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+++E Tenebrae Lux IV - Dark Angels Strategium+++

Captain Semper

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I , Alvena rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete the following units from Codex: Dark Angels of total value 1043 points on or before August 1st, 2015:


Deathwing Knights Squad (245 pts) - 1 Knight Master, 4 Knights, Perfidious Relic

Deathwing Squad (431 pts) - Terminator Sergent SB/PW,  5 Terminator with SB/PF, 2 Terminator with SB /Chainfist, 1 Terminator with Missile launcher.

Deathwing Squad (367 pts) - Terminator Sergent SB/PW, 5 Terminator with SB/PF, 1 Terminator with SB / Chainfist, 1 Terminator with Heavy Flammer.




Don't worry about spamming the thread - that's what it's here for. If you want to show us your progress, don't think twice. smile.png

But more importantly at this stage, our brothers need to flock to our cause... Otherwise we may face a disadvantage that would be difficult to overcome!

I'm getting there with my first vow, just blocking colors in for now, highlights will happen all at once.

More people need to declare vows! Even if it's just a character!



I, Master Avoghai rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to Paint one librarian and one librarian with terminator armor And combo weapon of total value 170pt on or before August 1st, 2015. Success will bring eternal glory to the First Legion and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end



Welcome to Alvena and Master Avoghai! Good to see both new blood and veterans fighting side by side. :) Good luck gentlemen!


Where is it we are falling short on number of participants or points vowed? (or both!)...
We made a marked come back in the late stages last time I participated, plus we seem to have a number of small first vows but with the intention of more to come.


Well I'm not that fussed about points vowed at this stage because it's just too early (and to some extent it's a function of the participation). What I'm really focussing on right now is to get as many people n board - small vows are just as welcome as big ones as Mard mentioned earlier.


It is the recruitment phase of the ETL and form June 1st onwards the teams will be set! So the clock is ticking - tomorrow we'll get the first weekly update and it will show where every faction stands.... 



I, Space Truckin'  rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX 4  and vow to paint


1 - Int Chaplain Seraphicus  (  110? 125 pts)

1 - Chapter Master Balthazar (90pts)

1 - 10 man tactical squad w/ plasma & melta-bomb  (200 pts)


for an estimated total of 415 points  to be completed on or before August 1st, 2015.

Success will bring eternal glory to the First Legion and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of the Oathbreaker again till next year.


Glory to the 5th company!  Gotta finish painting my DV set some time! 





Fixed points cost  -  Thanks got more bits in the mail today

I, Shadow Guard, Keeper of the Fortress, rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete a Deathwing Force from Codex Dark Angels of total value 3035 points which I will submit as 3000 points on or before August 1st, 2015. Success will bring eternal glory to the Lion and the Legion and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of the Oathbreaker and spend time in repentance cell 42 until the year-end.


The first four DW squads, DW command squad and Belial in TDA are base coated since 2011 having been submitted for entry and failed to progress in 2 subsequent ETLs. The make up of my oath is as follows:


DW Squad 1:

5 DW in TDA (220); Cyclone ML (25); One TH/SS (5) = 250 pts




DW Squad 2

5 DW in TDA (220); Cyclone ML (25); One TH/SS (5) = 250 pts




DW Squad 3


5 DW in TDA (220); Cyclone ML (25); One TH/SS (5); CF (5) = 255 pts




DW Squad 4

5 DW in TDA (220); Cyclone ML (25); Two TH/SS (10) = 255 pts




DW Squad 5

5 DW in TDA (220); Plasmacannon (15); Three TH/SS (15) = 250 pts


DW Command Squad

5 DW in TDA (220); Apothecary (30); Assault Cannon (20); DW Standard bearer with DW Company Banner (45); DW Champion with Halberd of Caliban (5) = 320 pts


NOTE: The apothecary and assault cannon DW from the photo below will go to the command squad; The three TH/SS DW will go to Squad 5; The rest will be made up from a five man squad of the new DW squad box. Updated pics to follow.



Belial, Grandmaster of Deathwing in TDA with Twin LCs = 190 pts

DW Squad 6

5 DW in TDA (220); Assault cannon (20); CF (5)  = 245 pts

[Dark Vengeance Boxed Set Terminators]

Updated pics to follow.


DW Squad 7

5 DW in TDA (220); Assault cannon (20); CF (5) ; Three TH/SS (15) = 260 pts

[Old metal DW Terminators]

Updated pics to follow.


DW Squad 8

5 DW in TDA (220); Cyclone ML (25); CF (5);  = 250 pts

[Old metal DW Terminators]

Updated pics to follow.


DW Squad 9

5 DW in TDA (220); Assault Cannon (20); Four CF (20);  = 260 pts

[FW Cataphracti TDA Squad)


DW Squad 10

5 DW in TDA (220); Heavy Flamer (10); Four CF (20);  = 250 pts

[FW Tartaros TDA Squad)


TOTAL: 3035 points


There you have it..... My performance at ET has been somewhat woeful in the past so don't hold your breath... and as you can see below the 4 squads of DW and command squad shown in the photos above were made to that point in 2011 and resubmitted in 2014 and yet failed to move any further forward!


2011 LPC:             1475 pts of Deathwing                                  FAILED

2012 ETL:              2300 points of Ravenwing                           OATH KEEPER

2013 ETL:              3 landspeeder Tempests                             FAILED

2014 ETL:              1475 pts of Deathwing                                 FAILED


+ + + For the Lion and the Legion! + + + 



I, Shadow Guard, Keeper of the Fortress, rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete a Deathwing Force from Codex Dark Angels of total value 3035 points which I will submit as 3000 points on or before August 1st, 2015. Success will bring eternal glory to the Lion and the Legion and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of the Oathbreaker and spend time in repentance cell 42 until the year-end.

* SNIP *

Hate to say it SG, but you'll need to trim 35 points to make it a legal vow....

EDIT: NVR mind me, I just saw the total and didn't read the bolded part whistlingW.gif

blink.png .... wacko.png ....eek.gif ....wub.png ....unsure.png ....ph34r.png ....devil.gif !!!


Welcome honoured Grand Master! And what a vow you made there! Am I to assume that the 2012 days of glory are back?




Not surprised about the "low" turnout.  Our codex is probably the least "fresh" in the world of GW.  Imperial Forces though,  talk about mobilization!


Quality hobbyists in this forum though!  I'm FINALLY finishing up the robes on all my models today, everything after that is quick!

I have had a minor setback.  I had begun painting the Knight Master and the plasma cannon terminator but I really didn't like the results.  Normally my policy is "don't strip, soldier on until it's right" but the layers needed to correct it were starting to make it look too thick, even with thin coats.


So I popped down to Harbor Freight and spent $30 on an ultrasonic cleaner.  These two Unforgiven are taking a bath in Simple Green until they are cleansed of their sins  bad paint job.  I have forgotten exactly what steps I took to make the last DW terminators look so good - but apparently, layering Rakarth Flesh over the Zandri Dust base/sepia wash was not one of them.  Eliminating the Rakarth Flesh and going straight to an Ushabti Bone layer seems to be giving better results on  the model I'm testing it on.


I'm glad I factored in time for unexpected setbacks like this.  This is the first time I've had to strip a model because of my own paint job, in many months or years.

I, Ancient Cerroneth, Venerable Dreadnought of Painting, Announce the completion of my first vow.


For My second Vow, I will paint, assemble, and base a Damocles Command Rhino, with Extra Armor and a Hunter-killer Missile for 95 points.


And a Terminator Librarian with the Monster Slayer of Caliban for 140 points.


for a total of 235 points.

I have had a minor setback. I had begun painting the Knight Master and the plasma cannon terminator but I really didn't like the results. Normally my policy is "don't strip, soldier on until it's right" but the layers needed to correct it were starting to make it look too thick, even with thin coats.


So I popped down to Harbor Freight and spent $30 on an ultrasonic cleaner. These two Unforgiven are taking a bath in Simple Green until they are cleansed of their sins bad paint job. I have forgotten exactly what steps I took to make the last DW terminators look so good - but apparently, layering Rakarth Flesh over the Zandri Dust base/sepia wash was not one of them. Eliminating the Rakarth Flesh and going straight to an Ushabti Bone layer seems to be giving better results on the model I'm testing it on.


I'm glad I factored in time for unexpected setbacks like this. This is the first time I've had to strip a model because of my own paint job, in many months or years.

To me Rakarth seems a little too cool. If you use Rakarth I think you need a black shadow.


I do the "standard": Zandri, Seraphim Sepia, Zandri cleanup, Ushabti layering, screaming skull highlights. If its metal ill do thin layers of white scar at the corners for specularity. For robes ill dry brush the screaming skull instead.

From the rain sodden world of Mire, located in the most remote outskirts of the Eastern Fringe, reinforcements have arrived. The Sword Bearers honor their ancient allegiance to the First Legion and draw their blades to support their fellow Sons of the Lion.

I, Spaced Hulk, rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete:

Erias, the Black Knight, Master of the Sword Bearers Fifth Company, armed with thunder hammer, lightning claw & artificer armour = 155 pts

med_gallery_917_10825_688743.jpg med_gallery_917_10825_1179319.jpg

Devastator Squad Varus, the 'Specters of Mire', of the Sword Bearers 3rd Battle Company= 250 pts

- Veteran Sergeant with boltgun, chainsword & signum

- 4 marines with missile launchers & frak, krak & flak missiles

- 5 marines with boltguns



Revenant 'Shadow' Conclave, consisting of:


Oberon the Gate Keeper, Bearer of the Mourn Blade, High Shadowcaster of the Sword Bearers (counts as Ezekiel) = 145 pts


med_gallery_917_10825_576311.jpg med_gallery_917_10825_1060970.jpg

'Shadowcaster' Librarian, equipped with force sword, conversion field (represented by the skull halo on his power pack) & Foe-smiter = 100 pts

med_gallery_917_10825_1327270.jpg med_gallery_917_10825_1133689.jpg

'Shadowcaster' Librarian, armed with force sword, plasma pistol, conversion field & melta bombs = 100 pts

med_gallery_917_10825_885255.jpg med_gallery_917_10825_927705.jpg

'Shadowcaster' Librarian, armed with force sword, conversion field & the Lions Roar = 100 pts

med_gallery_917_10825_565323.jpg med_gallery_917_10825_1355413.jpg

'Shadowcaster' Librarian, armed with force sword, auspex, melta bombs, power field generator & Monster Slayer Sword = 150 pts

med_gallery_917_10825_430572.jpg med_gallery_917_10825_297963.jpg

from Codex: Dark Angels for a total of 1000pts on or before August 1st 2015.http://i1372.photobucket.com/albums/ag344/mat_at/ETL2015/CIMG8115_zpswvmsgb39.jpg

While it's true that the other factions may have more members, we have something they do not. We have stubborn, grim resolve that makes us never give up and gives us the will to see this through. Any faction can vow big, but we will complete our vows.


To me Rakarth seems a little too cool. If you use Rakarth I think you need a black shadow.


I do the "standard": Zandri, Seraphim Sepia, Zandri cleanup, Ushabti layering, screaming skull highlights. If its metal ill do thin layers of white scar at the corners for specularity. For robes ill dry brush the screaming skull instead.



Thanks - I think I had done a Dark Tone (Nuln Oil-equivalent) wash on the assault cannon guy.  But for these squads I think I will go with the method you described, because I know that works well.  I appreciate the feedback.


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