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+++E Tenebrae Lux IV - Realm of Chaos Strategium+++

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  On 7/13/2015 at 12:20 PM, Teetengee said:

@Bearingtheword, models look great, out of curiousity, what makes the nurgle cultists nurgly? (not to be that guy, I just want to make sure there isn't an issue with semper discounting the points from the upgrade)

Masks, boils, rust and sickly green, aged-patina'd medallions (though hard to see in the pic I admit) devil.gif

They're not zombiefied yet.....but given time, and fervent worship of the Father of Filth..... and a bullet or two to the brain.....and they may just find themselves a neverdying, shambling horde...


@Beachymike: nothing to be sorry about man. Excellent progress for you. If you finish the dread this week, you still have two left for the bastion and you contributed a very nice amount of points. :tu:


@bearingtheword: really cool completion, mate. Love those khorne cultists!!


@Kierdale: those spawn of yours... Soo, so freaky. Gives me the shivers!


@Forte: nice! Progressing very well there, buddy!


I'm home! Tomorrow will be a VERY inspired day of painting. Thanks for keeping the fire burning while I was on holidays. You guys have made my thoughts go BOoOoOM with colour schemes and tctical vowing during my hikes in the Alps. :d :tu:

  On 7/12/2015 at 7:10 PM, Beachymike123 said:

BY THE DARK GODS I am so sorry guys. I took my eye off the ball, family stuff, started a second job again blah blah. But caught up with all your vows (from 24th June!) and I gotta say I am really impressed and glad to see the Chaos forum fire up the war engines to smash home it to victory. 

So my progress:


Group shot of the Warpsmith, Slaanesh Sorceror, Dark Apostle and (counts-as) Fabius Bile. Fluff and individual pics will be in my thread soon. 

In the next few days I'll get the Dready finished, then see how time is going. 


But well done guys. Looking awesome. 


There looking cool Beachymike123.  I'm looking forward to the new models background :D


Bearingtheword - Really like the unit of Cultist useing the FW Chaos Guard models.  Sort remind me of Dawn of War style Cultist.  Also great to see Dark Apostle :D


Forté - That looking cool, really looking forward to seem the Lord all finish.  What are you doing for the head?


Just converted up the Champion for my new Havoc w/Heavy Bolter unit.  That finial two Battle Brother will be built during the weekend & ready paint next week.






Also finish painting the Fallen Angel Battle Brother, might go back add a few things for a painting comp over on facebook, enter just fun fun & looking forward to everyone else take on the Dark Angels Chaplain model.



I hereby declare Vow 2 complete!




Vow 3 will have to wait, I'm not really around the next couple of days, and whatever I vow needs spraying and stuff.



I see we lost a couple days, I blame the loyalists, hope it didn't mess up any completions.


Any way vow number 4 (pictures in the next few days I have to chaos up the guard stuff a little) after how fast the super heavies went and how well they turned out I'm feeling more armor. I'm also basically in love with the new scheme on the Knights. Wish I had picked up more from "forgeworld"


I steve shields vow to complete 3000 points of screaming demon metal (...and belakor cause he needs to go in my 2k list lol) by the end of this month or I'll paint a loyalist squad. .as loyalists -shudder-




Knight #3

3 dreads 2x missile and a lascannon guy

1 helbrute thunder hammer, fist, double heavy flamer

There is a difference between dreadnoughts and helbrutes!

3 leman russ plasma lascannon plasma sponsors

2 leman russ plasma lascannon

4 leman russ battle Cannon lascannon

2 hellhounds

  On 7/15/2015 at 3:42 PM, Forté said:

Lost less than 24hours. Well caught Argos.



  On 7/15/2015 at 2:34 PM, thamier said:

yay the forum is back up, been refeshing browser all afternoon while sorting my vow and preping models for paint


Indeed, great to be back - thanks Argos!


Given what was lost, I'll repost:


Felt obliged to offer a couple of WIP shots - the first is a bit blurry:
The second shows the majority of today's progress:
So, following their arrival the other day, it was only appropriate to investigate them:
Although I've been aware of the AK brand for awhile, I've not taken the plunge until recently. I'd been recommended their products, and so I picked up these to aid my weathering techniques and my overall collection. I have to say, I'm very impressed - of the set of six, I've only used half of them - and I'm very excited to try the 'chipping colour' in future. I'm far from an expert in these things, but even with a lot of shaking, they don't seem particularly thick of pigment - which is perfect for lighter coats and for the wet-blending that you really need for rust, and that I've tried to bring out in this. I used the two lightest shades and the 'Shadow Rust', and I think they've come out pretty perfectly in terms of what I've been looking for. For those who prefer them, they come in dropper bottles too!
Very happy overall, see what you think?


@Captain Semper: I think you missed my penance vow, here. Could you please record it in the first page? Thanks a bunch, mate!! smile.png

I'm back and finished the Gal Vorbak Spwan. More pics (of all the indivudual models in all angles) HERE in my Showcase.


And with that, I have finished my second vow!


Hope you like!

Repost of my Third Vow: 


I, Augustus b'Raass, answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX IV a third time.

I vow to complete from Codex: Chaos Space Marines and Codex: Daemons
the following Night Lords units and those they use to sow terror, 

with of total value of 456 points on or before August 1st:


10 Plaguebearers of Nurgle, with Plague banner, Istrument of Chaos, and Plagueridden (125 pts)

10 Bloodletters of Khorne, with Banner of Blood, Instrument of Chaos, and Bloodreaper ((135)

3 Plague Drones of Nurgle, with Plague Banner, Instrument of Chaos, Venom Stings, and Plaguebringer (196)

Success will bring eternal glory to me 

and to the 

47th Company of the Night Lords VIII Legiones Astartes, known as the Night's Reapers

We are kinda sorta starting to bow to the gods... but we remain terror incarnate.

Failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end.

WIP pictures:


Plague Bearers:






Plague Drones:


Because it just doesn't feel right...


I, Dragonlover, step up to the challenge of the E Tenebrae Lux for a third time. I vow to paint a Maulerfiend from Codex: Khorne Daemonkin for a total of 130 points. Failure will see my skull at the foot of the Blood God's Throne, while success will see the thinbloods and the ancients driven before us!




Lets do this!



Hey all, I finished the first unit in my third vow: the plague bearers.


More pics, with close-ups, HERE in my Showcase log. 




Hope you like. On to the Plague Drones. Damn, these models are awesome!


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