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+++E Tenebrae Lux IV - Realm of Chaos Strategium+++

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@Dragonlover, duuude! That looks wicked and so completely different from mine -awesome) You didn't glue the paws on before painting? Aren't you afraid it's too flimsy when you finally do paint it? Especially since you don't seem to have covered the glueing surface. What glue are you going to use? Also : was it a concious choice to leave the upper armour plates so straight? I believe the intent of the build sheet is that you bend it around the body with hot water). 'Straight' plates give the model a more feral look, imo, so if that's what you were going for I say cool beans!  Looking forward to your finished one!


Anyway, I finished mine. Here's one pic. Way, waaay, WAAAAAAAAY more pics in this post in my showcase.



  On 6/14/2015 at 9:47 AM, Augustus b'Raass said:

@Dragonlover, duuude! That looks wicked and so completely different from mine -awesome) You didn't glue the paws on before painting? Aren't you afraid it's too flimsy when you finally do paint it? Especially since you don't seem to have covered the glueing surface. What glue are you going to use? Also : was it a concious choice to leave the upper armour plates so straight? I believe the intent of the build sheet is that you bend it around the body with hot water). 'Straight' plates give the model a more feral look, imo, so if that's what you were going for I say cool beans!  Looking forward to your finished one!


The original plan was to pin and magnetise the legs for transportation, but I screwed it up. I'm gonna go for the old superglue and green stuff approach and pray it works, with the pins that I put in the right place as extra support.


Build sheet? Hah, I binned that after checking the parts were all there. I've had hangovers more useful for building complicated kits. As it goes though, the straight plates were deliberate, in that I didn't notice they could be put on curved.


Also, thanks!



Some excellent progress in the Chaos forum! Well done everybody for keeping the pace! And I can see there is also great love for Scorpions this year! Look forward to see Dragonlover's complete beast

But as Augustus' Scorpion goes: jawdrop.gif


Looking good Thousand Eyes keep up the good work thumbsup.gif

Was planning to get my Chosen finished today unfortunately the Steam sale had other plans, hopefully I'll actually get them finished tomorrow and be able to start building for Vow 2 and 3.

  On 6/13/2015 at 10:13 PM, Aspiringchaoschampion said:


  On 6/13/2015 at 10:10 PM, ChaosRising said:

I, ChaosRising, rise once more to the on-going challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow Herald of Khorne on or before August 1, 2015. Success will bring eternal glory to the Blood God's followers, whilst failure will doom me to bear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.





-Exalted Locus of Wrath

-Ichor blood [not sure how I'll model this, but he's getting it anyway]

-Aura of dark glory [his skeletal trophy will count towards this]

-Collar of Khorne [need to find something suitable but I should be able to come up with something; if not - oh well, he still gets the perks]

-The Brazen Rune

-The Blade of Endless Bloodshed


Total value: 165 pts

Why the aura when he already has a 5++


Honestly, I overlooked that detail when I was designing him. But seeing as I'm also building him for points, what the heck....I'll use the Aura instead of his normal invul save. For gaming he'll be a different build.


On an mildly unrelated note, I just took a peek at the current ETL standings. We need to get our collective brushes moving quicker if we want to stand a chance of coming out on top. Or are we going to let the weakling servants of the False Emperor deny us our day of glory?

Augustus - That really cool, you'll need to try get a army photo once the ETL all finish up just to see the overall Night Lords force.


Mal - Those chosen are look cool.

Hopeful get the Lord all fully built by today & ready for undercoating tomorrow.  Then after that I can vow my Knight, unit Havocs & a Fallen Angel :D

OK everyone, I put up the first update for the SOUL VOW satellite event here.

To those of you who haven't yet pledged your soul to chaos and sworn to multiply your vowed ETL points, I say to thee:

@insane Psychopath: That's a cool idea dude. I think it'll be a good idea for everyone to put up pics at the end of the ETL that show all their completed models from this ETL (and perhaps even their entire armies!

@malisteen: Cheers dude! Coming from an artist such as yourself that means a lot. :) I wonder if I should weather it though...

  On 6/15/2015 at 4:48 PM, Augustus b'Raass said:

OK everyone, I put up the first update for the SOUL VOW satellite event here.

To those of you who haven't yet pledged your soul to chaos and sworn to multiply your vowed ETL points, I say to thee:


@insane Psychopath: That's a cool idea dude. I think it'll be a good idea for everyone to put up pics at the end of the ETL that show all their completed models from this ETL (and perhaps even their entire armies!

It's definitely a good plan - I've been meaning to for ages, and since my battle board arrived, it'll be a good time to get all the stuff out!

I'm not Soul Vowing until the next two weeks are over: I think I could completely four big vows in a month, but I have to get these weeks out the way! That said, I'm blitzing stuff tonight. As good a time as any...

  On 6/15/2015 at 7:05 PM, Chaeron said:


It's definitely a good plan - I've been meaning to for ages, and since my battle board arrived, it'll be a good time to get all the stuff out!


I'm not Soul Vowing until the next two weeks are over: I think I could completely four big vows in a month, but I have to get these weeks out the way! That said, I'm blitzing stuff tonight. As good a time as any...

Perfect! Make sure thought to do your Soul Vow before you finish your second vow! :tu:

Finally finished up my vow! 3006 points of khorney goodness. Now I'm hoping future vows go a little bit quicker than this, because this was too slow for me. I've also got my next vow ready to go. so without further ado...


I steve shields vow the following list of chaos goodies for a total of 3002 (3000) points.


Chaos Spartan: MM Frag Launcher (represented by havoc launcher) Dirge Caster, Demonic Possession (IW forgeworld upgrade, chaos spikey goodness)


(KDK) 11 possessed

(KDK) 15 Hounds



Knight castigator

Knight w/ battle cannon




(KDK) Termi Lord, blade of endless bloodshed, SoC, powerfist, CoK




New Vow:



Edit 11 possessed, counting is hard.

  On 6/14/2015 at 9:47 AM, Augustus b'Raass said:

@Dragonlover, duuude! That looks wicked and so completely different from mine -awesome) You didn't glue the paws on before painting? Aren't you afraid it's too flimsy when you finally do paint it? Especially since you don't seem to have covered the glueing surface. What glue are you going to use? Also : was it a concious choice to leave the upper armour plates so straight? I believe the intent of the build sheet is that you bend it around the body with hot water). 'Straight' plates give the model a more feral look, imo, so if that's what you were going for I say cool beans! Looking forward to your finished one!

Anyway, I finished mine. Here's one pic. Way, waaay, WAAAAAAAAY more pics in this post in my showcase.

Holy Moly! Augustus that is Amazeballs!

Shocked and stunned that you did 3k worth, Steve.....AND that you vowed another 3k....Epic! Tip of my hat to ya!

Anyhow, here's a progress update on Vow #3.... One of the groups of 15 Cultists + Champ completed...



@steve: congrats on the finish, mate! You are indeed going to have to step up your game if you want to get to 15k. ;)


@Btw: thanks, buddy, and congrats on the cultist finish. They're cool models, but a lot of work and when the points count, I know from experience that they can be a little annoying to paint. :tu:

  On 6/16/2015 at 11:27 AM, Augustus b'Raass said:

@Btw: thanks, buddy, and congrats on the cultist finish. They're cool models, but a lot of work and when the points count, I know from experience that they can be a little annoying to paint. thumbsup.gif

Thanks! thumbsup.gif .....Now have another 15+champ to do blink.png ... then I can move onto the Dark Cardinal (Sorc/DA)devil.gif ....... Hoping to have them done by the end of the month (or sooner)....


Just show before photos of my Lord who just got undercaoted & leadbelcher sprayed today.  Going paint him during tomorrow








Once he done that should be vow one complete.


Then, this is more a note to myself.  If all goes to plan during Saturday, mainly convert the Knight, then my vwo two going to roughly be.

Chaos Knight errant 370pts

5 Havocs, 4 Heavy Bolter, Veteran of the Long War 120

Lord who will be from the Black Legion codex.  As said be Fallen Angel Battle brother use to be part my IW's force inspired by Cypher & the Fallen Angel from Bloodquest.


But as said that going to wait until the Knight converted, there a lot I want to get done try make this stand out & fit the siege them.

Finally finished painting my chosen today just got to base them and that'll be vow 1 complete, should have vow 2 worked out by Saturday this will hopefully be a good bit larger than the 1st just got to see what I have lying around to paint up.
Some more progress! I've now done the trim on the base Plague Marines, and filled a few rogue gaps on the joins between legs and torsos. I should've done this earlier really, but spraying really accentuated gaps that I had hoped would disappear. Laying on Raptors and base repairs done too - so moving on!

Stunning work, Aasfresser! So awesome!

Got my Dark Cardinal (sorc) and his palanquin bits base coated today.... But not gonna start on him until I plod through the next cluster of cultists... Here's a pic! (albeit not a good one sad.png )


It's progress, lol.......


Started Leadbelchering all the cables and such. I figure do that, see if anything needs further embellishment, hit the cables and chainblade feet with Nuln Oil/Tamiya Clear Red then do all the freehand. Took about 20 minutes to do a leg, so I reckon about 4 hours to do the rest of the legs and the body.




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