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+++E Tenebrae Lux IV - Realm of Chaos Strategium+++

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@aasgresser: beautiful, beautiful work, mate. Very inspirational. As promisrd, thanks to you Ahriman will be part of my ETL this year...


@ChaosRising: great revow, buddy!


@Eldrick Shadowblade: we just finished a major project, so things were a little slower than usual last weekend. Also, the GF was out of town this weekend, so I could paint for two days straight :tu:

I love that you got (parts of) the Yog-Sothoth invocation from The Case of Charles Dexter Ward Aasfresser. No seeker of hidden and forgotten lore would be complete without a Lovecraft reference! smile.png

HA! Awesome somebody got it! You win one thousand tentacles, good sir!

That the third Zombie Dragon skull arrive today - thanks to Biohazard for the bits.  So that going get added onto the finial Hellcannon & then undercaot the model in a few moment time.  Really looking forward painting the Knight this week.


Aasfresser - As always really like the Thasound Sons.

Thanks. I don't know if I want to vow a squad of 5 TS or a squad of 5 The Scourged Chosen. Both would be a bit to much until August 1st. Hm... have to decide this evening. 

Thousand Sons! Thousand Sons! Thousand Sons! Thousand Sons! Thousand Sons! (x200)

Thanks to Augustus subtle persuasional skills it's re-vow time.


I, Aasfresser, rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete...


  • 1 Thousand Sons Sorcerer with Mark of Tzeentch, Spell Familiar, Sigil of Corruption, Meltabombs, Forcesword, Power Sword, ML3 and VotlW ->190P
  • 1 Squad of 5 Thousand Sons with Aspiring Sorcerer with Meltabombs -> 155P


of a total value of 345 points on or before August 1st, 2015. Success will bring eternal glory to the Thousand Sons, Tzeentch and Chaos in general and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.


Before-pictures of the TS will follow.


Sanakht conversion WiP front

Sanakht conversion back


The Sorcerer will be my Sanakht conversion, that's why he has a P-Sword and a Forcesword. Hope that's Ok, otherwise I'll have to change my vow.


Edit: Added picture of the 5 TS below.


Aasfresser ETL IV 2nd Vow

Just gave you my last two vows for the day on that awesome Sorcerer. Damn, dude. You rock.


Also: how in the hell do you still have those awesome, awesome RT chaos backpacks? I can't find them anywhere!


Just as planned... Thank you very much!


You can't find them, because apparently I have all of them. ;) 

I onec got like 15 at ebay, must be 4 or 5 years ago. And I can't find more. The internets are depleted.

So my weekend went totally different to how I'd planned, and today I'm recovering from some weird fever thing. Since I can't do a lot, I'm getting more silver down on the Scorpion. Really annoying, I should have finished it already but I got distracted reading Calvin and Hobbes the other night.



 @Aasfresser: The backpack is from space crusade, right?

That's how the original CSM backpacks were back in the Realms of Chaos days. That's why Space Crusade had them.

Also, they're pretty much the coolest backpacks of all time. I'd give my left nut for a pack of them. 

Thanks to Biohazard for sending the third Zombie Dragon skull which has now been added to the finial hellcannon on the Siege knight.




This help a lot & allow me to get the knight undercaoted & get a bit painting. During the day just added the shade & for the past hour & a half chose to add some basecoat. Then tomorrow I'm going to be painting the Knight, also need to pick up a new Mephiston Red paint, also need to get Nuln Oil. I use a brand new pot of Nuln oil only to have 35% of it left


















I might also get the Dark Angels Chaplain advance order, as said to convert up a Fallen Angel Battle Brother who use to be a big part of my Iron Warriors army in 2001-2002, as said before inspired by Cypher & the Fallen Angel who led a Chaos Warband in Bloodquest comic:



Wow, that KNight is going to look awesome! 


You said before you were going to clean up the connection points between the skulls and the cannons. Is that why the skulls aren't undercoated yet - so you can still do that? Would be a shame not to, as that would mean the difference between a cool concept and an awesome execution. :tu:

Wow, that KNight is going to look awesome!

You said before you were going to clean up the connection points between the skulls and the cannons. Is that why the skulls aren't undercoated yet - so you can still do that? Would be a shame not to, as that would mean the difference between a cool concept and an awesome execution. thumbsup.gif

Just quick note - Dragon skull are base coated with Charadon Granite, just find it a good base coat for painting skulls/bone look, base on the Skull-taker painting guide from Eavy Metal a few years back.

I'll add a little bit by green stuff here & there on those parts, but not to much vs what already there, just show the trophies blend with the cannons. Sort like how you see little bit of Daemonic style obliterator flesh on the hellcannons but not to much.

Overall idea for Knight is

- Clump Foliage on the Knight engine, help with fume/toxic sort theme with the Iron Warriors home planet


- Skaven ball & chain weapon from the Screaming bell to further add to the siege them.

- Pads

+ Right: Half Iron Warrior icon from FW transfer. Other half Chaos star in style FW brass etch. Have the Unbreakable Litany

+ Left: One half yellow/black stripe. Other half FW brass etching & will have marking like Heavy Support Icon & a few number.



I, Tankus Wokus, rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete...


  • to a total value of 640 points on or before August 1st, 2015. Success will bring eternal glory to The Emperor's Children and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.





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