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+++E Tenebrae Lux IV - Blood Angels Strategium+++

Captain Semper

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Good to see the Blood Angels faction has finally awakened from their slumber.


I will make you this challenge: If the Blood Angels can top the Dark Angels in points I will paint up an original Blood Angels Captain and post it in your forum.


Folks, just another little reminder of why we need to succeed!



I see great progress guys - I think the most important thing is the substantial re-vowing that keeps the BAs going in the face of fierce competition! Impressive quality as well, but I guess it's only to be expected by an artistic Chapter such as yours!

@ Charlo: Do you dare refer to the Lords of the Dark Angels as serfs??? This insolence will not go unnoticed! tongue.png Just a question though, you said that your second vow was 145pts but I have you down for 170... Could you clear this up for me please? Cheers.


Neither will those little Xenos you have Carrying your gear ;)

But on my Vow it seems I have derped, apparently I vowed a Thunderhammer and a Powerfist - thought I only vowed the hammer. What are my options here? Just count the vow as 145 points? Or Redo an arm on my DC?

You cannot get extra points for alternative wargear I'm afraid. As it appears it was a mistake in the wording of the vow I'll adjust it to 145pts. Good luck with the second one! smile.png

Vow 1 now complete, pictures are in my gallery but here is a completed group shot




Now for Vow 2


I gav1892 rise to the challenge of E Tenebrae Lux and vow to complete a Forge World Land Raider Achilles with Hunter Killer Missile and Storm Bolter, Forge World Demios Pattern Vindicator Laser Destroyer and a Terminator Librarian with Combi-Melta and Force Axe from codex Blood Angels with a total points value of 575 POINTS on or before August 1st, 2015. Success will bring eternal glory to the Blood Angels and all their scions, and failure will doom me to wear the badge of Oathbreaker until the year end.





Fellow scions I have a small update on my second vow tonight. The whole squad is about at this stage, including the Libby. I'm hoping to get them done in the next couple of days. The LRC I haven't started on though..



BIke Captain got another few layers and a shiny new base. Still got a lot to do tho. :/

ETL   Bike Cptn IV


The first of my Dev squad is finished (aside from the base)

ETL   Devs 4


Terminators all got a second coat.

ETL   Terms 7


And my awesome Terminator Sgt is finally completed! :D

ETL   Terms 6


I sat down and finished my vow last night. 5 Death Company with Power Weapon-


Not sure what I'll be doing for my second vow but I'll be having a look through my backlog and see what I fancy. I do need more Tac Marines and at least a Rhino and Drop Pod doing up though. ;) We'll see.

For the glory of Sanguinius!


Decided I'll vow a Drop Pod for my second vow just because I know I can get it done quickly. That and It's the only thing I have undercoated and have just realized I'm out of Black spray. :P

I ChaplainMikey rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete 1 Drop Pod from Codex Blood Angels of total value of 35 points on or before August 1st, 2015. Success will bring eternal glory to the Blood Angels and all their Scions and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.

And here is the pic-


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