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+++E Tenebrae Lux IV - Astra Militarum Strategium+++

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Great to see the might of the Guard rising to the Challenge! I think IFOR stands its best chance yet to concur the Galaxy!!!



PLEASE NOTE: when you get the "before" pics PLEASE edit them (or link them)  in your initial vow post so we get everything in one place. Thanks.




Just looking at the volumes of pledges we need to go for 100% completion.

Remember, we are fighting alongside the Mechanicus, Inquisition, Grey Knights, Sororitas and Asssassionrum, so you need to take their vows into account too. The Mechanicus in particular seems quite busy this year (compared to last) including a Warlord Class God-Machine smile.png.

Thankfully they have separated figures so we can see how the Guard pulls its weight versus those other factions. :)

Cap, I'm fairly certain I know the answer to this, but I just wanted to check. Assassins are only legitimate vows if they're from someone in the Agents of the Imperium forum, right? That's because they're a Codex (albeit digital) rather than Dataslate. So anyone who has vowed for the Astra Millitarum can't vow an Assassin unless it's an Out of Competition vow.


I'm checking to make sure I'm 100% on the rules - Assassinorum: Execution Force arrived today and if I could get away with it I'd totally vow all four Assassins later on in the event :p.

I, Wulfgar76, enter the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete 1 Baneblade with a pair of sponson LC/TLHB and heavy stubber on behalf of the Emperor's Glorious Imperial Guard with a total value of 580pts on or before August 1st, 2015. Success will bring eternal glory to the Karshaki Dragoons and the Imperium of Man and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end not be tolerated. 



Vow 1


New entrants may vow until June 1st 17:00 GMT. If you haven't entered your first vow by then, you can't take part in the event.

Existing entrants (those that have already made one vow) may vow up until August 1st 17:00 GMT. You can only make a further vow if you've completed the previous one. There's a limit of 5 vows maximum and each vow can be no more than 3,000 points

The event ends on August 1st 17:00 GMT. After that any uncompleted vows are failed. If you fail one vow, you also count as having failed all your previous vows, even though they were completed.

The full rules for the event are here. If it's your first ETL I strongly recommend reading through them and asking any questions you have before vowing.

If you can't begin painting for a bit you can still make a vow then paint it later in the event. I'd suggest something small just to get yourself started (like my own mighty 50 point Commissar tongue.png). You can then expand on that if you feel like it with further vows.

Because of the way the even works, with both the points of the vow and the percentage of vows completed (for the entire faction) determining the winner, smaller vows are worth more than their points suggests. So while one complete 50 point vow might not seem like a lot, lots of completed 50 points vows will significantly increase the percentage of completed vows and in turn reduce the impact of any incomplete vows at the end of the event. So even if you just vow one model worth a small amount of points, your not just adding on those points, your adding on a percentage of points to every other completed vow.

That said, vow as much as your confident you can get painted in three months. Just make sure you split it across all five vows, so it's easier to stop without failing (if life gets in the way of your schedule) and to give the faction a better completed vow percentage.

Hope that helps and welcome to the Guard smile.png.

Can vows be made until August 1? I'm unable to begin painting for a little bit but I still want to get in on the action!

June 1st. Nothing stopping you from making a vow and starting it in July. If the Commissars ask, just mention the hazards of warp travel...

I hope everyone is busy painting :).

I've got a decent chunk of my first vow done. The face, hand and black areas are all done, the red and metal are base coated. I'll finish the red, metal and a chunk of the details tomorrow, then if all goes well finish off the rest of the details, the base and seal the model with varnish on Sunday. A bit of weathering on Monday (plus some proper photos) and my first vow will be done :).


I, Captain Sox of the Crusade of Redemption, vow to have painted for the E Tenebrae Lux IV the following: 1 Scion Command Squad, 3 Full 10 Man Scion Squads and 2 Taurox Prime Transports. Total Points will be 801 points, on or way before August 1, 2015. Failure to do so will bring shame upon my army, and cast doubt to my ability as a hobbyist and the Emperor will be very upset.


The Squads are equipped as follows:


Command: 3 Hot Shot Volley Guns, Bolt Pistol, Vox

Squad I: 2 Multi-Melta, Powerfist

Squad II: 2 Hot Shot Volley Guns, Powersword, Vox

Squad III: 2 Flamer, Powersword

2 x Taurox Prime with Taurox Gatling Cannon and Hot Shot Volley Guns.


Picture added May 5: Group photo. Will start Blog with updates and the individual units




Edited: removed Vox from 2 squads, points adjusted accordingly.

I hope everyone is busy painting smile.png.

I've got a decent chunk of my first vow done. The face, hand and black areas are all done, the red and metal are base coated. I'll finish the red, metal and a chunk of the details tomorrow, then if all goes well finish off the rest of the details, the base and seal the model with varnish on Sunday. A bit of weathering on Monday (plus some proper photos) and my first vow will be done smile.png.


Is this guy reading the line "Get lost, you can't compare with my powers!"?

I Arizonajirt rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete the following units from codex Astra Militarum of total value 3,000 on or before August 1st, 2015. Success will bring eternal glory to my various forces and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.


Vow #1


warhound titan 750

baneblade; 1 set sponsons 575

Stormsword, 1 set sponsons 535

stormlord, 1 set sponsons 530

Militarum Tempest command squad, banner, medpack, vox, plasma gun 130

DKOK Death rider command squad, death rider commisar 135

taurox prime, missile launcher 100

veteran squad, sgt w laspistol/chainsword, 3 granade launchers, vox 80

veteran squad, sgt w laspistol/chainsword, 3 flamers, vox 80

1x scout sentinel w/ Heavy flamer 35

1x armoured sentinel w/ plasma cannon 50


over the course of the following vows, the before pics on many items are very well used and need to be stripped or have a poor paint job. they will be fixed over the ETL.


wip page http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/306983-arizonajirts-etl-4-wip/



A night of feverish painting has got me most of the way through the base coat, but it still needs camo, not to mention washes, highlights, oil paints and weathering!


On track for the challenge, at least. :)

Great start Coffee. Reminds me of how much I love the Macharius chassis. I guess I know what I'm vowing for next years ETL :).

I hope everyone is busy painting smile.png.

I've got a decent chunk of my first vow done. The face, hand and black areas are all done, the red and metal are base coated. I'll finish the red, metal and a chunk of the details tomorrow, then if all goes well finish off the rest of the details, the base and seal the model with varnish on Sunday. A bit of weathering on Monday (plus some proper photos) and my first vow will be done smile.png.


Is this guy reading the line "Get lost, you can't compare with my powers!"?

Totally :).

Cap, I'm fairly certain I know the answer to this, but I just wanted to check. Assassins are only legitimate vows if they're from someone in the Agents of the Imperium forum, right? That's because they're a Codex (albeit digital) rather than Dataslate. So anyone who has vowed for the Astra Millitarum can't vow an Assassin unless it's an Out of Competition vow.

I'm checking to make sure I'm 100% on the rules - Assassinorum: Execution Force arrived today and if I could get away with it I'd totally vow all four Assassins later on in the event tongue.png.

Well, assassins (and correct me if I'm wrong) they are only available as allies to Imperial Forces - at least this is what I'm getting from the Data Slate... As you know allies are not allowed in the ETL - the only way to get them is through a compatible list so I'm afraid these are not Guard compatible. The only Codex they are in is the digital Inquisition Codex... Feel free to share views on that in case I have misread or missed something... (quite possible).

Can vows be made until August 1? I'm unable to begin painting for a little bit but I still want to get in on the action!

First vow must be made by June 1st - this denotes participation in the ETL. After you make the first vow you can do another four (a total of 5) but you can start on a new vow only after you declared completion to the previous one.

So, you guys want to hear a funny story? Here's a funny story: Ad Mech has both more participants AND more points pledged than you guys! Is there anything you care to do about that? Like, dunno... recruit some?

Welcome to captain sox and Arizona. Good luck guys! smile.png


So quick question.  In my rouge trader army list I have a skitarii detachment.  since they have their own codex, can I pladge Skitarii for the IG?


Unfortunately not. Skittarii are part of the Adeptus Mechanicus forum, so they can't be vowed for the Imperial Guard forum. This is to keep the event focused on building the community in each forum - it'd be hard to build a community team spirit if members were vowing for multiple forums. It also helps to keep the record keeping at a sane level - I imagine there's a lot already, with having to check each individual vow's points in a Codex and make sure that all upgrades are represented on the models. Imagine how much worse it would be if you had to keep track of up to five different forums for each participants vows.

No, Skitarii are part of the AdMech, not Guard. Same as Assassins belong to the Inquistion. We may be fighting under the same glorious banner but we're still separate entities.


Speaking of which, our brothers in arms in the AdMech have a fine showing of force - pledging many respectable vows. This is great, once more we will both be leading the IFOR into battle but let's not forget to remind them who does most of the fighting so I want to see plenty of Guard models getting vowed and painted ;)

I'm sure you've got plenty of Guard to be working on instead ;) If not then you'd best be heading over to the AdMech stategium to pledge there!


My Ratlings are having a good bath, so I will be seeing to them properly tomorrow. That's also when I will be attacking my super heavy to get it ready so I should be able to switch between painting and modelling to keep things fresh. Best of all the Emperor saw fit to grant us a holiday on Monday so I will be continuing work then too :D


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