is not so important as it is made out to be. Shooting, go for it- i've never played a game without casualties.

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I suspect two small squads will be popular, though I wouldn't be surprised to see occasional folks convert their old bikes on a large scale. That being said, my main concern will be with other units, and it's that very sentiment that will make them more of a problem than they should be. What I mean is I'll be more worried about the big enemies and forget to kill these guys that are cleaning up objective points and getting firing arcs on my side/rear armor.


I'm thinking a nine or seven drop pod list coming in for that really severe alpha strike might easily get out of position/on the wrong side of the table, getting too eager for the kill, allowing these guys to scoot across the board relatively uninhibited. Knights, I suppose, would face a similar problem.


Maybe more 'mulitiple small units' style play is in order as a solution to this problem. (Though often disallowed in local tournaments, I'm excited to be building my first sicaran tank this week. And, despite it being AP4, my army designs have lacked long range firepower for a long time. So in this case if I get out of position with my usual 3 close combat oriented units, I'll have some range to adapt to changing circumstances.) 

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Much more worried about d flamer spam. It's a sad day when we must result to shooting because those wraithguard will destroy ANYTHING that's charging them.


How is that any different from the previous Codex? No one in their right mind charged D-scythes when they were Template, STR 4, AP 2 so the tactics for these haven't changed.

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Alpha Strike. Jetbikes crumble underneath it. It is enough to make a unit jink in most cases anyway. Ally your pods with some White Scar scouting goodness to seal the game T1. The key is not to bother with the ranged WK if you are playing that strategy. He will kill two Marines at most (same as he did with S10 weapons) but he will distract a lot of dakka. Drive up and drop down, hose his Jetbikes and Tanks to drastically reduce his numbers and force jinks and after you have the numerical upper hand you can worry about WK and stuff.

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As targets, Jetbikes are just MEQs in smaller squads without ATSKNF. They have a 1/3 chance of failing any break test so just pepper them with fire and watch them flee. Spread your shooting opportunistically to force as many tests as possible. If they jink, their firepower next turn will be badly hampered.

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Hello, fellow brothers!


Regarding jetbikes I think the lowly Whirlwind looks fairly effective to me. (I run 3 in my list.) It has a range large enough, S5 AP4 large pie - and as someone else already mentioned if you can force the jetbikes jink they cannot shoot effectively and you are out of the frying pan.

Regarding Wraithguard simply charge them first with something expendable (a unit already taken casualities) to negate overwatch and charge them with the heavy hitters.


Captain Obvious


Edit Sorry Whirlwind is not that effective because jetbikes have a 3+ armour save... Still may worth a shot.

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Firstly, love that profile pic captain obvious lol.

Secondly regarding whirlwind, it's ap4, no one is jinxing that.

Thirdly, sanguinary guard have an effective range of 24, jet bikes are 36'

Fourthly, the synergy of psychic powers, granted they won't always have this but they can make either one unit or anyone within 12 fearless.

Lastly, Baal preds are an ok solution with heavy bolter sponsons but the assault cannon will be outraged after their battle focus move.

I'm simply looking at tactics not doom and gloom. Alpha strike is looking more and more appealing. Or using the three stormraven formation. I have no access to bikes sadly. I wonder if a land speeder with heavy bolters is a good idea...hmm


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I wonder if a land speeder with heavy bolters is a good idea...hmm


As one, no. As a squadron of three with dual heavy bolters (that's 36 STR 5 shots), yes. Toss in a nearby Librarian on Bike/Jump Pack with Auspex and Divination and there's a solution. (Note that this can be done better with Dark Angel allies who can field five blink.png )

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