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+++E Tenebrae Lux IV - Astra Militarum Strategium+++

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I will post the pictures of my most recent motivational completion at some point today. I completed my final Kasrkin Sgt. This brings my airborne corps to near completion, just 2 more valkyries are needed for the airborne formation, and a second vendetta for air support. However that is on hold, as I must focus on school and finding a job.

Finally! found time to post pictures of my minis.


First I will TRY to post them in their undercoated stage,... that is, if Photobucket ISNT giving me a hard time like it does at the moment.

I swear, the longer I that program, the worse it has become.... * grumble grumble*...





Okay, so in order to copy/paste and actually post links here, I need to use Firefox. Fair enough I guess...


Now to the finished minis:






Allright... I swear they are 'good' in photobucket AND on my computer. but :cuss, I'm off to bed now.

WIP update: Put on your full armour

Having chipped away at these quite literally the armour panels are almost done.

So, all I have to do now is the helmets, shields, banners, maybe some decals and then do the castigator counts as knight! Oh dear best be cracking on with it then.

Guardsmen we are almost at the end, and once again it is time that proves to be the real enemy! Keep pushing just that little bit further msn-wink.gif

Great to see some more old school Ratlings, well done! biggrin.png Completions are what we like seeing as Cod said. Time may be running out but you're making excellent progress there, with the armour plates done you must be over half way now?

Let's not rest on our laurels. Yes, we are the best that is true but you can only be the best by continually advancing. Look to the other, lesser, factions and see their hunger - they too want to be the best, but this we can not allow.

Impressive force you've assembled there. Is that all been done since May?


I got the Storm Scion box and vendetta in March, and the the rest of it I pretty much have done since may yes. I've had the knight since January. I'm really happy with this army. I have 1500 points of tanks I want to add, and some more chimeras, and a couple more taurox primes and 2 more valkyries, and another vendetta. BUt for now I'm going to cap this where it is so I can focus on getting better at playing them. 

Morning gents.


Earlier on in this post I gave the advice to someone that the best way to get through painter's/modeller's block was to just chip away at a project, to do a bit at a time. That's exactly what I have been doing. Assembling models has long been my least favourite part of the hobby due to the amount of cleaning that is often needed to get a model to the standard that I now strive for. It should have come as no surprise to me then, that re-visiting a project that I started six years ago would involve some element of this. However, I wasn't prepared for the amount of cleaning work I would have to do. It was like this model had been allergic to files and knives when I assembled it. Seemingly endless filing (I'm not kidding, there was tons of filling to do - mold lines on all of the tracks, every gun, all the top armour plates, all around the side sponsons and on various other details - it was like this Baneblade had never seen a file) made worse by the model being already assembled and undercoated was a chore I never want to do again, one that really tested my enthusiasm for this project. I must have originally assembled the model in a rush because I skipped so much cleaning that even six years ago I would have normally done.


On top of that I had to do repair work. The original aerials had (unsurprisingly for such flimsy plastic parts) snapped beyond repair. so new aerials needed to be made. I also needed to re-sculpt the iron sight on the pintle mount and in doing so I noticed a problem with the gunners head. I'd given him the respirator head from the Baneblade kit, but the air tubes end half way down his chest, which looked a bit silly. It wouldn't have mattered on a crewman who only had his head and shoulders outside of the hatch, but on a crewman with his entire torso outside it just didn't work, so I've sourced a new head that kept the original theme. I also had to do some repair work on various sponson guns that had either come loose or outright broken off. They're a real pain once they snap as the angles and contact points to get them back on aren't exactly easy to work with.


Finally I've done some modifications to the original kit. Most of this consists of adding pre-sculpted stowage from various sources. Tarpaulins, bed rolls, sleeping bags, back packs, folding bed, tools, ammo box for the pintle mount, duffel bags, even a fire extinguisher on the engine deck. I also sculpted sand bags which were added to the front glacis plating and added an auxiliary fuel drum complete with straps to the back. The last one is probably my favourite mod on this vehicle. The only part I skimped on was adding a tissue paper tarpaulin wrapped around the side of the turret (I also considered a medical gauze camo net wrapped around the Baneblade cannon) - I couldn't get the technique right just yet so it'll have to wait for a future project. So I'm falling slightly below my original goal for modelling the tank, but not by a huge amount.


As I write this her coat of primer is currently drying. Finally I'm onto the part I enjoy, the painting! I'm really looking forward to this because I have a load of techniques I'd like to try on her. Whether I will or not yet depends upon how quickly I get through the basic airbrushing (once again, new techniques because I almost never use my airbrush). With some luck I'll get her finished and have time to do another vow or two, but at the moment my only priority is working on this Baneblade, anything beyond that is something to consider once she's finished.

2nd Vow Complete

With this completeion....I our_baz rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete a Lord Commissar w/carapace armour, power sword and Emperors benediction from Codex: Astra Militarum of total value 90 pts on or before August 1st, 2015. Success will bring eternal glory to the regiment and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.





Thanks for the 'likes' gents, I was sure the pictures were posted upside down... smile.png

I'll probably leave my ETL-vows at this though. I cant seem to find the time or motivation to paint them. Converting/building is more my thing.

Carry on all!

So... 250pts so far this week... :no: 


Is the Guard running out of resources? Well, maybe. With the fantastic show last week, the high completion rate - especially among the first vows means that the upside is more limited that other forums/factions... Thank goodness the Mechanicum appears to be picking up! ;)



What can I say? We got bored of waiting for everyone else so decided to show them how its done. Some things never change, eh? The AdMech is pushing the production lines once more and are churning some great vows out, just got to keep this momentum up until the end smile.png

So well done Flint, your contribution has been great so take your well earned break! Keep in mind that the commissariat is not always so forgiving; normal service will be expected to resume immediately once the ETL is over...

There is a lot of great work being done across the B&C, this is shaping up to be the best ETL ever! thumbsup.gif


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