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Actually... the little bricks are 'pretend Lego' Best Lock or something like that... so I am safe from further heresy :)


I want to keep the wheels rotatable at the moment so they can be removed but I haven't thought about later... who knows? :)

I have been slaving over these APCs for most of the weekend and have got this far now:




There are more pix and some additional information over at my Blog:


Cheers :)


A little more progress:


I'm unable to carry on with these transports until some parts arrive... so I've put some more information (as well as a scale pic) on my Blog:



@Tallarn Commander - I like the idea with the chocks but in order to put them in the panier, I would need to cut a hole in the side, remove all of the interior bracing, build a stowage and then have a door that I could open and close. To do that on one vehicle would be a massive chore but to do it on all five would rip my hobby heart out so if I do put some chocks on it, they will be stowed externally :smile.:.

Edited by Inso
  • 2 weeks later...
Thanks to Ainsty Castings, I now have five shiny new turrets for the vehicles and have started to integrate them into the vehicles:




There is more info on my blog:


Part of this army is based on the Space Marine Codex (Exo Armour and Scouts)... so that will explain this odd turn of events... Captain Lysander :) :

Of course there is more stuff in my Blog about it:
  • 4 weeks later...

Next up is a standard bearer for the army command squad. He still needs a flag (and I may go back and add a bit of extra detail later) but he is basically finished:




And I have been working on something else for a friend's project:




I am working on a sniper for my army at the moment and a running body for my friend so hopefully, there should be more pix this weekend (the sniper at least) :)

Your green stuff work is amazing. Although your models themselves don't appeal that much to me (i'm just not a squat fan) i do admire your skill in modelling!


I'm looking forward to seeing those transports finished. Very curious about how they will turn out.


Keep up your good work

The transports have slowed down for now... I seem to be in a sculpting frame of mind.


I do have a very set idea or what they wll look like and now have all of the separate components that I need to finish them so they WILL be finished (it's just that I don't know when).


In the meantime... here's the third finished member of the army command squad; a sniper:



And FINALLY (WHEW!) the army command squad is finished... first the Medic and Comms:




Followed by the full squad:




I guess I should really start painting some now... but my sculpting mojo has kicked in again and I quite fancy finishing off my second Beastman Psyker now...
I thought I'd write a tiny bit of fiction to go with my army. It just explains why certain aspects of the army are like they are... anyway... here it is:



It also gives a little bit of a precursor to what my veteran Tyranid hunters will look like :) .

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